Thursday, March 28, 2013

Man Claims To Be The Father Of Mason Disick

In Touch has a new report coming out in their most recent issue. In it, model, Michael Girgenti, who worked with Kourtney on a modeling campaign back in 2008. He says the pair began having sex after Kourtney said that she and Scott are on a break. They hooked up a total of three times before Kourtney stopped talking to him forever. He goes on to claim that 9 months after he and Kourteny first hooked up, Mason was born. Mason looks like Scott. As much as I would like this to be true to rattle the family, it does not look true. Kourtney's lawyers say they worked together and nothing more.


__-__=__ said...

Sex IS working to a Kartrashian.

LottaColada said...
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LottaColada said...

No thoughts on this but Kim's ass appears to be wearing an umbrella in the DM if anyone wants to take a peak.

Agent**It said...

Lotta, I saw that last night. There are no words..........:)

mikey said...

I'm really horrible about who babies/toddlers look like - but Mason does look like this guy.

That said, I think it's possible this guy is just trying to get his name in the media, and it's working.

Meanie Rhysie said...

LMAO Lotta! I was giggling like a maniac when I saw that last night!! And, Holy Bazooms! Just one of her tits is bigger than her head. (I hated that my tits exploded...I kinda sorta feel for her.)

jgirl828 said...

There WERE rumors about this a few years back. Mason dosen't look anything like this guy

greenmountaingal said...

My only comment about this is that I find Kourtney extremely annoying - that baby voice makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
I also don't think she's attractive. She looks like a big tooth chipmunk.

Katie said...

If he really wanted a paternity test, he would gone to the courts, not the tabloids.

Cathy said...

@Lotta - this is why I believe she really is pregnant. If she were wearing a prosthetic, surely she would find one that is more flattering.

Unknown said...

Wow. Mason DOES kinda resemble this guy.... but KK has had so much work done, it's hard to tell if Mason doesn't resemble HER pre-plastic surgery

Unknown said...

Do you think it's weird she NEVER touches her "bump"??? It's super suspicious to me. I totally think it's fake

Izzie said...

OMG @ Lotta, baby got back fat in that umbrella dress!

WTH with her horrible dresses? Isn't Kanye supposed to be some sort of fashion designer?

LottaColada said...

@JSara- quite the opposite actually, Beyonce was always cradling her belly as if to convince everyone there was something in there. I agree with what @Cathy said; Kim would not purposely make herself look so unflattering all the time. She's too vain for that. I think she would aim to look like Kourtney whilst pregnant if she were faking.

Pip said...

There is no doubt Kim is pregnant. She does not know how to dress her newly pregnant body. Her outfits make her look 10 times bigger than she actually is. They don't flatter any part of her body.

Ari said...

It's not like Mason came out with Scott's baby blue eyes...why couldn't this guy be the father? I think I'm the only one on this planet that doesn't find Mason as adorable as everyone else does.

greenmountaingal said...

You're not. I also don't think he's that cute.

Anonymous said...

I find both of the Disick children "breathtaking" (cue Seinfeld).

Pip said...

Brown is the dominant color of eyes. I'm not surprised at all that he came out with darker features, like his mother.

Pini 27 said...

I think all believe that any press is good press. An overblown paternity scandal must be manna from the gods. 'Earning' millions would make many people compromise any personal ethics. This is a family that probably always had 'JUST' enough to move in the circles they did.
Dad was NOT one of the huge H'Wood attys. He knew O.J. did it and I always found him repulsive for that. I never begrudged them for taking advantage of celebrity worship, but they seem to have become addicted to it. They are not going to take diminished celebrity well.
I also think that Kim deliberately dresses badly. If she looked tasteful and well styled, no one would cover her every panty change. She's like Cher back in the day of her Bob Mackie outfits, minus the body that could pull off anything. How many years later and people still remember what they looked like?

cece said...

Uh uh. He's not cute at all.

dia papaya said...

Lotta! There are no words for that horror. It's hurting my eyes. What is wrong with maternity clothes? She looks like an idiot! And notice how Kanye is nowhere to be seen. The more ridiculous her outfits get, the less we see of him. Hmmmm.....

audrey said...

@Puggle..sorry to burst your bubble but brown eyes are not so dominant. I come from two parents with brown eyes. My eyes are brown. My eldest child from dad number one has green her dad. My youngest has blue eyes like her brown present in either chil.

lalaland said...

