Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Janet Charlton Blind Item

This celebrity split was definitely shocking, but the divorce will be smooth sailing. The reason: the husband knows a scandalous secret about his wife’s respectable family and she is desperately trying to keep it quiet. She will make sure the divorce is amicable because she would be very upset if people found out her father is not what he appears to be: he’s a deeply closeted gay and a bitter man.


keks said...

this blind again?

Revali said...

once again, seal and heidi ftw (sads)

cheesegrater15 said...

Again? When was this posted the first time?

BigMama said...

didn't it get settled that this was going to be Katy and Russell?

Revali said...

...or, maybe enty's pointing out the sites that steal from him..

BrandieMarie said...

No this was always a Janet blind, not Enty's.

Its just a repeat. And yes, everyone agreed it was Katy/Russell because it was before Heidi/Seal.

selenakyle said...

Old blind! For which my first guess was Maria and Ahnold except for the present tense reference to the father...then immediately thought Katy and Russell.

Oooh good point, Revali.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Jesus, Enty. At least post a BG item or something. This is WEEKS old!

Pen-a-lope said...

I still can't get behind the Katy and Russell guess. The blind says the split was shocking. Their split wasn't shocking. Arnold and Maria are having a amicable split. They seem to fit better to me.

EmEyeKay said...

This is the second re-post of late... Enty, you okay? Diet messing with your brain? Have some protein!

califblondy said...

What people would be upset if Katy's father is a bitter man? Who cares?

I'm just not feeling Katy and Russell.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

It can't be Arnold and Maria. Sargent Shriver died around this time last year, and this blind uses the present tense. This Gay Daddy's still alive.

BrandieMarie said...

A story did just come out either late yesterday or early this morning about how amicable Katy and Russell's divorce is. They said it was "as amicable as it can get". There will be zero fighting over money, property, etc. It was very easy. Maybe that's why Enty reposted this.

uberbaldy said...

Wasn't there a lot of surprise that Katy and Russel weren't spending time together BEFORE Russel dropped the D-bomb? I think the split and the divorce are separate events in this blind which would fit with Katy and Russel since there was a lot of talk about them not spending time together over Xmas although shocking may be a bt strong of a word for it. Since the Divore was filed things seem to be going smoothly though and while Russel may say he doesn't want any of Katy's money if this is them then they could be making a back door kind of deal where she will pay him to keep quiet. Also i could totally see Katy's pops being a deeply closeted gay and it would be very upsetting for not only her family but the people in her fathers congregation to learn he prefers sausage for his desserts.

The Black Cat said...

Maybe it's a bad blind item. If Katy and Russells divorce is amicable then why would anyone fear anything being made public about her dad?

BrandieMarie said...

@Black Cat - I think that's the point. Its amicable BECAUSE of the secret that she doesn't want out. She'll be agreeable to anything he wants, but as for Russell, I can honestly see him not wanting her money. He doesn't make as much as her but he does well enough for himself. Esp if he is getting a one time back door payment to keep things amicable.

Seachica said...

For the non CDAN-reading public, I think this split was shocking. Katy and Russell seem on the surface a good match. Both are kooky and funky, and they acted like they were very in love. I also think alot of folks would be upset to hear that Katy's dad is deeply closeted. He's an ultra-right wing preacher. If it were to come out that he was gay, he would lose his congregation and his standing inthe community.

BTW, note that I say "right-wing", not "conservative". I've made it a personal thing to take back the term "conservative" -- we need more republican conservatives who *don't* believe in government or society dictating how you live your private life. *sigh*

crila16 said...


Turtle said...

If this is about Katy Perry and Russell Brand, why would he keep it simple to lose out on up to $20Mil, to keep HER family's secret?

Turtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pilly said...

I'm confUSED

Was this originally Entys blind and it's being passed around like a cheap whore?

The Flower Girl said...

groundhog day!

The Flower Girl said...

groundhog day!

AKM said...

Seachica, I like your "right-wing"/"conservative" distinction. Well-said.

And I think it's Katy and Russell.

Amartel said...

Encore presentation.
Sounds like someone's mad at "deeply" closeted (as opposed to just regular closeted) bitterdad. Obviously we're supposed to hate bitterdad but it's not at all clear why.
There is nothing per se wrong with being "closeted," deeply or otherwise; that's a matter or privacy and personal choice, and apparently one that the immediate family is fine with. And there's nothing wrong with being gay, needless to say. I hope. So, just based on what we've been told, the ex is extorting his wife knowing she will protect her father's privacy. How shameful. And bitter.

Del Riser said...

This re-blinding is getting weird. Is it a test to see if we'll change our minds?
Was Katy and Russell, is today, will be tomorrow.

Amartel said...

Supposedly Russell Brand is walking away with only the money he made during the marriage with Katy Perry.

Tempestuous Grape said...

My answer is still: Charles Nelson Reilly (aka Katy Perry's dad)

Bowser said...

Just an FYI, Katy and Russell could easily have a side agreement on other matters. There is no mandatory requirement to have everything in the divorce decree.

The Adventures of... said...

I'm with the majority consensus here- Katy Perry-Russell Brand fits to a T. Why is it always the uber closeted ones who make the most anti-everyone noise?

Michael said...

I suspect most anti-gay preachers of being closeted. Happened too many times. Why, with all the injustice in the world would they choose that particular sin to pick on?

30whatsnext said...

I can't believe how ungreatful people are? You get this for free and you complaint not getting fresh gossip. Is not funny even if you are joking.

Sylvia said...



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