Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alicia Silverstone And The Food Chewing

I was going to not write about this. I told myself all day yesterday and early this morning that I would not get involved in this story or writing about it. I also told myself that I would limit myself to four drinks last night. Well, today is another day. Alicia Silverstone says she chews up food and then spits it in the mouth of her almost one year old son. Has anyone hear heard of a blender? Food processor? A knife to make really small pieces? Why on earth would I want my mom to chew my food for me first and then spit it in my mouth? If I am that kid, I am going to hate eating for the rest of my life and have an aversion to birds that will make Tippi Hedren even shudder. Does Alicia chew food for her husband? Is she available for hire? Is the only way that food actually passes her lips? Why again did she name her child after an improperly spelled primary color?


WednesdayFriday said...

Yeah, this grosses me out.

crila16 said...

I saw this on the news. Why does she do that? It's disgusting. It also looks like she's making out with her 1 year old son. Gross.

califblondy said...

Why post the video? Jeesh, if she needs the attention why does she have to drag the kid into it? Maybe Fido and Fluffy need their food pre-chewed? Take a video of that, Alicia!

strawberrygirl said...

She named her kid Bear Blue, so I'm not shocked by this.

mizzoutiger76 said...

Mah, to each their own. It's not something that appeals to me, but there are worse things happening to children.

But I guarantee you it'll stop once she catches her first round of strep throat or the flu that she gets from him ;)

Jennifer H. said...

That's really gross. I didn't realize she was this stupid.

Ms Cool said...

It isn't that this is weird now (which it is). Can you imagine the ridicule this kid will get in high school?

dizzyeggs said...

babies have REALLY moist mouths, so this grosses me out. blech

NaNa LaLa said...

Awesome way to pass on bacteria and germs to your kid! My daughter's dentist warned us about even sharing a cup as you can pass all sorts of gross things that can lead to tooth decay.

And, yeah, it looks like she's making out with her kid. Really, really nasty! And I like to think of myself as a pretty natural, back to basics mom....This...this is not natural. Unless you are a bird. Maybe, she should have named him Bird Blue.

Fijigrrl said...

This is the story I've read if I want to kill my appetite. Uck.

Anonymous said...

Totally disgusting. And unfortunate that she had to have pictures of it so her kid can cringe with embarrassment when he gets to middle school. Animals regurgitate to feed their young, humans have blenders and Gerber.

naturalhairexpo2011 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

It's not harming the baby, it's not harming him, nor is she making out with him. I've seen lots of parents chew up food and then put it on a plate or bowl for the baby to eat. Not much difference.

She is a very attachment parenting, vegan, somewhat hippie type of person from what I have read.

hunter said...

I'm going to guess she's a placenta-eater too.

califblondy said...

The electrical cord hanging in the background is scary.

swedishfish said...

Okay, hope this works.

(enjoy the Czech translation!)

skeeball said...

she is an idiot

Patty said...

At one year, he should be able to handle most foods himself, since he now has teeth.

Strange to say the least.

Susan said...

I hate being a backseat parent, but chewing up food for your baby just takes helicopter parenting to a whole new level. God damn. I guess she could defend herself with the whole hippie/vegan thing. But, food processors, knives and blenders are more than sufficient when providing fresh food for babies. Plus, this just seems to me another "habit" you have to break the baby from. You know, like when it's time to wean the kid from boobie, bottle, security blanket, pacifier, etc. Why would you do this to yourself? Anyway, I got my own kid to worry about.

Shay said...

Hasn't she earned enough as an actress to purchase eating utensils?

hunter said...

I'm going to copy someone else's comment from another site and point out that my lazy-ass mother made me chew my food all by myself.


Amartel said...

It's like that January broad with the placenta-eating. They feel it's "natural" (why, the animals do it!) and therefore "good" but apparently haven't thought it through any further than the good feelings stage. Who knows whether this particular stupidity is good or bad or neither for the child in the long run? It does show a selfish and thoughtless style of parenting that will be bad for the child in the long run.

Popcorn Sutton said...

Personally, I think this is disgusting, but I don't think she is doing anything wrong. It's gross, yes, but it falls in line with her style of parenting. At least she spends time with the kid and isn't passing him off to a nanny.

seaward said...

It might not be harming the kid *now*, but think of the ridicule and embarassment he will potentially have to suffer through. Junior high is not a fun stage for anyone.

