Monday, January 11, 2010

Mel Gibson Has Been Sober For 3 Years And Feels Sorry For Tiger Woods

Mel Gibson gave an interview to the Daily Mail. As you know I love the Daily Mail, but most celebrities shy away from it. He must really want his new movie to do well and is giving interviews to everyone. Hell, I here he has shirts he hands out that say, "I got your sugar tits right here." No, not true, but it would be slightly humorous if he did.

Oh, before I get into the interview he gave did you see that he bribed Mexican officials with some kind of $1M grant or something and got them to move thousands of prisoners from a jail to another jail so he could make his latest movie? Over the weekend it happened and the prisoners were moved to a jail that was really far away so their families couldn't visit. Why? So, Mel could make a movie.

Anyway, back to the interview. In it, Mel says he feels sorry for Tiger Woods. He says that Tiger is being used as a distraction so people don't focus on the war in Afghanistan.

"I feel sorry for Tiger Woods. Why are we talking about this when we're sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan? You've got this history-changing event going on and we're talking about Tiger's private life and golf injuries. He's being used as a diversion and it just drives me crazy."

Uh huh. So, let me get this straight. Back when Tiger got married, the government knew it would need a distraction sometime down the road so started lining up women who agreed to have sex with Tiger Woods and the government fed his sexual appetite and made him write all those fantasies he has about Derek Jeter. Then, right when the war is taken up a notch, they have their secret agent Elin who they recruited for this also smash Tiger's car and face with a golf club. It's brilliant. Mel, I don't know how you managed to uncover it, but it is brilliant.

It is especially brilliant considering he says he isn't drinking anymore. "It's been three-and-a-half years now (without alcohol). It's cool. But I put some time together before that - one time it was eight years, one time it was five years. I have to be vigilant about these things or it will creep back in."

Well, I don't believe him at all but you can choose to if you want. He also says that he effed up his marriage. No kidding. Being an ass and having sex with ugly Russian singers will do that to a marriage. It is a REALLY long interview. I got tired of his sanctimonious crap pretty early on, but stuck it out for all of you. I also couldn't use any of their pictures. They were too flattering and he doesn't deserve to be flattered.


Unknown said...

He's an ass, but I do see his point (sorta). There are more important things to devote time to than talking about Tiger Woods. Ironic comment to make on a celeb blog, but...

skeeball said...

Mel Gibson is the definition of a narcissist tool! Always so self aware when he has a movie to promote.

MnGddess said...

Not that I promote violence or anything, but could someone run himover? Or maybe he could just plow himself into a tree. Better for everyone involved, including all his sons. One of the crappiest role models on this planet.

And I hope his movie makes NEGATIVE dollars..

My daughter's home from school and she's watching DeGrassi. Someone shoot me.

Karmen said...

"They were too flattering and he doesn't deserve to be flattered."


Anonymous said...

is he still with the baby-mama? I thought I read somewhere that they weren't spending too much time together since the baby was born and now with admissions that he was the one who f***ed up the marriage, sounds like maybe he has regrets about the marriage ending? Also, totally think he's still drinking.

notachance said...

I would have to agree with Mel, the media focuses on shit that don't matter all the time instead of reporting real news - LIKE the Afghanistan thing.

The media is so afraid of stepping on political toes anymore that they have lapsed into nothing more than a glorified tabloid.

Heather said...

I used to like him. *shakes head*

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Oh, Mel. You're so dumb. As if Tiger Woods superceedes the troop surge in Afghanistan, or the Health care Reform, or American national security. Mel should stop reading radar and start reading the Economist. Trust me, Tiger Woods isn't in there.

Ms Cool said...

Hey Mel, deal with it like a man? Like not fooling around with your wife and mother over a dozen of your kids? Like making a complete ass of yourself when drunk? Like not spending time with your new baby? Such a great example of a man.

