Friday, July 20, 2012

Your Turn

Gun control. For or against?


Ashlea said...

Oh boy. Here we go!

JoElla said...

I'll throw my answer into the fray early on..

I am against gun control.

Have a great weekend everyone and remember to play well with others!

cheesegrater15 said...


Anonymous said...

For - Aurora is just a few towns over from me.

katsm0711 said...

I don't trust the government to enforce gun control against all of us equally.

KLM said...

Control the shit out of it...

msgirl said...

Would things have been different if someone else had had a gun?

For but pondering.

Jax said...

Eh...for, I suppose.

Or at least for the obvious and sort of common sense idea that gee, maybe it shouldn't be legal for people to buy semi automatic rifles.

Ellin said...


Amber said...

Neither. It's not going to stop people from illegally obtaining guns. If someone wants to do something like this, they'll find a way. So gun control is likely only going to affect the people that abide anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm against the public having access to automatic assault weapons and other instruments, such as grenades and tear gas.
There is no reason in an everyday life anyone would need that stuff.

However, I'm not opposed to owning a rifle or small handgun. Some people legitimately hunt and keep a gun for basic protection against intruders and, if they live in the country, for wild animals that harm livestock.

SueRH said...


FSP said...

I think everyone has the right to own a gun. I own several myself. That being said, I think there should be some sort of "testing" done before someone can purchase one.

Karen said...

@katsm0711, I agree. I'm against gun control because someone if someone is going to commit a crime (e.g., burglary, robbery) what's going to stop them from breaking another law by having and/or using an illegal weapon?

Gun violence upsets me and I agree on some gun control laws (like background checks or that all guns should have safety lock features), but not on complete restriction.

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
luckylass said...

Not a black and white issue. But I appreciate the ability for me to have access to reasonable defensive weapons.

Agent**It said...

Very poorly worded, Enty.

But since you did, AGAINST.

@amber and Lanya Day, yes, I agree.

SkittleKitty said...

Colorado is a pretty pro-gun state. We don't yet know if someone else was carrying a gun, but if someone was, do you really think he or she could have done something with tear gas pouring in and panicked individuals attempting to flee?

Totally for. Canada has guns, but with controls, and a LOT fewer deaths.

Frankly, though, I can't imagine regulations making a big dent in anything at this point. Too much saturation and loose-ness to this point. Ugh.

Della said...


ForSure said...

Moderate gun control. I believe in 10 day waiting periods and registered guns. We register cars because they are capable of killing people, we should register guns for the same reason. Would be nice to require a safety course as well, but that might be a step too far. But I don't believe in telling people they can't have a gun just because I don't want one.

The Constitution says a 'well regulated militia'. My husband believes that means everyone should get a 2 shot musket, but I think it means that the framers understood that tyranny cannot exist when the people are free to speak out and free to defend themselves.

My thoughts to the victims and families in Colorado. Mental illness might be a bigger problem in this country than guns. Combine the two, and yikes.

Peace everyone.

MontanaMarriott said...

I'm with Kats as a person of color I do not trust the government to impose it justly.

EmEyeKay said...


If people want guns, they'll get them. Then only the lawbreaking types will have them.

SkittleKitty said...

I think Enty left it simple because it could be fairly simple: 2 or 3-day waiting periods, require photo identification and registration, no selling of altered weapons or kits to create automated-versions of weapons, license requirements, etc.

I'm not saying remove gun ownership, but the NRA opposes these otherwise mundane (to me) seeming regulations. State regs won't matter, though--too much variance. Would have to be Federal, which won't happen with the NRA telling Congress what to do.

pilly said...


Amartel said...

Gun control? How about crazy person control?

The fact is that the areas in the U.S. with the most restrictive firearm laws have some of the highest crime and especially violent crime rates in the U.S. Criminals will still get the guns while the rest of us have our constitutional rights eaten away.

Calls for "gun control" always follow directly after incidents such as this one because people need to vent their outrage and feel like they're doing something.

faye said...

i agree with everything skittlekitty said.

Bally said...

I own a gun, and I keep it for self-defense. Considering all the crazies going around, high on "bath salts", trying to eat people, I really wouldn't want to be without one.

No matter how strict gun laws in this country are, there will always be individuals who use them to kill a person or multiple persons.

I've always liked Chris Rock's idea. Instead of gun control, we need bullet control. Make bullets cost $5,000 each, and watch the number of gun crimes decrease dramatically.

katsm0711 said...