M. said...

He may not have teeth or all his teeth by now. My now 2.5 year old got her teeth late, while my older daughter had hers, early.

But this does seem gross, no matter how you want to style it (attachement parenting, hippie). However this is the woman who hung out naked with Woody Harrelson in her garden and thought it was the most natural thing ever, not that long ago...

Anonymous said...

Rose, it's one thing if you live in the depths or Africa or something and don't have access to things like blenders or even knives, forks and plates. But this trick lives in LA and has access to food processors and gourmet, all-natural baby food. Feeding him this way is unnecessary as well as just gross and potentially unhealthy. Even if she isn't sick, her mouth contains bacterial film that can make her kid sick, and vice versa. Frankly, I'm surprised she's not also nursing him until he's six or something, since she obviously has no issue with boundaries. Bear needs to learn how to feed himself with a baby spoon. This is stupid.

msgirl said...

I know this has been done for thousands of years and in 3rd world countries, but surely she can afford a blender? If both are healthy then no harm, BUT incubation of nasty diseases happens before symptoms, so I find this very unhealthy.

EmEyeKay said...

I think it's unhygienic and unnecessary. And strange.

Anonymous said...

Hunter, I saw that on Jezebel, too, and laughed like a maniac.

Vicky said...

This actually can harm the child- not only does the mothers saliva absorb most of the nutritious value from the food, but her saliva could contain harmful bacteria which can cause gum and teeth problems/disease in the baby.
Not only is this practic unessesscery, but it is ignorant.

That being said, I mis-typed unessesscery and my auto correct wanted to make it "uncles scary".

Jules_345 said...

Ok...even if you were going to chew up your childs food, why would you spit it into his mouth? That part creeps me out, seriously...chew it up and still put it o n a plate. A chiild needs to be learning to eat on his own (as wwell as learning how to chew) by this age.

Rose said...

Texshan, it's not something I will do with my kids but I don't get the outrage or think of it as harmful. That's all.

ForSure said...

Guess she wanted to get some of the attention away from Mayim Bialik when it comes to weird celebrity parenting. At least Alicia puts diapers on her boy.

MISCH said...

As I said yesterday my aunt did this for her grandson, she's actually my great aunt and her end of the family was originally from Poland. My grandmother was also grossed out by this we're Polish/Russian and my mom said my gran swore she never saw it before my aunt did it...

cyberisis said...

And I thought spit washes were nasty. This makes me want to hurl...

MISCH said...

P.S. when my neighbor was toilet training her son he was running around the halls in my building buck naked....I have no idea where people get these child rearing skills but at this point I think I've seen close to everything.

Cake said...

Hunter- lol

EmEyeKay/Vicky etc-I agree, this could be potentially harmful to the child.
She has always come across as not very bright.

Miss M said...

Um, who really cares? She can raise her son however she wants to. What business is it of ours?

Tara Green said...

Alicia is a raw vegan I believe, so she probably has very healthy mouth and teeth. I remember reading about this practice, something about the enzymes in the saliva being helpful for the child's digestive system. I see it as an extension of breastfeeding, in a way.

Anonymous said...

Rose, Miss M, and Tara -- but it IS potentially harmful. Swapping spit with anyone carries potential risks of disease communicability, and when one of the people is a toddler, the risks are greatly increased.

Misch, I remember reading Mayim Bialik (sp?) talking about her free-range potty training style. It's disgusting. She just lets the kids run around and watches them for "clues" to see if they need to relieve themselves. Sometimes they would make it to the toilet, sometimes they wouldn't. I'm sorry, but that's just lazy. Make an effort to teach your kids to use the toilet. And a spoon. Geez.

hunter said...

@Texshan - yup! but I cleaned up the language a bit.

Clearly I'm having a productive day bouncing from site to site... (and re-checking my comment threads).

Jasmine said...

Michael K.had 3 different people with credentials pertaining to this sort of thing chime in on his post about this. Some were in favor of it, some sited bacteria swapping etc. in opposition.

I can see how her saliva breaking down the enzymes for him (espeically if he has no teeth like some blogger above mentioned as may being the case) may be good for him.

I think we are forgetting that she is probably feeding him her raw vegan diet- and some raw things ARE really hard to break down for a child his age on his own...

