Saturday, June 15, 2019

Blind Item #1

This former A-/B+ list actress faked a serious illness in high school, so people from her past have been skeptical about her latest serious illness. When a person from her past randomly ran into the actress performing an activity which she implies is impossible and then posted the photo of it to Facebook, the actress freaked out. She is making bank off this illness, and persuaded her back in the day friend to remove it before anyone noticed. Oh, people noticed.


Tricia13 said...

Selma Blair?

earlybird2 said...

Throwing Lena Dunham out there

Krab said...

I know it doesn't fit but that's how I feel about Lady Gaga and her "fibromyalgia"

Do Tell said...

Just throw Lena Dunham out, period.

Dane said...

For the Selma Blair guess, as someone with MS you do have a few days where you can do the things you normally can’t. They are rare, but it does happen. I do not think she is faking. She may very well have a substance abuse problem because you are in pain every day. Some people can’t cowboy up with pain. It really does suck a bag of dicks.

Troy Dyer said...

I saw the interview with Selma, and I don’t think she is faking. I’m gonna go with another MS’er though: Jamie Lynn Sigler

yepthatsme said...

Well, I will just say this! If the Scatman can do it so can we! Ski Ba Bp Da Dop Bop! R.I.P!

Vita said...

Jamie Lynn is an interesting guess! MS can have widely varying degrees, so she shouldnt be compared to Selma.

I have no clue, but could she be the chronically ill actress that was someone's hook up in the blind from the other day?

Hanniam said...

Krab: like MS, fibro also goes through flares and remissions. And what you might see are the few good hours out of an entire otherwise non-functional day/week/month.

Invisible illnesses suck. I get the odd round of prairie pies out of complete strangers when they see me and my (service) dog get out of the car in a disabled parking space. What they don’t see is me barely making it back to the car with a fast moving flare up after my dog alerts me and then passing out in the driver’s seat.

Before my dog, and before my disabled plates, getting back to the car at all could take a very long time if I missed the early signs, and I’d have to rest at every opportunity along the way. But I still LOOK completely normal. And so does Dog.

Can we please stop doubting everyone we dislike who has an invisible illness yet?

Unknown said...

my husband has m.s
medicine doesn’t know enough about it & it’s wiiiiiiild
treatment is a pill or infusion & the rest is about keeping the person with m.s chill & void of infection (colds, teeth stuff & well, infection)
I just want to say EAT A BAG OF TURD to anybody giving people with m.s any gruff.

I love this blog y’all...

Flashy Vic said...

Yeah I know two close friends with MS, which is freaky enough in itself, with one it's thankfully- which isn't quite the right term, but it been almost thirty years before it's taken enough of a toll to impact significantly on his life and is now sadly accelerating. And with the other he's debilitated withi three or four years. It's freaky and scary.

JL said...

You have my empathy Dane. Admire that you are a cowboy.

Aquagirl said...

Krab: whatever your feelings are about GaGa, your bitchiness is really showing by putting ‘fibromyalgia’ in quotes. I believe that GaGa does have it. I have a close friend who has it and some days she’s perfectly fine and other days she’s in excruciating pain. I feel sorry for anyone who has any type of disease that’s not ‘visible’ and has to deal with people who doubt them (as if the disease isn’t painful enough.)

emeraldcity said...

@Aquagirl, I have a friend with fibromyalgia, a naturopath recomended she try a homeopathic remedy called 'Rhus Tox' which she said has helped her a lot, reduced the number of flare ups and less painful when they do happen. You might want to mention it to your friend , it could be of help to her as well. You can buy the drops or tablets on line without a precription if she doesn't have access to a homeopath/naturopathic store.

HouellebecqGurl said...

Probably supposed to be Blair but I like the Gaga guess.

Aquagirl said...

GaGa is not a former actress.

Aquagirl said...

Thanks, @EmeraldCity. I’ll mention that to her.

Kansa said...

Yeah, fibro sucks. I've been diagnosed with it for 20+ years, and I live in a country whose doctors just accepted it as a diagnosis about 5 years ago. I returned home from a very active vacation in Hawaii, had a great time. And then, I found that I couldn't do things I normally did, because I was so exhausted. I thought it was jetlag or maybe the flu (although I didn't have any other symptoms). I used to love doing 5 miles per day on my treadmill, had done it for years. I couldn't even do a mile. I went from waking at 06:00 am to still being exhausted at 09:00 am. And laying in bed a lot, awake, but unable to move or sleep. It has now advanced to the everyday pain level plus exhaustion, plus memory issues because of the lack of sleep (which made learning French take much longer than any of my other languages, and made me decide that five languages were enough when my plans were to learn a couple more). Just because someone has a few hours in which they can make it through their commitments, or even do something energetic, does not mean that they don't pay for it later. I'm hoping for a cure. Here's to all the people with invisible illnesses. I hope for a cure for you, too.

Randaleese said...

Thank you!!


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