Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blind Item #8

This actress turned reality star is also a momager and blasted one of her children for not taking modeling seriously because the teen decided to eat a meal within 24 hours of an upcoming modeling gig.


Guessing said...

Cake-crumb-eating Yolanda.

Ms. Anne Thrope said...


Guessing said...

I guess she's not an actress...change my guess to Rina.

Sunshine Daydream said...

Lisa Rinna and one of her daughters....

jack said...

Lisa Rinna

Tricia13 said...

Yep her daughter Delilah,I think ,just walked in the TH show

Laura Ramona said...

Rinna.. she makes fat shaming remarks in front of the camera..

MontanaMarriott said...

Kim Richards alluded and I believe several of the other housewives too that Rinna has an eating disorder as in barely eats just pops pills.

WastingMyTime said...

Obviously Lisa Rinna, not even a blind. Daughter walked in Prom Designer's show. Sad to see her practicing cat walking down a hotel hallway behind her daughter on RHOBH in the SAME OUTFIT. Eat Lisa. You deserve it!

MissBitch said...


candy said...

Who decided all of a sudden that celebuspawns were the new supermodels?
Every time Hollywood decides to fill a new niche with celebuspawns, the quality of whatever they are trying to do falls into the basement and people who can actually act, walk a runway, sing, etc... get a raw deal.
Not only that, little miss celebuspawn/Rinna above, who may not be a naturally stick-thin person, gets pushed into a case of anorexia that, no doubt, she could have done without.
So it's win-win for everybody! /s

GoTrollUrSelf said...

It's disgusting. I don't care about these spawn.

david said...

i didn't realize that in order to take "modeling seriously" you had to starve yourself.
Oh, well, I guess modeling isn't important to me.

Just so everyone knows: I can't model on an empty stomach.

Alistdiva said...

And if her daughter passes out in the middle of walking down the runway or ends up with an eating disorder who will big lips blame then?!

RenShaw said...

@Candy, I was going to say the same thing. Modeling has been the 'go to career' for kids of celebs. It's nepotism and that requires no education or hard work other than starving yourself. The parents know the kids have no other aspirations or motivation and certainly college or even finishing HS is not in their radar. If they don't have height or are naturally slender, it usually does not last unless they have a nice face for cosmetic jobs. I see no future in that for Sofia Ritchie.

candy said...

Sofia Ritchie: 5' 6"
the little Rinna girl: 5'7"
Not meant to be models.

What I don't get is this: Why don't these celebs want their kids to be well-rounded, educated individuals? I have a daughter and, even if I was worth hundreds of millions and she never had to work a day in her life, I would make sure she went to University.

Not to mention the kinds of scumbags that these underage kids come into contact with while working in "the business".
Do they really want their kids to end up as know-nothing, scuzzy burnouts?

CheeseFries said...

Rinna for sure. She wouldn't have a career if she didn't get a lip job and sleep with soap execs. Her poor daughter, hope she gets away from her and has a normal, well adjusted life.

Jennifer said...

Off topic How annoying is Eden Sassoon? And Dorit?

Tricia13 said...

@jennifer-I barely watch the BH broads anymore because they are like watching paint dry!(except Erica Jayne whom is real AF and fabulous):Kyle is waaaay to try hard,Lisa Vs I ate bitchy/snob is old and boring.... and Eden makes me want to pour quicksand over my head to not have to hear or see or self important,needy,narcissistic ass...I like Dorit. not at first,but I do-- good mom and pretty direct and honest

persiaa said...

Extremely. She bugs me so much more than Dorrit the twit.

information desk said...

@candy bc Celeb spawn get more press attention and sm followers for the brand
Eden sassoon is a self diagnosing creep with too much money no life
Dorit is a stepford snowflake who is boring and vapid af


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