Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 27, 2014

This jerk of a mogul and sometime reality star was at an event this week with his wife and and cut her off every time she tried to speak and told her to just sit there and look pretty.

Donald Trump


david said...

He's an entitled old white guy which is prefect for the Republican Party.
I am surprised he has banned Fox News! Only old people watch that network.

TopperMadison said...

So what? He bought and paid for her. He can do what he wants with his property.

Kno Won Uno said...

I agree - this is exactly what she signed on for.

NoWhining said...

It always amuses me when people marry a pretty / no brain combo. They don't get smarter after marriage. And sooner or later, you have to talk to them. Granted, Trump is no prize either. Jerk before marriage usually means bigger jerk after marriage.

glly said...

Now look, I don't know much about her...but maybe she IS straight up dumb.

Itchycat said...

Trump is an old goat, fat and bloated, in both body and speech.
The wife's from the old country, so what he says probably goes.

And-so-on.. said...

Trump says she is the best decision and wife, and helped him with her patience and calm so, he finally grew up..; quotes her opinion and calls her smart, honest.. maybe this was a tricky situation. She was prevented from embarrassment with him stopping her from getting involved.

Slang King said...

People with no self-respect are the reason why assholes aren't sad and lonely.


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