I've never even seen a gun, but nobody needs a semi automatic for hunting right? But I was thinking of where else shootings occur, and what about the UK? Has their gun ban been effective? I understand if a crazy is going to cause chaos he will find a way but what other methods are there? Would bombings be the next choice? I think I'd rather take my chances with a shooter than with a bomb. God please don't test my words.

HalleGoLightly said...


Lisa said...

against. I think it offers a false sense of security. How are you going to get guns and bullets out of criminals hands? How many billions of guns are already out there? Laws are to keep the honest honest.

supapimp said...

Hunting rifle? Yes

M-16 or AK47? Aww hells no

old ;ady said...

In my employment I had to learn to shoot. I have several guns and use them for target shooting. I also have been threatened and use them for protection. I do not believe that anyone should be able to openly carry a gun on themselves like some states allow. I agree with others that we need to license and control CRAZY.

angie said...

FOR. There is no evidence that having more guns available makes anyone safer. In fact, as can be seen below, 17 of the 24 mass shootings since Columbine have occurred in gun-friendly states:

1999 - Columbine, Colorado (12 killed + 2 suicides) - Gun friendly state
1999 - Atlanta, Georgia (12 killed) - Gun friendly state
1999 - Fort Worth, Texas (6 killed + 1 suicide) - Gun friendly state
2002 - Washington D.C. (10 killed) - Gun unfriendly location, however these were sniper shootings, concealed carry would not have helped
2003 - Chicago, IL (6 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2004 - Birchwood, WI (6 killed) - Gun friendly state
2005 - Brookfield, WI (7 killed) - Gun friendly state
2006 - Nickel Mines, PA (5 killed, 1 suicide) - Gun friendly state
2007 - Blacksburg, VA (32 killed, 1 suicide) - Gun friendly state
2007 - Dover, DE (3 killed) - Gun friendly state
2007 - Omaha, NE (9 killed) - Gun friendly state
2007 - Carnation, WA (6 killed) - Gun friendly state
2008 - Chicago, IL (5 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2008 - De Kalb, IL (5 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2008 - Alger, WA (8 killed) - Gun friendly state
2008 - Covina, CA (9 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2009 - Multiple cities, AL (10 killed) - Gun friendly state
2009 - Santa Clara, CA (6 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2009 - Binghamton, NY (13 killed) - Gun unfriendly state
2009 - Houston, TX (6 killed) - Gun friendly state
2009 - Fort Hood, TX (13 killed) - Gun friendly state (in heavily armed location - army base)
2010 - Tuscaloosa, AL (3 killed) - Gun friendly state
2011 - Tucson, AZ (6 killed) - Gun friendly state
2012 - Aurora, CO (12(+) killed) - Gun friendly state

L said...

Well I don't think all kind of weapons should be legal. I don't live in Usa, but just thought about that. Maybe you should have some kind of restrictions.. Here where I live people own guns just for hunting. But unfortunately we had two school shootings and they got the guns pretty easy.. But automatic weapons shouldn't be legal??

Miranda said...

Guns are a tool for killing. That's all they do. They kill.

I'm anti-gun. There is no reason anyone needs a damn gun unless they are killing people. Make all the hunting arguments you want, but you can't convince me that guns in the hands of people don't kill people.

If George Zimmerman hadn't had a gun, Trayvon Martin would be alive. If the psychopath in Colorado hadn't had guns, those people wouldn't have died.

Lauren said...

@Amber, completely agree.

Sis said...

I believe in a person's right to protect themselves...but...

semi automatic weapons-no
30 shot pistols-no (this is what was used in the Gabrielle's shooting-if that fcker had time to reload he would have been tackled and perhaps a few more people would not have been shot and killed)

A mental competency exam-yes
A longer waiting period-yes
A mandatory training period-yes

Just my opinions

Del Riser said...

I believe in the right to bear arms. I do not believe in semi-automatic weapons for sale to the general public.
Law or no, the bad guys will always have the bad-ass guns and that will not change.

0_0 said...

Too many in power want some gun control as a step toward bans.

Comparing arms to car licensing misses the point that the Constitution says noting about the right to keep horses, buggies, or cars. I will never live in Chicago or DC because would be at the mercy of every armed criminal.

My mother was set to kill the intruder breaking into her house. I am against any who want to disarm her.

Count Jerkula said...

