Sunday, July 04, 2021

Blind Items Revealed #17

March 23, 2021

There are two versions to the story, depending who you ask. The version told by this foreign born permanent A+ list model is that she was tired of being with her partner. He was and is very rich, but also very much an a-hole and would abuse her verbally nearly every day. He liked to make her feel like crap. She put up with it for several years and needed to move on, no matter how much he was giving her. She wanted to be able to come back if needed, so didn't want to do the breaking up. So, she invited this foreign born permanent A+ list model/producer/host to join in on a threesome. She knew the a-hole would love the threesome partner and she was right and was able to walk away very easily. 

The other version of events is that the foreign born permanent A+ list model found out she was being cheated on when the foreign born permanent A+ list model/producer/host announced she was pregnant.

Naomi Campbell/Flavio Briatore/Heidi Klum

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