Sunday, January 01, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 1, 2016

There was this now deceased former A list singer who had two women alternating orally servicing him while he he carefully lit his spoonful of heroin, drew it into a needle and found a vein. He timed it so he reached orgasm at the same time the drug went into his arm.

Scott Weiland


TiggyTea said...

Guessing it takes a lot of "practice" to time it right



D Hizzle said...

I would like to get nailed but my THONG is always wedged into my butt blocking any entry

Tom said...

Don't get it..really don't
You achieve rock stardom or make it as an actress in Hollywood
One in a million chance
You can fly off to Tahiti or Maui or go skiing in aspen at a moments notice
Go out with any one and what do you doL
Become enslaved to a flower or seed or powder
Drugs are whack

TheCousinEddy said...

Drugs are whack, Tom, but the reason they are abused by these musicians, stars, and celebrities is because of their ease of availability and the fact that a lot of these folks use them as a "coping mechanism".

Many of these "stars" aren't prepared for everything that "fame" entails and aren't ready for being in the public eye 24/7. Many also have other problems or issues in their lives that they have shoved into some deep dark closet.

The drugs, the alcohol, the sex becomes their way of coping or numbing everything. The problem is the addiction factor. What starts as recreational use becomes habit. Your mind and body craves more and it take more to reach the same desired effect.
They become so dependent that their minds and bodies literally cannot function without the chemicals and most end up in a downward spiral. The lucky ones get help or have friends and family that force them to get help.

There's a great line from Guns-N-Roses' song Mr. Brownstone that sums it up perfectly: "I used to do a little but a little wasn't doing so a little got more and more; I I just keep trying to get a little better, a little better than before."

Too many talented lives have been flushed down the drain and too many more will follow all because the public craves entertainment and the machine keeps on churning it out.

Jessica said...

I saw him on his last tour, it was obvious he was using again.


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