Against gun control. You CAN NOT dumb society down to cater to the stupidest and craziest out there.

What is the percentage of guns that are actually used in Crimes?

Why do we allow people to drive when car accidents kill so many people?

Do you really think that if the lunatic in Colorado didn't have access to guns, that he wouldn't have hurt anyone, when he finally snapped? His apartment was/is booby trapped w/ explosives. If he threw Molotov Cocktails into the theater, would we be discussing Gasoline Control???

The gun control argument is nothing but Fear Bating, same as the Terror argument that caused us to give up so many Rights and Liberties in the Patriot Act.

Nothing can be done to insulate society from lone wackos. I prefer to live in a country where the assumption about the person walking down the street next to me, is that they are as sensible and responsible as I am, not that they are a lunatic that needs more bullshit laws piled on them to keep them from running amok.

If every gun was removed from the USA, then you loons would be living in fear of knives, or rocks, or 2x4s. Just like there will always be another mental patient that wants to make others as miserable as they are, there will always be something to fear.

Amy in MI said...

Against. But for mandatory testing for people who own one.

WhisperofaDream said...

guns kill people as much as forks cause obesity.

tracynator said...

@ sis Totally, totally agree with you. Add a universal ban on ALL automatic weapons. Those weapons serve only one kil humans.

A great film to watch about this debate is Going for's a documentary about one survivor of the VA Tech shooting. This film will make you think. I've gotten nothing against guns..believe in the 2nd Amendment and RESPONSIBLE gun ownership. Those last three words are the key.

billybob said...

As a Brit I have never seen a gun and at certain times of the month my hormones make me a little bit testy and I could end up being jailed for shooting somebody in the checkout queue! I am glad that the UK has controls although I’m not sure if these controls have reduced the amount of gun-related incidents. I think that criminals are a much more dangerous beast than they used to be. Even if you hand over all your worldly belongings they still batter the victim. I’m for cops to carry guns because they are by definition on a level-pegging with the criminal fraternity. You don’t stand a chance against a gun-toting psycho! I think I’m starting to be more accepting of guns! YIKES!

Janet296 said...

Good lord I am for it! There is only one use for an assault rifle...killing people. Why do you need a magazine that hold 20 or 30 round? You can still own a gun without all of that.

Chrissy Buns said...

This is such a tough subject. I, personally, do not own guns, do not LIKE guns, and would never have need for one. On the other hand, EVERYONE and their uncle around us hunt, so I can't express my distaste for guns readily ;) I like the idea of stricter gun control, but honestly, if someone wants a gun or 10 for questionable reasons, he isn't going to go through proper legal channels to attain them...

Anonymous said...

Oh, lordy. Why, Enty, why?!

rhinovodka said...

Against, people will kill with or without a gun.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I don't like guns and don't plan to ever own one but don't think people that go through the proper hoops to obtain one should be penalized. I absolutely would love to see stricter gun laws, but as others have mentioned, outlawing guns is not going to stop the fuck sticks like this CO kid, criminals, etc from obtaining them.

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Against. People will always find a way to do crazy things with or withou guns. Should we ban aspirin because one person poisoned it? Should we ban castor plants because someone makes ricin from it? You can build pipe bombs from manuals posted on the Internet. Banning these things won't stop it.

Wee S said...

This is a bit of a weird one for me. I'm completely for gun control and actually think it should be seen as a positive thing as it will save more lives than having the right to bear arms does - yes, it gives you the right to own a gun but it also gives the potentially insane person attacking you to own one too. The reason I say it's a weird one for me is because I come from Northern Ireland. I grew up at the tail end of 'The Troubles' (I hate that term) so I am old enough to remember first hand the damage and destruction guns can cause. I have also heard two bombs go off in my life so far - One night in Belfast I walked through 3 bomb alert areas and it didn't really bother me. Out of the two, guns scare me more. With bombs, once it goes boom you have no idea who made it or pressed the button, but with a gun, the thought that someone could look me square in the eye and shoot me in cold blood scares the shit clean out of me. Yes, NI still has guns that ex-paras have and use in 'punishment shootings', but at the same time it's a relief that bat-shit crazy people can't just walk into a shop off the street and buy one.

FalseProfit said...


Afganistan - no gun control.

Switzerland - gun control.

If this is not an obvious choice, you're blinded by partisan politics.

Cindy said...