Needless to say, like a few of you, I dont think I would necessarily do this with my child BUT I dont see the outrage needing to happen either. ESPECIALLY since people in the 3rd world do this all the time. I dont like what kind of vibe this could also be cast their way, when you make such a blanket statement that it's so wrong or so harmful or so ignorant of her. I think generations of people in 3rd world countries can attest that they survived just fine from this experience. Sheesh. Can we please stop policing mother's behaviors ??

Scylla said...

I wouldn't do it myself but I think a lot of people here overreact. It is the same with breastfeeding in public (even so I don't like it I accept it as something natural). Also a naked child is not something abhorrend...

Anonymous said...

Umm, I don't think how people do things in the third world should be the basis of how we do things in the first world. People do things like this in underdeveloped countries because they are FORCED to, for lack of a better method and resources. Do you think parents in the third world wouldn't feed their kids chopped-up (not chewed-up) food from a spoon and plate if they could? Of course they would!

Something tells me Batgirl here will also start spouting off about how vaccines are poison pretty soon.

Oh, and I forgot to add on the comment about Blossom's "toilet training" -- the kids ran around the house nekkid and just copped a squat whenever and wherever they felt the urge. Really makes you want to hang out at her house, huh?

Miss M said...

I don't have kids (and won't), but wouldn't deign to judge any mother for doing something I may or may not agree with. You can argue anything to be "right" or "wrong". Just because you (whoever that applies to) doesn't do something doesn't make it wrong.

I've personally never gotten a flu shot, and never will. I don't fault others for doing so, but I choose to not get it. If I get the flu, I get the flu. I'd rather not inject the live virus into me in "hopes" of avoiding it. Needless to say, I haven't had the flu since childhood.

I really wish the general public would mind their own effing business and quit worrying about what others do in their personal lives. Find something better to do with your time (and yes, I realize the irony of saying this on a gossip blog).

Anonymous said...

If I found out my mom did this to me, I'd be horrified. No way am I spitting in my son's mouth. It's just gross, unnecessary and unsanitary. Your mouth has more germs than your asshole. True fact.

Anonymous said...

Miss M, I think there's a big difference between an adult choosing not to get a flu shot and a parent choosing not to immunize their child.

Maja With a J said...

I think it may strike someone as gross at first but seriously, if you read the ingredient list on a lot of baby food sold in stores these days, Alicia wins.

And Miss M - totally agree with you about the flu shot. Never had one, never will.

Court said...

There's nothing wrong with not feeding your child store processed baby food, but how about using a blender Alicia?? I am SURE this is going to give this poor kid plenty of fodder for his therapy sessions later in life. Also, I had no idea she was such an attention whore! Jesus.

El Roy 13 said...

First off, my kids would have DIED if I ever. And toppled it with recording it AND posting it on the www, that would have been where my "In The Bedroom" style murder would have been sealed by all three.

Second, women in 3rd world countries may do this, but they do it because THEY DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER OPTIONS!!!!

Lordy. My kids get embarrassed when I remind them that their arms came out of my vagina.

hoosierlady said...

"improperly spelled primary color"

hoosierlady said...

"improperly spelled primary color"

thank you

zeldafitzgerald said...

god who care? it's a way of bonding. and what does it have to do with you, what she calls her child? you're called Enty Lawyer FFS.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Team Gross. And I'd like to know at what age she's going to stop that practice. When the child is five years old? 18? 31? I'd puke if someone tried to feed me their chewed up food.

Brenda L said...

@Texshan - how are you feeling these days? Update pls

nettalovesrobin said...

My parents were idiots! I had to chew my own fucking food! If Alicia wants a new career Im sure she will be in demand at nursing homes.

Electric Warrior said...

Team disturbed. Very, very disturbed.

Anonymous said...

It's so strange. You can easily make inexpensive, highly nutritious, healthy and easy to digest baby food at home so there really is no need to chew food up for your child. Never mind the germs that are being passed on between mother and child but how is he supposed to learn to eat on his own? What if he thinks this is normal and starts going up to other people's mouths asking for food b/c that is how he's fed? It's just really odd behavior. I wonder if she's one of those moms that will refuse to vaccinate her kids too or let them sleep in their own bed when they're more than old enough to stay in their own room.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

To me, this is totally fucking gross but I have serious issues with mouth germs. I won't even open-mouth kiss. EW.