It is a shame as I used to thank he was so handsome a enjoyed his movies. Now I can see nothing but the ugliness underneath it all.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


You must have sipped on the same Kool-aid as Mel.

ballyhoo. said...

why was HE talking about tiger woods? i am not going to read the interview because i value my time and am quite involved with an enchilada at the moment, but did the interviewer ask him about tiger and if so, WHY? the two don't seem to have anything to do with one another so it would seem that mel is using tiger's story to get his interview in the press.

BigMama said...

awww Ent, I can feel the love all the way over here

Cecilia00 said...

Off topic, But I am waiting for Enty to sound off on John Gosselin's new rich girlfriend. I can not believe he found some chick.

Katy said...

"Hell, I here he has shirts he hands out that say..."

Is that some snark over the spelling and grammar uproar from Adriana's post last week, Ent?

And Sue Ellen--it's great that you read the Economist, I love it as well, but do most of Americans get their news from it? No. Are the major news networks spending an obscene amount of time on the Tiger Woods story when they should be focusing on other pressing issues? Yes.

califblondy said...

And to think I used to adore him.

Just yesterday la familia were discussing how old he looks in the previews of his new movie. Then I pointed out that at least he hasn't had crazy work done to his face.

I don't believe the 3 year no drinking thing. I've read that he has been seen drinking here and there or he has been drinking everywhere.

Honestly though, Mel has always given screwy interviews.

califblondy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ballyhoo. said...

@cecilia - i hope he talks about tila tequila's supposed larry king live appearance!!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


As I am Canadian, I'm not too sure what is shown on local American channels, save the Western NY channels which I get. That being said if you really want to know about issues other than what's going on in the world of celebrities it's not too hard to find it. That's all I'm saying. I got sick of the Tiger Woods thing ages ago, so I don't watch it. If it comes on the news, I change the channel. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy

Borg Queen said...

@ Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
@notachance: You must have sipped on the same Kool-aid as Mel.
Notachance is right. The mainstream media are glorified entertainment reporters. The "Economist" is not available for the general public. You even have to pay for internet access.

Just because Mel fucked up royally
1x that doesnt mean we should discount everything he says.

jax said...

i'm not a fan but he is right.

mainstream american media always has some other f-cking story besides the war. even the underwear bomber eclipsed it. they talked nonstop for 24h about it without once mentioning the current situation that puts your country at risk for terrorism. if people realized how much more power media has over the country than government,they'd be frightened.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

The Economist is available at the store. Just buy it. There's also the washington post, which is free online, and if you really want some news simply check out That's the good stuff.

And as far as the underwear bomber that has A LOT to do with the "war or terror" considering that he came from Yemen and there is a large jihadist movement there. Trust me, I am doing a Specialist degree in Political Science. You have questions, I have answers.

Katy said...

@Sue Ellen,

I don't think anyone here is disagreeing with what you are saying re: finding quality news sources. The point is that you have to root out quality news. Mainstream media doesn't cut it. They focus on Tiger Woods, et. al. That you have shunned it for so long proves that point.

Mel's haggard face, I think, proves that he is still on the wagon. It's not just ageing. It's something else.

sunnyside1213 said...

He has a point, but who cares what he thinks. He is an ass.

Katy said...

Lol, sunnyside, agreed!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Finding good news that doesn't focus so much on celeb stuff IS hard to find, yes, but it's like finding something nice on the sale racks. You have to hunt if you really want it. It's easy to become complacent.

lmnop123 said...

Mel Gibson is just another has-been celebrity with money same as Sharon Stone. I hope he stays that way.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

That was a nice quasi-political chat. Thanks.

jax said...

And as far as the underwear bomber that has A LOT to do with the "war or terror" considering that he came from Yemen and there is a large jihadist movement there. Trust me, I am doing a Specialist degree in Political Science. You have questions, I have answers

-you completely missed the point but whatever.i'm over it.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

That's a shame you're over it cause I'm not. I like talking about this stuff.

Cheryl said...

......anyway.....I'm giving Mel the side eye. He's never too far from the alcohol. I've enjoyed his movies so much over the years and he used to be the hotness so I'm sad that he is such a tool.

However, "What are you looking at sugartits?" NEVER gets old.

Susan said...

