Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blind Item #5

The girlfriend of this foreign born former A list mostly movie actor, who is probably still A- list and just out of a long term, high-profile marriage is pressuring the actor to have a baby with her. She can wait on marriage but he says asks her about a baby almost every single day.


Ibebackyo said...

Banderas has a new baby right

Kno Won Uno said...

"...but he says asks her about a baby.." I can't even.

Me said...

So they are pressing each other to have a baby?

Whywhywhy??? said...

Enty, too much vodka in your coffee. Go back and re-write this one.

medley said...

a lot of people think of babies as customized handbags.

these people should be taken out back and shot so their genes can't continue.

youknowho said...

Banderas, keep your di**y well protected in your trousers so you can spear your future sons of pulling your dentures at night time.. common..gran grandfather with another son?

Wendy said...

Banderas doesn't have a baby, could be him.


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