Unknown said...

So strange. I've never heard of anyone doing this before. It's almost like someone (on a dare) advised/encouraged her to try it because it's so absurd.

Anotheramy said...

She can feed her kid any way she wants, she can breast feed for 8 years and her family can have a naked open door policy. She should know better than to make these things public.

YourNameHere said...

I saw the headline for this yesterday and as gross as this is, I would rather you write about this than the friggen K-Klan.

Sis said...

Gross...that's all just gross.

Amartel said...

Hey, Miss M, I WAS minding my own effing business when Alicia effing Silverstone put out a photograph of her son feeding out of her mouth.
So it's fair to comment.
The sad thing is that she probably thinks she's all hip and trendy for doing this and it's just mindless hippie bullsh*t.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking, Brenda. Pretty much the same. The medicine I'm taking makes me pretty sick to my stomach, so I am not loving that aspect, and I could do without the weekly blood tests. But hopefully it will eventually work and I can finally get my bariatric surgery -- being fat sucks! :-)

ardleighstreet said...

Fine you want to do something gross and unhygenic with your child's food but why the heck are you sharing this crap with the world??? You put up a post that will come back to haunt him after the 5th grade. Good Job!

Sarah said...

Gross, for so many reasons. She is going to bond with her son in a really obsessive and unnatural way.
He's gonna have some crazy ass mommy issues later. Good luck to his future wife and any women he dates.

Spike Ghost said...

Mammals don't do that with their children because it's unnecessary so why do it. There are other ways to bond with your child.

Lelaina Pierce said...

hunter - That comment made me laugh so hard.

She was Andy Cohen's Jackhole of the Day for this. haha. I have heard of mom's chewing up (meat, maybe?) but not spitting it into the kid's mouth.

I don't know. I like her. She's a little hippy chic. I give her a pass. I won't be dining with her anytime soon.

WTH eats miso soup for breakfast, though?

Chessiejenna said...

This is absolutely awful! That poor kid is losing all the flavor and texture of the food. Selfish Alicia is taking the best part of eating for herself.

SP said...

To all of you saying how this is perfectly normal in 3rd world countries: are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, we eat like the rest of the human race does, using our own mouths and little baby teeth and barring that, gums. We're not fucking animals. This idiot actress and people looking to defend her believe that the primitive other must surely engage in animalistic behavior like this so they can justify their privileged idiocy. I know the commentariat at CDAN is smarter than that, come on now.

mooshki said...

SP, we used to be smarter than that, but things have taken a big downturn lately. :(

WUWT? said...

OMAMA: "My kids get embarrassed when I remind them that their arms came out of my vagina."

Um. You REMIND them of this? How often does the topic come up? /Ha.

LynGBH said...

I don't think this is a big deal but, for me, it's just too close to french kissing to feel comfortable with it. I wizzed stuff up in the blender. To each their own.

Stephanie said...

@Mooshki... I have noticed that too.. was afraid that was gonna happen...

Moonmaid said...

This is effing insane, I am sorry. No reason for this. Just mash the damn food with a fork, like other mere mortals.

Anonymous said...

SP, I think when people are referring "third world countries," they actually mean people who live in completely undeveloped areas. Since you obviously know English and have access to a computer and the Internet, you are not who they are referring to.

I really think they mean tribal people in the middle of Africa or South America who have no contact with the outside world, no access to electrical appliances, etc.

And even those people, I have to believe, may chew up food for their children, but then take it out of their mouths and give it to their babies/toddlers. This whole feeding like a baby bird thing is just weird, and I have a hard time believing ANYONE does this except for misguided people like Batgirl here.

As a matter of fact, I watched the documentary "Babies" a few months ago, and one of the babies WAS a member of a very isolated tribe in Africa. His mom did chew up his food for him, but then she took it out of her mouth and give it to him with her fingers.

Also, has anyone seen the photo of Alicia walking across a parking lot somewhere with Bear in a baby bjorn? He's get her shirt pushed up and is latched on to a boob, going to town.

Liz said...

It seems Alicia is trying to do what she thinks is best for her baby. Some people don't give a second thought to feeding their kids sodas, frozen foods, McDonald's, etc., on a regular basis, but THIS is a big deal?

The Black Cat said...

I think I heard that Eskimos did this in the olden days when chewing blubber for their young kids to feed on.


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