Monday, May 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 24, 2018

Apparently everything was great the first weekend, but this previous weekend, this permanent A+ list singer was introduced to the significant other of a band member and he said something which made our singer not want him there. That turned into an epic meltdown battle and I think that band member is going to be replaced like so many others before her.



Unknown said...

i call BS
you cant replace michelle on a REUNION performance.
maybe if they did a new album, but this doesnt even make sense?

longtimereader said...

Michelle's new pastor hubby/beard?

Blhj said...
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Blhj said...

Nah, I don't believe this one. If it's about Michelle, she introduced her man to Bey months ago & there's no way she'd be replaced in the group for a one-weekend performance. They're not reuniting so I call BS on this blind.

J said...

Again, don't mention her thighs.

She hates that... like how Hellboy hates people staring at his horns in disbelief.

Thonker said...

"Band member" sounds like someone playing an instrument not like michelle or kelly lmao

Unknown said...

Interesting because Michelle's future hubby is a Trump supporter

Brayson87 said...

Some people just don't know when to STFU. Uh your girl is getting a nice gig with Beyonce, how about you STFU, nobody cares what you think.

Spudmonkey said...

"Some people just don't know when to STFU", yet, you continue to post...

Poppymann said...

Maybe she's got the heavy hand like James Brown. Motherfucker don't hit the beat right, motherfucker takes a walk!


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