I am for gun control -- and all of those people that say that responsible gun owners should be allowed -- fine, as long as the guns are locked up in the local police deparment/sheriff's office and when you want to go shooting something, you have to sign them out, after a mental health check to make sure you aren't going to go destroy someone's life.

If you feel strong enough about owning your gun, you won't mind going through the hoops to get them to play with.

car54 said...

Very much pro-gun control.

Agent**It said...

Again, enty, poorly worded.

NaNa LaLa said...

Absolutely for gun CONTROL! I am not against all guns.

There is absolutely no reason in the world that people would need automatic assault weapons, grenades, and so on.

My liberal/ progressive just shot a racoon the other day that was trying to kill her chickens. Thank God she had access to that gun if it had been rabid with her 3 year old son playing outside.

NaNa LaLa said...

*liberal/ progressive sister, I meant to say.

NYer said...

for gun [industry] control. They are flooding our nation, and the world, with weapons to make money.

Jolene Jolene said...

I am absolutely shocked with how many people are against gun control. Unbelievable. Guns kill people. Period. Why on earth would you need to have one personally when we have law enforcement? I just never understood that. And the right to bear arms is such an antiquated portion of the constitution when war was on US soil, so I can't even get into that. I hate guns and always will, I don't give a shit if that "violates" our freedoms.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NomNom83 said...


Gun control =/= No guns

You like the mechanics of guns? You a collector? You like shooting up old barrels in the middle of nowhere? You want one in the house (with proper precautions) just in case? You shoot skeet? I'm not worried about you. Go for it. Hell, stock up if you want.

There is a reasonable middle ground on this.

Another Josh said...

100% for. Let's evolve as a society.

Anonymous said...

It's a lose-lose battle....... Now Population control on the other hand ...

flip said...

ITA with Jolene Jolene. I am really surprised so many people are against gun control. No guns. And make mental evaluation part of a normal childhoold check up, medical doctors and behavioral doctors working together to paint a broader picture of someone's health. Mental and physcial should not be separate, wait until something goes wrong type of thing. How many people do you each know with perhaps OCD tendencies, depression, maybe some phobias? We need to be more proactive and help people before such awful things happen.

Anonymous said...

By that I mean people kill people. People are crazy . Certain individuals should be put down like dogs .

Unknown said...

pro gun control
i think background checks with a cooling off period are a must. i also think everyone should have to take a safety course before they may own a gun.

Ms Cool said...

I agree with Layna Day.

HudsonJoe said...


Gun Control is largely a fallacy. The proof is Switzerland. Its military is a universal militia with all men of age serving. Because of that virtually every Switz home has a fully automatic assault weapon or personal sidearm.

If guns in society were the source of violence then Switzerland would be the most violent society on the face of the earth.

If we could wave a magic want and make all the guns in civilian hands disappear the level of violence would not change. The only change we would observe would be bats, clubs, crow bars, knives, fire bombs, etc. replacing guns. We need to look deeper into ourselves and our society for a cause of violence.

In the case of Aurora I think we will learn that this guy crazier than a loon. My personal guess is that he is schizophrenic.

__-__=__ said...

Ah, gun control means hitting your target with one shot. You can't legislate away the crazy. I'm protecting myself. There aren't enough cops for all of Texas.

jax said...

you no longer deserve the right to own firearms. your second amendment is outdated and does nothing to reflect on today's society.

what part of that don't Pro-gun people get??

__-__=__ said...

And flip - that was very good. Excellent idea. With the proper help at the proper time troubled souls will have a better life. I just don't know how you would keep the evil out of that too. Society needs to make some changes.

Unknown said...

@Jolene Jolene
the reason we have aright to bear arms isn't self defense against other citizens, its a protection against the government. it was written into the constitution to ensure that the government will never be in the position to coerce the populace into complying with mandates.
we cannot count on law enforcement as a protection against a corrupt government because they are a government entity

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jax. Wow. What part of that do "pro-gun" people not get? How about ALL of it? You want to strip people of a Constitutionally protected right because YOU say it is outdated and that people don't "deserve" it? That is unbelievable. Your hubris is astonishing.

Cindy, if your gun is locked up in a police station, how will it help you if someone is breaking into your house and raping your daughter? Or trying to kill you? Oh, I know what you're going to say: "Call the cops." What if you live in a rural area? Heck, what if you live in a suburb where the nearest police station is five miles away? What do you think will happen while you are waiting for a cop to show up?

