Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Charlie Sheen Says He Knows Other HIV+ Stars

Charlie Sheen told “The Kyle and Jackie O Show” on Wednesday that he knows of other celebrities who are HIV positive but won’t speak out.

Host Jackie O asked him, “Do you think there are more people in Hollywood that have HIV that wouldn't dare come out and say it like you did?”

Sheen replied, “There are, and I know who they are, but I will take that to my grave.”

The 51-year-old revealed in 2015 that he was HIV positive. During his chat with Kyle and Jackie O, he also blasted his ex-“Two and a Half Men” co-star Jenny McCarthy for comments she made about her contact with him on set after he revealed his HIV status.

He said McCarthy spoke too soon when he “came out with the HIV s--t”.

“ ... She’s like, ‘I kissed him! I touched him!’ And I was like, ‘B--ch! Your math sucks, I didn’t have it then!’”

During Wednesday’s interview, Sheen also raved about the “miracle drug” he is on to keep him healthy.

He said as a result he is “safer” than many people in Hollywood who are having sex.


JustReading said...

Well good, because it's not up to you to share anyone else's health information, jerk. He has no way of knowing if they're having protected sex or if their partners are positive too. None of his damned business.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Thank you. I was just going to say the same thing.

Salaam said...

He's going around acting like such a martyr for the HIV cause - the a++hole never would have disclosed he was infected if he hadn't been forced to by way of blackmail. I hate these type of sanctimonious s+++heads who think everyone forgets the facts.

dianavonthirstybird said...

Put a list of famous Rappers on a wall and throw a dart at it. You can pretty much be assured whichever name you hit will be HIV+. I can think of two right now, and they are blisteringly hot. And very controversial!

Zilla1 said...

He was *asked about it and was answering a question*, he wasn't bragging about his secret keeping skills.

Hortensia said...

Did Sheen just say that he continues to have sex, but with the Rx drugs, he's safer than the rest of the population? He's still got what they call in the counseling industry "stinkin thinkin."

Melissa said...

Trust Kyle and Jackie to ask...

Frank Reynolds said...

P to the R to the e then P

Whatever said...

Idiot. I think everyone should be forced to tell. People are hiding the hiv and we'll never rid the world of aids if we don't bring it into the light. Think of the millions of lives would be healthy if every aids or hiv patient was forced to wear a red bracelet? Millions would be saved... millions. Including children and house wives would not be at risk


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