@audrey: genetically brown eyes are dominant. if you ended up with blue eyes then both of your parents had the recessive gene for blue eyes.

Agent**It said...

Kk will end up with a huge weight loss deal and a line of maternity clothes.per Wendy Williams.

lalaland said...

sorry i read that wrong lol.. u do have brown eyes.. u and the fathers must have recessive genes for the diff colored eyes

Seachica said...

Looking at those Kim K photos, she is a *very* unattractive pregnant woman. It isn't her body -- it's her face, which has gotten misshapen. And her personality, but that has nothing to do with pregnancy.

auntliddy said...

I like when kim said the other day shes not ashamed of her body or curves. No one is saying that, we're saying your CLOTHES are appallingly unflattering, muttonhead.

katie said...

I am not proud of this, but anyway. I saw a few episodes of the Khloe, Kourtney Miami show. While broken up with Scott, Kourtney fooled around with one of Rob's friends.
Then she hooked up with Scott again, and figured out she might be pregnant while list in the Everglades or something.

Please tell me someone else remembers this. I always thought the kid could be the friend of Rob's.

auntliddy said...

I really dont like any speculating on parentage of others , ESPECIALLY CHILDREN!!! It could be sooo damaging, its none if our business, and the kids didnt ask to be put in spotlight. It shld end.

katie said...

Lost in the Everglades

ethorne said...

I read something the other day when she said people she is soooo comfy in her skintight leather skirts & such because they're maternity wear. Lol!

annabella said...

ok, its been two kardashian posts and its not even noon where I am. can we stop now?

Unknown said...

@katie, i remember that. whoever it is, at least scott is there now.

@j sara -- kim is totally preg. like was said earlier, she might be trying to still preserve her image, and she might think holding her belly would be unflattering to her figure.

anyways, in those photos, i dont think she looks that bad.

Unknown said...

p.s. what happened to the k ban?? march free?

rexruther said...

K ban was Feb. why isn't she looking at herself in a 3-way mirror before she goes out??? KK is far too vain to wear this crap on purpose. She'd be getting papped anyway.

Sherry said...

I take back my original assertion that she was just eating like there was no tomorrow. Now I really do believe she's pregnant but as previously posited think she's dressing terribly on purpose. AND FTR I do NOT hope she has a miscarriage. I hope the child is healthy. He/she will still be in that family so it needs all the help it can get.

Unknown said...

who cares??

__-__=__ said...

She is carrying that kid in her ass I swear!

Mango said...

@ bflogurl - LMAO! I am going to start using that for the less than cute H'wood kids (Mariah's, Jessica Alba's, Kyle Richards' youngest Portia - they are all BREATHTAKING). I'm sorry if that makes me mean (no I'm not) but not all kids are cute.

mistang said...

Haha! I just looked at those pics of KK. I thought you guys were exaggerating. The back looks awful. Did she actually bust the dress and they had to glue on a zipper or something? Horrible and cheap looking.

New Life and Attitude said...

@Mango - love it! Will and Jada's kids are breathtankingly breathtaking.

auntliddy said...

To parapharse a comedian : thats like being the weird one in the Jackson family, lol. They are very intellectuslly limited. Very.

auntliddy said...

My theory is she has no mirror.

parissucksliterally said...

I don't know why anyone would want to claim they are Mason's father. The kid looks like fucking werewolf.

Yes, I am mean. I don't care.

lilo723 said...

I am kind of thrilled to know that under all those layers of makeup and ridiculousness, that Kim is a normal human girl with back fat rolls.

ClaptonsLayla said...

I think this baby is more publicity then desire. Not to say she wont love the baby...but shes lacking that maternal instinct. It will come. Until then shes just doing the paces...belly touching isnt her forte.
Im disgusted by the fact shes wearing spanx as of late. Maybe mine was just too tight but that restriction cant be good...

Jazzy said...

My thoughts exactly! His name should be Mowgli.

Dani said...

I totally remember this! Always thought something was shady about the timing of their reconciliation.

ReacherB said...

You guys are killing me today! The truth DOES hurt, these half Armenian, or Persian kids are never, ever good looking, Portia and the almost-has-to-wax-his-eyebrows already Mason, are wonders to behold, as well as those bug eyed lollipop headed Smith children! Lets throw in the Theresa Guidice triplet fish heads fo shitz and gigs......


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