Gun ownership is an inviolate right of American citizens. Now, should people with a history of being cray-cray have guns? Do people need automatic assault weapons or kevlar-penetrating bullets? Of course not. But there is absolutely no legit reason for any sane, responsible, properly trained person to be denied the right to buy a handgun.

MadLyb said...

Came across this tweet today:

RT @bretech2: In one yr, GUNS murdered 35 in Australia, 39 in England & Wales, 194 in Germany, 200 in Canada, & 9,484 in t/United States.

By all means, let's cater to the NRA, gun fetishists and an amendment that was created in direct response to British tyranny over 200 years ago. I don't know that gun control is going to work in America right now, but I can tell you that it sucks living amidst gun culture - what about our right not to get gunned down while shopping, watching a movie or simply walking down the street? Seattle has been a friggin' Western movie this past year.

Lisa said...

For gun control. However, the NRA will never let this happen ever.

Saffron said...

why does anyone buy/need a gun unless the intention is to kill another person?

...and folks that think their rulers will use guns to suppress them, lol, technological advanced weapons and nuclear weapons will be used. We live in freaking 2012, NOT the Civil War! So forget that silly argument!

SusanB said...

Been at the MD's - just got back and saw this - I'm against, and support the 2nd amendment, but I think there's certainly things that should be done - like supporting the 3 day waiting period. Agree - it's a poorly worded question.

Amanda M. said...

Against gun control.

For several reasons many posted above.

If any outside force penetrated our military and invaded our country, I sure would want my guns. Wouldn't you??

SusanB said...

By the way, I'm against drunks and druggies driving cars. Perhaps we should outlaw private car ownership?

Pogue Mahone said...

I am for gun control as gun violence has gone way overboard and needs some regulation to at least lessen the amount of gun crimes. I don't get it why the Americans are so obsessed with guns, I really don't.

KS said...

I won't answer either way but if you want to watch Chris Rock's version of gun control:
He basically says we don't need gun control we need bullet control. If bullets cost $5000, there wouldn't be any more innocent bystanders.

angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adventurous Kate said...

FOR gun control and have marched in favor of closing the gun show loophole.

While I'd love a gun-free nation, I know that will never happen. So I'm in favor of doing anything that will make it more difficult for the wrong people to get guns.

Lioness70 said...

For responsible gun ownership. That means the extensive background check. I'll do it because I have nothing to hide. Those that do? Sorry, the 2nd Amendment is null and void for crazies.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what. come live in Canada for a while and see why we have so little crime... GUN CONTROL WORKS

Anonymous said...

I also think the right to bear arms was written back in the days when you needed to protect your land from the indians! There is no reason for a person to need a semi-automatic weapon. I live in Canada - i've never touched a gun, i don't know anyone who has, and we have had 26 murders in the city of montreal so far this year, most of which are drug related.
So, in a city this size, with so little crime, do i need the right to bear arms? only if i wanna be george zimmerman

kathy said...

I'm not just appalled at how many people here are against gun control, but also by some of the spurious arguments being used to justify this position.

"The government won't do a good job." What you really mean is that the government won't do a perfect job, so it's pointless to start. This is pretty ridiculous.

"Look at Switzerland--everybody has a gun." Not true. All citizens are conscripted and could receive weapons, but a screening process weeds out approximately a third of the citizens. Kinda sounds like a form of gun control, right? And the citizens who do get weapons as part of the "army" give them back when they're done.

"I need a gun to protect myself." It's been documented that when Gabby Giffords was shot there was a person with a gun there who could've shot Laughner. He didn't do it though, for fear that he'd be mistaken for a second gunman and be killed by police.

"I need a gun to protect myself." Get a security system. Adopt a pit bull from your local shelter. Most burglaries do not happen when anyone's home--and what a bonanza for the criminals when they find a gun.

angie said...

Some who argued against gun control mentioned cars, aspirin, castor plants, forks, knives, rocks, and 2x4s as examples of things that should also be controlled if we're going to control guns, because in the wrong hands, they can also case death.

Guns are designed for one purpose - to kill.. huge difference.

As a couple of Canadians pointed out, they have guns, but with stricter controls, and have substantially fewer deaths as a result.

The responsible answer to the stricter gun control question is yes. The paranoid answer is no.

redronnie said...

