Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Random Photos Part Two- Fashion Rocks Photos Part One

Nicki Minaj
Jennifer Lopez
Miranda Lambert
Rita Ora
Kat Graham
Bella Thorne
Luke Bryan
Jessie James Decker
Nick Jonas


Seven of Eleven said...

Ah, JLo, Angie already did it, and better.

Rita Ora looks like something on top of a cake.

Jonas kid looks like an elf.

I'm guessing bra as top is the new thing. Huh.

Shelly Shell said...

JHo you've already copied St Angie, stop repeating yourself.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Nick Jonas. ...never mind
Minaj looks very good
JLo...I don't know
So many that I don't know
But I know the bra is not a top!

sandybrook said...

The people who performed on that show had to be some of the worst acts Ive ever seen. Not including Duran Duran and I didn't stick around to watch KISS.
Jesse James Decker will be a huge star if hubby plays well for the Jets. Now not so much away from the south.

sandybrook said...

I forgot to mention Biebs striptease while being booed off the stage dont know if I enjoyed it more than it disgusted me.

TH-ighs said...

Holy shite! How small is that Jonas (based on others standing in front of that sign). I could put him in my pocket.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@7: Extending your Beauty & the Beast metaphors from yesterday, Whora looks more like Lumiere's French kitchen wrench!!! (Double points for the GOT reference squeezed in there)

MeanieRhysie said...

What's with all the wonky photos lately?? Everyone looks too short, too tall, too short (Is the Jonas fella super short?)...weird.

Wen said...

I think Anne V did the leg thing first.

Sylvia said...

Wow! Jonas looks like a dwarf lolol

Greengrl said...

That's the best I have ever seen Nicki Minaj look.

Nick Jonas looks like he's 12.

Miranda looks so different without the usual extensions & sparkly dress.

ethorne said...

Nicki Minaj looks good for once other than the wonky tits.

J. Lo please put the turkey leg away.

BTownGirl said...

Could someone please explain Eric Decker's wife's ensemble? Satin romper with headband. I don't understand.

ethorne said...

All I know about Jesse James Decker is she had a show on E & her name makes me stabby. I can forgive it if she was born JJ (then the stabby tranfers to her parents) but I have a feeling she wasn't.

LottaColada said...

Holy shit. That's Miranda Lambert?

Kat who?

crila16 said...

Ahhh...JLo is pulling a Jolie.

karenv said...

Jonas bro looks exactly like Eddie Munster but in color

Jessie said...

Ohh, Nick, standing there like Marc Jacobs. I didn't think he was gay but I'm not so convinced now.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Just remembered that JLo's Casper appeared with
Nicki in the Where them girls at video.

Yoj said...

Shag: Kat Graham. This girls needs a higher profile which would get her a better stylist. She could rock some great fashion.

Marry: Who'd have thought it? Saint Laurent is a perfect match for Nicki Minaj. I think I would hate those Zanottis on anyone else.

Kill: Stéphane Rolland. He's fast approaching Marchesa levels of gross.

audrey said...

Fashion seems to have rocked it's way right out of the building and disappeared into the night, because none of these people look fashionable to me.

Unknown said...

LOLOLOL Nick Jonas

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Someone left Steeley Dan in Nick JOnas's anus

Lila said...

Nicki Minaj looks awesome. Those shoes are badass.
Rita looks a cross btw Gwen Stefani and anime. But interesting, and hard to take your eyes off her.

cowbulls said...

JLo must have an amazing genetic makeup because she remains very hot.

SugarTitz said...

Bella thorne is so beautiful she could play Jessica Chastain daughter. . I don't know anything about her though. .no good gossip anybody got any??
@yoj pick yourself off the floor hon I have no gossip about someone for once..

Yoj said...

@sugarbread maker
That's very magnanimous of you, sugarbread. Here I am, finally with a chance to impress you and...I've got nothing. All I know about her is that she's only sixteen and she's already done a bikini photoshoot.
She is a beautiful girl but I can't seem to be able to remember her face. Every time I see her photo, I'm like 'oh, that's what she looks like'. It's very strange.

Unknown said...

Nicki Minaj lookin' fierce again!!! Love her.

JLo -- although not original -- looks good!!!

Unknown said...

Miranda, darling....Please eat something. Don't let that cad control you like that. You're beautiful....and too skinny now!

RowdyRodimus said...

Is that Jonas kid trying out for the role of Eddie Munster in a remake or movie of The Munsters? (It's due since it's pretty much the last of the 60's sitcoms that haven't received a 21st century remake)


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