Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Your Turn

Prison or rehab? Which do you think works best?


Cindy said...

Neither will work unless you WANT it to work.

Brandy said...


joymama said...

I don't support either. Most rehabs are money making machines and prescribe the same type of routine--physical and mental, for the majority of their patients. They do a lot of group therapy, confrontation, physical fitness, outtings, games--all with the same type of person who is craving and wanting the same vice you do. Smoking is common too.

If you want to break addition or find some piece, get out of your norm. Do something for others---build a school in Ecuador, walk The Camino, camp out in your local state park for a few weeks, stay in someone else's healthy home for a while and get used being in a different normal where drugs and alcohol are not used as part of the day.

Pogue Mahone said...

Depends if you're a criminal or an addict.

Lori said...


joymama said...

Geez, how many errors??


For those that say you can't afford to take off, then you can't afford rehab either. Insurance does not cover it. 30 days can cost upwards of $25K.

Reese said...

I agree with Cindy and Pogue Mahone.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

And I agree with Reese, who agrees with them.

Anonymous said...

If you are truly an addict & want to be sober - rehab will work better than Prison. Prison life is horrendous & most come out worse than when they went in.

yourfaceisamess said...


Amartel said...

Prison. Unfiltered reality.

nolachickee said...

I agree with everyone - rehab only works if the person is ready, and prison works for those that have remorse for what they did.

Prison doesn't work for addicts because, in most cases, they can find a way to get high in prison. Prison guards get their street cred by smuggling shit in for the inmates.

Lori said...

there is a super high recitivism rate for prison, and many come out with stronger or new addictions.

Jeannies Bottle said...

Prison. Case in point: Robert Downey Jr.

labgrrl said...

why do they have to be mutually exclusive??

Tempestuous Grape said...

I've tried both as a teenager...they work for awhile. I've never been to "real jail" but I did a ton of time as a teenager being locked up, also rehab for a whole year during that time. Cured of my cocaine addiction for 8 years, but I went back to it eventually.

Miss X said...

I personally think it's a shame to send an addict, someone who is sick, to prison. Now if they committed an additional crime (such as stealing), then they do belong in prison.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to work until the person wants something to work. Then either will work.

I don't like the idea of prison for victimless crimes, very few are rehabbed in prison and many end up worse than they were when they went in.

Except Lindsay Lohan. I would love to see her do hard time.

Poppymann said...

Most people don't have a choice and dry out in prison.

Del Riser said...

I agree with Syko. All of it!

Maja With a J said...

Probably depends on the person.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Maybe someone could start a rehab prison. No criminals allowed, just addicts, but they're locked up in solitary confinement unless they are attending classes to beat addiction.

EmEyeKay said...

^That IS rehab.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

It seems as if too many addicts end up in jail because they can't beat their demons. But incarceration is also EXPENSIVE, and I truly believe it should be saved for society's dregs -- rapists, murderers, et al.

Even if someone like Lohan *were* tossed in the pokey instead of the Cirque Lodge, it wouldn't do her any good unless she somehow managed to end her urge to self-medicate with the bad stuff.

I honestly don't think there's any comparison between prison and rehab. Ideally, one situation is a punishment, and the other is voluntary.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Agree w/ Cindy.

Definitely depends on the person & what they've done.

Wil said...

Jesus .. where to start with this one. Well .. I guess first .. what is the problem??

Is it lawless behavior or is it lawless behavior based on an addiction? What is the charge? I mean .. shoplifting, theft is one thing .. murder another. Is there even law breaking behavior, of course other than the taking of an illegal drug?

I think rehab works - real rehab .. not the bullshit people who specialize in taking care of the likes of Demi Moore and Lindsay Lohan .. because it has worked for people close to me. I can highly recommend Hazelden. They realize there is something broken inside that needs to be fixed and that is why people usually resort to addiction. Other places that are churn and burn for your insurance dollars .. I have no time for them.

I think jail is a waste of time for true addicts because it just further breaks what was already broken. But again. it depends on the charges involved. Being a hopelessly broken junkie with horrific abuse in you background doesn't preclude your culpability in murder or manslaughter.

As I think I might have said recently .. the older I get the more I see nothing is black and white .. there are a million shades of grey. It is just how deep the grey is when it comes to addiction and the bad choices made due to it.

Binky Melnik said...

You're asking for an OPINION on this? Seriously? Why do you think an opinion from anyone other than people who've done both would be valid? It doesn't appear people here have done both (or either), thank cow.


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