@jg610 read your history books..we in Canada have experienced our own senseless gun related deaths. Just this past weekend, an idiot openned fire at a block party in Toronto and killed two innocent bystanders, a 14 year old girl and 23 year old man who just graduated from university. In Winnipeg the hunt for missing and murdered women continues, they arrested a man who strangled and beat three women to death and the search from more women continues. We may have gun control, but we don't control illegal guns. The gangs have hand guns and the average everyday citizen can't simply walk into walmart and buy one without exhaustive amounts of paperwork, criminal records check, etc..
We have gun control because some idiot named Marc LaPine legally obtained an automatic rifle walked into the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal and targeted women. He shot 28 people..that's why we in Canada have tough gun legislation. To my American friends, my condolenses.

Dani said...

Amen! If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

redronnie said...

Sorry folks, I mentioned the missing and murdered women, because as we learned from the Robert Pickton case you don't need a gun to be a serial killer. My apology.

Beca said...

Against. Controlling guns does nothing to stop those intent on doing harm, but only takes away my ability to defend myself.
I have a strange fascination with the erroneous idea that the only thing keeping us frommurdering the fuck out of each other are gun laws. I *have* guns. I don't go around shooting people because i'm not a killer.

Beca said...

Oh and--i would love to carry a cop with me instead of a gun. But they are heavy and in limited supply.

Mango said...

Against. I'm a liberal, registered Democrat who regularly votes, if anyone cares to know.

And holy fuck, I can't BELIEVE someone compared Afghanistan to Switzerland.

astrogirl said...

I am glad and lucky to live in a country with gun restrictions

Another Josh said...

A little something I was inspired to write today:

In the wake of yet another mass killling in the US, and after hearing President Obama give his condolences to the affected families, I can't help but think that we have a crisis of epidemic proportions on our hands. If it "takes a village to raise a child," exactly what is wrong with our "village," i.e. our society? Why would a handsome, intelligent PhD student who grew up and lives in the richest country in the world, the "land of opportunity," be spurred to booby trap his apartment, arm himself to the teeth, dress up like a movie villain, and indiscriminantly gun down a theater full of innocent men, women, and children. We have been witness to scenes much like this numerous times in the recent past. VA Tech, Columbine, Fort Hood, and Tucson immediately come to mind, and, unfortunately, there are many more examples to add to the list. Senseless mass killings have become a part of our culture, rapidly becoming as American as baseball and apple pie. Is it finally time to do more than have yet another moment of silence for the victims? Perhaps this time we should also take a deep look within ourselves. Like it or not, we are all victims, and we are all perpepetrators, since we are all members of the same society that these young men were, or are, also a part of. Why is this happening? As a country, let's not sit back and let this become our new normal. There is nothing normal about the senseless killing of another human being, let alone ten, twenty, or more depending on how much ammo the shooter happened to bring with him that day. If now is not the time for gun control advocates to speak up and for the government to listen, then when? If now is not the time for mental illness to be taken as seriously as any physical illness, then when? If now is not the time for parents to be involved in their children's lives as positive role models, then when? If now is not the time for bullying to be taking seriously, then when? If now is not the time for the media to stop glamorizing violence on TV and in movies, then when? If now is not the time for our society to focus on cooperation rather than competition, then when? If now is not the time for us to work to get to the root cause of this sickness in our society and move towards a solution, then when? Let's not wait until the next mass shooting to open this national dialogue. Now is the time.

Bit dams said...

against. but i doubt our founding fathers thought ak47's would be a possibility, so there needs to be some limit on the type of guns.

what a world we live in today. i guess our choice is to work from home, shop online and stream netflex.

Jessie said...

A gun being owned for "protection" is still owned with intent to harm another human being.

I really think it's a bit silly to quote the constitution considering what their breadth of weaponry was then compared to now.

However, as I live in a country with gun control it's hard for to understand why citizens of the USA feel like they do about guns.

An 18 year old died last week because another 18 year old boy he didn't know king hit him for no reason as he walked past. If someone has that little control over their own body, I mean, what if HE was allowed to have a gun? People are dangerous.

liteNOTSObrite said...

I third this! it's a damn shame people are going to bastardize this latest tragedy in order to enforce laws that will have absolutely no bearing on their safety.

Inger said...

Europe here - FOR!!!

Just compare the numbers... How many gun-related deaths in the US? How many over here?


liteNOTSObrite said...

You don't live near Oakland, Richmond, or Vallejo, California do you? The police force ahs been drastically reduced to basically zilch. The prisons are letting people out due to over crowding. Parole agents are no longer in charge of the supervision of these criminals. In this economy the police and other agencies do not have the man power to be effective.

yodelay said...