There are elements of Mel Gibson that I love - such as being the only person in Hollywood believing in Robert Downey Jr. and giving him a chance, but then there are so many douchebag elements to this man as well.

This is why I loathe all celebrities. I want to like them, but then they so let me down.

OT: I heard on the radio that Madonna and Sean Penn were canoodling over the weekend. Any updates, Enty?

RocketQueen said...

Ugh, give me a break. What people choose to read is UP TO THEM. To say that info about what is going on in Iraq & Afghanistan is not being made available due to other news like Tiger's latest mess is a huge cop-out. Some of us pay attention to the war, some to Tiger, some to both.
Sorry, but Mel's views on pretty much anything are always self-serving and coloured by his being a gigantic racist and sexist ass.

The Indentured Servant Girl said...

Lots of people struggle with drink...I'm shocked at the lack of compassion.

At least he admits that the failure of his marriage was all his fault.

Pookie said...

*ditto jax!*

chestnut-red said...

@ RocketQueen

I agree with you. People can choose to read good, well-researched and reported news or not. I rarely watch TV anymore because I choose not to do so. However, I do read various online news sources to find out what's going on in the world. But I have to balance that with lighthearted and gossip sites, like this one. Choices are good.

ardleighstreet said...

I use to like him and he did use to be the hotness (The River) but now he just sickens me.

He is right about the "Total Tiger" coverage but I do find news from other media sources. You have to unless you want to hear constantly about Ellen vs Simon on AI or the late night shuffle on NBC.

CarolMR said...

In addition to Robert Downey, Jr., Mel also helped Heath Ledger quite a bit with his career.

Y D Shine said...

But still . . .

He has a point.

We don't need the Afghanistan War, we've got far too many dire sociopolitical issues that require our full attention right here in the good old US of A. To say nothing of the humongous cost to pay for both wars, even with a supposed 'draw down' in Iraq, while 10s of millions of people are unemployed.

Even wickedly obnoxious people hit on the truth every now and then. MG did it this time.

EL, 'here' should be 'hear.'

Elle said...

I wonder how those girls feel about those photos? If it was me, I'd be mortified!

lanasyogamama said...

He sure likes that shirt!

shakey said...

I'm getting sick and tired of seeing celebrity stuff in my news. Watched CBC last night (because I'm tired of the obsequiousness of ctv), and bloody hell - Jay Leno's chin was on. The CBC. At least the story was very short.

So yeah, ITA with notachance. Too many things going on LIKE the Afghanistan war.

Moonmaid said...

Funny how Mel never criticized the invasions of Iraq or Afghanistan when they happened. What a sanctimonious lying sack of shit.

And I absolutely loved him back in the day. The Year of Living Dangerously is still one of my all time favorite movies. But I think he kind of sold out his soul somewhere along the way.

Unknown said...

People can talk about more than one subject and they are not all inter related either. He's a hypocrite and a tard who will never get even one more dime from me. I can't even watch his old movies now. I wonder if he's made his 7 kids bastards yet by annulling his 20+ year marriage for his untalented whore and star fucker girlfriend?

Sorry even the wildest stretch and 6 degrees of separation does Tiger have anything to do with Afghanistan. Mel is selfish and insane, which is why he didn't care about the families of the people he had moved who may never see loved ones again. Nice, very Christianly of him.

AnotherOneBitesTheDust said...

The mainstream media has been passing off celebrity gossip as news while not giving the same coverage to wars, politics, world events, etc. for years now. One example I can think of is on the morning of June 26 last year. I was watching CNN before heading out to work. On the news-ticker on the bottom of the screen a report stated between 100 to 200 people had died in Iraq the previous day due to a road-side bombing or something like that. The exact number of people that died and what the cause was, I don’t exactly remember. But it sure was ingrained in my head by the CNN, MSNBC & Fox news channels that Michael Jackson had died of possible drug overdose at around 1:30 pacific time on the exact same day. In fact, that little crawl on the bottom of the screen is all I even remember seeing about that horrible attack in Iraq on that day. Everything else for weeks to come would be about Michael Jackson.


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