Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 9, 2019

Drugs and guys willing to pay for her sexual services is why this former celebrity turned very brief reality star feels obligated to her actor ex unlike some of his other exes.

Brooke Mueller


Vita said...

Im not clear...charlie is providing Brooke with drugs and paying her for sex? He's giving her contacts for both? Egads, he has more perspective than the average bear, you'd hope enabler wouldn't be the role he'd pick.

Hotbox said...

How is that gross bitch still alive? Their poor boys. Imagine having those two for parents.

Freckles said...

So this is saying Charlie is her pimp and dealer?

pickyvegetarian said...


Skipperino said...

Those kids have nothing. Zip. Zippo. Poor little guys.


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