We don't need gun control, we need crazy people control!

No really, there needs to be a viable alternative to help the dangerously mentally ill in this country to shield the rest of us. We can thank Ronnie Regan for helping demolish what was in place. It wasn't perfect, at least their was an option.

0_0 said...

I'm amused and scared by posters picking a reason (not one of mine) and "disproving" it to their own satisfaction.

And the countries with much smaller populations being used to prove point. Pfft. We are discussing the USA and the 330M+ people here.

Yes, any arms- military included have the potential to kill people. And if the situation arises where I need to defend myself, my family or my home, mine will be. Yes, that includes legal military type weapons, as intended by the 2nd Amendment.

Oh, and the "gun show loophole"? That is the one-private-citizen-selling-a-weapon-to-another-private-citizen freedom.

+1 to liteNOTSObrite

Anonymous said...

@Saffron: "Why does anyone buy/need a gun unless the intention is to kill another person?"

My brother, who lives with me, used to be a prison guard. He has a handgun. It is kept in a lockbox in his room. He has had extensive training in gun safety and marksmanship, and has never fired it outside of the firing range.

I can guarantee that my brother -- along with the VAST majority of gun owners in this country -- has never "intended to kill" another person. His gun is for protection, that is all.

It would be nice if we lived in some magical world filled with unicorns and fairy dust, but we don't. There are criminals out there. There are crazy people. There are people who, given the chance, will try to hurt you. If we make gun ownership illegal in this country, they are the only people who will have guns. Let's work on keeping guns out of the hands of those people, rather than the millions of law-abiding citizens who have never harmed anyone and would never dream of doing so.

HowToMakeMeSmile said...

For. There is NO reason a person needs an AR-15. None whatsoever!

RachelinAustin said...

For! Guns are dangerous and need to be controlled. How many people have to die for others to have their toys?

Jessie said...

Outlawing guns means that less of the population will have them. The "wrong" people mostly use them to kill other "wrong" people.

There is an article about the shooting and the fact the US government is doing nothing to stop these massacres happening in the New Yorker. People against gun control really seem like they're only thinking of themselves and not the victims.

SashaJames2 said...

I am from the uk and you don't hear of shootings here except the odd isolated cases of gangs shooting each other. Even our police don't carry guns and yet violent crime here is way less than the states.
I think I will freak out if I came close to a gun on a person who is not law enforcement.
I personally strongly believe tough gun controls will reduce incidents like these.

kathy said...

Keeping a gun in your house, say, next to your bed to protect yourself, makes it an easy target for genuine bad guys. 600,000 guns are stolen from houses every year.

Don't give a gun to a criminal; don't own one. And don't give a gun to anyone without a thorough background check. And don't give an automatic weapon to anyone at all.

Hazeldazel said...

The automated weapon used at the theater is illegal here in California.

I'm okie dokes with folks having guns, but I want y'all to have background checks first to make sure you're not crazy or a felon and I don't you need super-duper terminator type gun just to go hunting or protect yourself if some kid comes breaking in. And if that background check takes a couple of days, maybe that would be good thing in case you're having a big fight with your significant other. Let you cool down a bit.

And Chris Rock had it right, put a fat tax on those bullets, make every shot count. I'm sick to death of hearing about grandmas and little girls getting shot up cuz gang-bangers are too chicken to fight man-to-man.

But hey, have yer guns if you wanna.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Against total prohibition, for reasonable controls. FFS, civilians don't need automatic weapons, grenades, etc.--those are designed solely to kill people, and ideally as many people as possible, and if you're crazy enough to go hunting w/an AK-47, I reserve the right to point and laugh my ass off at you when you realize that you just obliterated the deer you tried to bag AND because you're obviously a piss-poor shot with a tiny dick who's too lousy a shooter to use a proper rifle. (My dad is a lifelong hunter, is extremely responsible about his guns, keeps them locked up, and us kids all knew better than to even think about trying to touch them.)

We need to teach proper respect for guns--not fear, but respect--and make sure that kids understand that they can kill people, should be handled safely and cautiously, and that one should never point a gun at anyone or anything unless you are willing to take a life, and understand and accept the responsibility inherent in that. I also tend to think that a waiting period is a good idea; you shouldn't be buying weapons of any kind when you're riled up, and it might save a lot of lives, particularly in domestic situations, if someone couldn't just buy a gun on the spot, take it home, and start blazing away.

