Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Your Turn

The movie you were most excited to see.


MyDogSmiles said...

Jaws 3D as a kid. Now we know that was a mistake :(

sandybrook said...

Original Jaws waited on line for 3 hours to get into the packed theater. For the first Saturday night late showing.

Brayson87 said...

I kind of think it was probably The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, never thought they'd make those books into decent movies.

Gator said...

The first Batman movie

Do Tell said...

I'm always excited when they turn a book I really, really loved into a movie, but it is often a disappointed.

"Perfume, Story of a Murderer," incredible book. Not so great movie.

"The Alienist" unforgettable book, took decades tp bring it to the screen and then as a miniseries. I stopped watching after the first episode. The casting was disappointing to me.

"A Series of Unfortunate Events," highly entertaining book, highly entertaining movie.

I've liked most of the initial adaptations of Stephen King's books. Strangely, when he steps in and there is a second adaptation, made the way he wants it, it always is a major let down to me. See: "The Shining" TV remake, "It" big screen remake.

Do Tell said...


James Howlett said...

Perfume is a great book. Cobain talked about it in an interview, and I had to read it.

Freckles said...

The Exorcist

Farmgirl said...

Private Parts

Do Tell said...

YES! Private Parts is a good one. I was in school for broadcasting when that came out. Such a good movie.

Do Tell said...

@James, yes, Nirvana wrote "Scentless Apprentice" about the main character.

Robyn S said...

Sadly, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

Blade Runner!

I was a big fan of Philip K. Dick in high school and this movie had me psyched! And the novel was reissued just before the movie came out!

If they ever do Ubik or Stigmata I am so there!

The last really good PKD movie was Radio Free Albemuth.

The best uncredited PKD movie is Network

LaurenMaye said...

None as an adult. As a kid it was Old Yeller and Mary Poppins.

Mooney said...

First Jurassic park.

Me said...

Star Wars. I was 10 at the time. We had two two-screen theaters in town. The line for the movie wrapped around an entire mall. One of my older brothers caught the flick first and stood in line with me for hours to see the show.

That movie stayed in the theater for almost a year. It was a very large theater also. Probably 5 times the amount of seats in comparison to today's theaters.

Bonnie said...

Terminator 2 - ended up going to a drive in to see it (lived in the remote country in South Australia far away from cinemas)and had to sit through Blue Lagoon 2 before it played.

Aquagirl said...

I remember really wanting to see ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ because it was Kubrick. I actually went on opening day in the afternoon. (I took the day off.) Then that evening I went to a Yankee game. Quite a juxtaposition of events. 😂

Right now I want to see Mystify: Michael Hutchence.

Vita said...

Probably of all time, and length of anticipation, The Empire Strikes Back

Lisa said...

The Dark Knight

Captain America The Winter Soldier

Infinity War

Return of the King

None of them disappointed, thank goodness!

Farmgirl said...

It is the only movie that excited me as an adult. Now I am too jaded to give a shit.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

"Star Wars A New Hope"

Yes. Showing my age here.

Saw it twice.

(It made me think I could be a filmmaker, too!)

Trapped said...

Hardy boys mysterys

Valerie said...

Godfather 3 - what a disappointment.

Coffee Bean said...

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World. Since it was in glorious color and the theater was the first time I had access to an air conditioned room. This was not in the States and quite a few years after US release.
1963 release? Damn, thought the movie was the second best thing after the Moon landing.
Seen it again a few decades ago and all I thought about was Air Conditioners are more valuable than a man on the moon.

Town Pump said...

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
I was as excited as a kid before Christmas.

V said...

It's always gratifying for me to hear that other people really liked Perfume, just as it is to hear that others like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Living in South Carolina, I don't run across people with my kind of taste very often.

Now for some real talk: the movie I was most excited for was probably Tron: Legacy. Although right now I'm very eager for Bill and Ted 3...

Eowyn said...

"Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and the two LOTR to follow.

Brayson87 said...

+1 V, Tron: Legacy was a beautiful movie, I want to live in neon world ;)

Debutante said...

Private Parts

zerooptions said...

Month Python - Life of Brian

LouiseBelcher said...

Stood in line, in the rain, for 2 hours to see Star Wars A New Hope when it opened (Memorial weekend in '77 if I remember correctly).
Then a few months later, Close Encounters right before Thanksgiving that same year.

Honey Bunny said...

Star Trek: First Contact.
Went to a midnight show and it was packed. Guy next to me smelled like he hadn't had a bath in weeks.

fairylights said...

Return of the Jedi....yes I am old! A friend and I slept on the sidewalk with a bunch of other devoted fans to get a ticket for the first showing. That was long before they did midnight showings!

ureallyannoyme said...

Terminator 2. This was back before everyone had the internet so no one in our rural area knew it was even being filmed until we saw the Coming Attractions. All he said was “I’m back” and the whole theater erupted in screams. And the film was excellent to boot!

SarcasticBimbo said...

Back in the day, all the Star Wars movies, episodes 4-6. I won tix to the opening of Jedi, but my high school graduation was the same night and I just wanted to skip it but my mom made me go graduate instead. I gave the tix to my brothers.

Present day, Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. And they did not disappoint. I think Marvel does so much better with their movies than DC. The DC shows on the CW are great but their movies suck, in their current iteration, at least.

jedi757 said...

A Hard Days Night

Kikibunny said...

bram stokers dracula xmas eve manns chinese theater...ther were 10 people in the audience, when the lights went on there was my great friend in from toronto who i had lost contact with!..also Lost Boys at the egyptian theater on hwood blvd was incredibly exciting!

Keith said...

The Phantom Menace. What. A. Huge. Disappointment.

Lissette said...

Star Wars

momo said...

Stop Making Sense. We took really good LSD and saw it at an awesome old theater in New Orleans. It was a long walk in the oak tress literally to get there! I have probably watched it a hundred times since then. It's so good and very well done. I love Jonathan Demme. He did some interesting stuff with Spalding Grey in Swimming to Cambodia. I thought he did another one with him but I don't see it in the list of his work.

Mischief Girl said...

Several years ago I was very excited to hear James Cameron was going to remake Fantastic Voyage. I loved the original, and I was excited to see what Cameron could do with the movie in this day and age of special effects. But I guess it's stuck in Hollywood development hell, because I never heard anything more about it.

OKay said...

It surprised me how much I looked forward to Endgame. I honestly can't think of another one. I look forward to a lot of movies, but not many excite me.

Anonymous said...

The Mummy with Brendan Frasier. Steel Magnolias was another movie I couldn't wait to see. It had great casting. Love those ladies- Shirley MacLaine, Dolly Parton, Sally Field, and Olivia Dukakis.

GentleBreeze said...

Jurassic Park. Those sound waves (or whatever) in the water before the T-Rex came scared the shit out of me.

rednoir said...

Pulp Fiction

BRAD PITT said...

the dark knight 2008

Melissa MM said...

Episode 1: The Phantom menace, and I loved it! I was so young and naive XD
X-files: fight the future,but it was a great dissapointment, hated the plot.
Avengers Infinity war and Endgame, both were awesome.
I can wait to see the remake of Dune,

Melissa MM said...

* I can't wait to see the remake of Dune, this is one of my favorite books ever.


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