Thursday, November 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 10, 2015

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor, who is all about his action franchise has been trying to cover for his aging appearance by using botox for the first time. There is also the mini-facelift procedure. It all makes him look so different from what we have grown to expect. It is almost more jarring than how quickly he seems to have become old.

Liam Neeson


Kno Won Uno said...

So....botox makes you look like you have metastatic prostate cancer. Whew - I dodged a bullet!

SnJ said...

He lost a lot of weight this year and that seems to have aged him quite a bit. Also, didn't we hear something about him being sick, or am I thinking of someone else?

snitty said...

you shut your mouth, Enty. Love Liam and he can do no wrong. Plus you give him shit for aging while in the same sentence you give him shit for trying to look better. Save that for people who suck.

Kno Won Uno said...

He gives people shit for drinking while claiming to consume large quantities of distilled spirits, so he's got some issues with hypocrisy.

medley said...

wait enty, that blind about him having prostate cancer wasnt legit?

Murphy said...

Well jeez Enty-his wife (whom he actually liked) died, cut him some slack.

Ibebackyo said...

Didn't he quit drinking because it made him get to tickly with the little twinks though

WHAT? said...

I read elsewhere that the real reason for his sudden aging is CHEMO. Apparently he has prostate cancer. So shut up.

EllyMuch said...

Ryan Gosling... If it weren't for the mostly action movie franchise. I'd think it was him. His face has been looking a bit "older" or different lately... To Ken doll ish to me.

Celebrity Blind Item: Who Is Relying On Botox To Hide His Aging? | CZAAL said...

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