I know, I know--that won't necessarily keep guns out of the bad guys' hands; however, it just might save the lives of a lot of other innocent people, because someone doesn't happen to have a gun handy when they're pissed off at their family or boss, or because they're left out where kids can get hold of them (make sure you keep your weapons locked up tight, and that your kids all know better than to even think of going near them, please!).

Freedom is important, yes, but we need to remember that with freedom comes responsibility, and just because you can do something doesn't mean you should...oh, and God's sake, let's work on the mental health system in this country, so that perhaps we can get to some of these people before they go postal!

katsm0711 said...

If we are now arguing that countries with zero guns allowed have the fewest deaths by guns, we need to weigh that statistic with deaths by bombs, knives, poison, be creative and add your own because if our guns are taken away our population will just become more creative and find other solutions. We need to fix our countries health which includes mental health. I'd be more interested in comparing our mental health diagnosis' with other countries. These massacres don't occur because there are guns lying around! Every single one of the shooters was insane. All of them! That is where the solution lies. And let me tell you, here in Connecticut there have been freaking black bears in my town and I'm in a very populated area. If I was in a less populated area I would be taking gun classes right now!

Kaizer... said...

@robin the mad photographer-You hit every point exactly right!

Selock said...


I live in an area with some escalating crime and the idea of everyone arming themselves defensively seems like it is going to be the root of more future problems than the solution to any of the ones that are bubbling up, the true causes of which continue to go unaddressed.

But if I had to take a stand on the intersection of government and violence it'd be fighting for the abolition of the death penalty not tighter gun controls.

Selock said...

I'm with Another Josh!

Squid said...


Unknown said...

That is not a fact.

Jennmcn said...

I'm against gun control. I grew up in a big gun control state, threatening signs at the boarder the whole deal. Never picked up a handgun until I was 21 and I will never give up the right to own one. It's my legal right.

Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and at least 20 people get a shot in a weekend, every weekend. Notice Obama doesn't say anything about that.

Anonymous said...

This whole idea of pricing bullets at extraordinary levels is so, so dumb. First of all, if each bullet cost, say, $300, how is the average person going to be able to go to the shooting range and practice marksmanship and safety? They won't. So then we'd just have a bunch of people owning guns who are even less well-trained than we have now. Brilliant.

Also, do any of you have any idea how easy it is to make your own bullet? It is incredibly simple and cheap. You can find videos demonstrating it online, for heaven's sake.

mooshki said...

For, but I don't think it would have stopped what happened in Aurora. Look at what happened in Norway.

I'm not saying all your guns should be taken away, but handguns, and semi-automatic weapons... If you want a gun for hunting, use a rifle.

HalleGoLightly said...

SAT - 7/21 - 3:50 AM CST

Now there's a report that this psycho bought 6.000 rounds of ammo online. That's legal? That didn't raise any f'ing red flags? Cheese-N-Rice.

Agent**It said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agent**It said...


This guy bought numerous weapons from various stores within the last couple of months. There is a federal database which shows store purchases in any state. This is a HUGE RED FLAG that went undetected.

Not sure how they track the internet charges.

Barton Fink said...

Oh Jennmcn, the president did address the issue many times, and once in 2009 after Obama addressed gun violence in Chicago, “Listen, I think it’s a great idea to promote Chicago but he’s the president of the United States, not the mayor of Chicago,” House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said. So, go figure.

auntliddy said...

Very complicated issue. I dont like guns, dont hv any, and wld love see gun control of semi automatics and to look into why someone wld be buying full body armor. I say have all the guns u want, just keep them the he away from me. I dont get why people are so rabid about insisting they have to hv them. Having said that, millions hv guns and dont go around shooting peeps. So idk!

MissDrea83 said...

I'm against gun control.

Sunnyhorse said...

I'm a gun owner who despises the NRA and believes in strict gun guntrol laws. And if I hear that "spoons cause obesity" bullshit again, I'm gonna scream. Enough with the NRA talking points -- if you can't tell the difference between a gun and a spoon and why that's an absolutely shitty analogy, you don't have any business owning a gun.

SashaJames2 said...

Very well said.

dia papaya said...

Beautifully written @Another Josh. I totally agree. Thanks for sharing this!

Kaizer... said...

Not poorly worded at all Enty.

@sunnyhorse why can't more gun owners be like you?


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