Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 14, 2018

The PR team of this oft troubled A-/B+ list actress who is a former A lister from multiple hit network shows is trying to get her work. No one wants to hire the actress so the team is leaking a bunch of feel god stories to try and get producers interested again.

Heather Locklear


J said...

But she's not very pretty now.

sandybrook said...

Ex goddesses in their 50s rarely get work and non-clean ones get nothing.

Brayson87 said...

I'm surprised she has a PR team at this point.

J said...

Well, there's always yachting.

Unknown said...

@Brayson87, that's what I was thinking: how can you afford a PR team when you can't get work? Just goes to show these people always have money or resources they can call on, no matter how far they fall.

It's always weird when you look up pictures of someone without specifying a year, because you get them all jumbled together. There are the older pictures where she's blazing hot, like holy-cow-I'd-forgotten-how-hot-she-was hot. Then you see the scary, dead-eyed mug shots. Then you see the ones where she looks like she got stung by a bee and her face swelled up to twice normal size.

Unknown said...

Heather is way too old to yacht. Even Arabs draw the line at boxing the virgine of a senior citizen, well Ok maybe not, but they wouldn't pay for it. Who ever her PR team are they're doing a good job. her going to the AA meeting was all over the press. Won't make any difference though, she's not known for her acting ability, she's known because she was an A grade piece of ass back in the day. People look at her now and think 'oh no she's old as fuck with a bad face lift'. No one wants to see that on TV.

Jon said...

Heather Locklear is friggin' Heather Locklear. She will always be beloved. None of you fly over state Debbie downers will ever have an ounce of her beauty or talent.

Brayson87 said...

@Cail, yes who knows, maybe a rainy day fund, good girls save their pennies but bad girls save their dollar bills.

My other thought was, her PR team, given the bang up job they've done so far maybe she should try someone new.

Count Jerkula said...

Old, crazy and pilled up is not good on any actresses resume.

plot said...

Heather could find something, if only regular gigs on Hallmark.

The PR team might be working on commission only.

VikingSong said...
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DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Her picture in the DM has her looking rather worn out.

So glad I never got addicted to drugs.

My worn out look is just from growing old.

PS: At my Doc visit today, she said I was the healthiest 62 year old patient she's ever had.
Then, she booted me out the door with a 'See you in six months!'

I guess they don't make much money on healthy patients!


J said...

Didn't know Marin was considered flyover.

But kudos, Jon. Someone's gotta stand up for hags.

Thonker said...

Maybe she'll pull a wynona ryder and gets hired by netflix in 10 years

Sharon Mitchell said...

Or Lifetime.

nancer said...

why can't heather follow the cheryl ladd model? she wasn't much of an actress either but she's gotten work and is still getting work, and she's 66.
if heather would get her shit together, she'd get work.

cece said...

I don't know...Cheryl Ladd is still attractive; Heather has had some bad work done and looks nothing like her old self. It's rather disturbing.

Brayson87 said...

Never understood the contempt for "fly over state" people, they're some of the kindest folks you'd ever meet.

Count Jerkula said...

@david Howes, every whore tells me how big my cock is and how they had so much fun they cant wait to see me again. All lies, except maybe for the 2 who offered a price break on a repeat.

J said...

I always liked the way H.W. Mencken talked about "Freshwater Universities" though.

OKay said...

@Jon Her beauty has faded (and she's destroyed what was left between the drugs and all the work she's had done), and she never really had that much talent to begin with. Get your head out of the 80s, okay?

papaya said...

Lol! Exactly!

Mango said...

Is Heather willing to play mature/mom roles? Some actresses just can’t except that they can’t play ingenues forever.

rednoir said...

I met Heather Locklear while working the 2005 teen dramedy The Perfect Man, a Hilary Duff vehicle. She was so small, she could have been a midget, but so was Duff. Looked like mother/daughter.Anyway she seemed nice for the 3 seconds she acknowledged me.


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