Saturday, December 31, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 21, 2016

Our favorite annoying former tweener actress turned singer had a procedure done to her eyes so they would look more smoky and less wide eyed innocent. I just think she wanted the procedure done so it would be harder to see the whites of her eyes or tell if her pupils are dilated.

Ariana Grande


Mop top said...

I just can't with this girl.

French girl said...

She has brown/dark eyes color so it is a no-sense

Derek Harvey said...

I dont believe this one-You dont go to the surgeon and say "can I get a smoky eye"-you go to the cosmetic counter or make-up artist.

Guesser said...

She's had so much plastic surgery the only thing original is the dimple. I think she might have an addiction to it.

Guesser said...

You arer right,@Derek Harvey, JLo and Taylor Swift do smokey eyes and don't have it naturally or with surgery. Although JLo is starting to get that needs glasses or constipated look.

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Probably that permanent make up. I know several people with it and it looks terrible

AddisonDeWitt said...

No, that's her "go-to" pose: Stare at the camera, squint your eyes, slightly open your mouth. It's the same face my cat makes when he smells something foul.

I ate my own head said...

I wish all her hair would fall out so I don't have to see that stupid pony tail anymore. Her tail flipping grates on my last raw nerve.

T said...

It's stuff like this that makes me die laughing when she starts to complain about being objectified. Give me a break if she didn't want to be objectified she'd wear more than glorified bathing suit on stage. She wants that attention, seeks it, then complains when she has it. *eye roll*

GoTrollUrSelf said...

They talked about this on LSA. She had her eyes narrowed because her wide-eyed look made her look too young. Side-by-side pics are pretty clear.
She'll regret it when she's 30 and wants to look younger. She's such a dumbass.

Guesser said...

I thought she liked looking like an underaged hooker? That look is getting old though, maybe she wants a new image.


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