Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Off Topic

I committed to watching Amazing Race this season without using my DVR. I'm trying to go old school. 


Lady Heisenberg said... got this, Enty and I am here for you during this time of struggle!

Pumpkin tittayz did you watch SOA yet? I have my weekly notes ready!

sandybrook said...

I'm trying to go old school too Enty no reality shows except for DWTS and once that's done never again.

Kat has left the building said...

Ewwwww commercials

Kno Won said...

DVR can be just another to-do item on the list that never gets done.
I get anxious when my DVR is stacked and I know I'll never catch up.

Cleodacat said...

I can't remember Friday night. Kiss of death moving them from Sunday.

discoflux said...

Lotta - did you watch Nail'd It last night?

Jordan T said...

Good luck with that!

Gayeld said...

I hope whatever he has isn't catching. I don't want to find myself watching commercials voluntarily. Unless it's the Super Bowl. Then I only watch for the commercials.

Unknown said...

We are all digital now using Netflix, Roku... Hubby got rid of TiVo, dvd player, and cable.

SugarTitz said...

spoiler alertss....
soa.. i think juice kidnapped gemma and is holding her hostage. or just maimed her and left her there and took the suv and went off to rat out samcro.. the only think worse for death for gemma is jax finding out that gemma killed tara..
i think he will go to asians and spill all that gemma killed tara and set one of their boys up to take the fall..
loving annabeth gish and her beyond crooked.. idgaf cop girl this season

skippy said...

What bet did you lose Enty to get this as a forfeit?

auntliddy said...

Dont watch that, but doing opposite with SOA. All dvr-ed for future viewing binge, thank u very much.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Ooooh Sugarbread you good! I love your theories. Juice finally has a hand he can play! Juice to the rescue!!!
Here are my notes:

*Stop lying to Nero, Jax! It's giving homeboy massive pit stains! You are one cold, desensitized asshole now, Jax. Ditto for Gemma, calling the massacre "drama." Oh well. "Whores will be whores," I suppose...
*Poor Chibs can never get TOO lucky! :( Let's all sing together now: I Shtupped the Sherrrrriffffff. Awww Gish puts her pants on the same way we all do in the morning but she continues to be so cute with those empty threats!
*Poor Abel. Jax has been very shitty at all of his "jobs" lately.
*Aw. Gish being cute again with the "if you can't beat em, join em" defense for corruption. I feel totally differently than you do about Gish. She ain't shit and here's why. One of my colleagues interviewed the two previous Mexican presidents (Fox and Calderon) along with their staff heads. Almost everyone said that it's not the cartels or the drugs, but corruption that is the biggest problem in The War on Drugs. Lady H has zero sympathy for a dirty fuckin cop. What Gish doesn't realize is that this isn't really give or take. SOA owns her ass now because she took money and slept with a member. If she had any power, she wouldn't be cowering over them with pleas and empty threats before resorting to banging Chibs. Now, she's just their bitch with a badge, period. CCH Pounder would be so ashamed of you.
*A better model to follow is Father Greg Boyle's. He has managed to build connections with gangsters while not condoning their bullshit in any form. Up until a couple decades ago, Boyle would help negotiate peace treaties between feuding SoCal Gangs but gave that up a long time ago because organizing violence in certain ways still legitimizes it as an option. There is no compromise or possible peace among fuckers out for blood. Thankfully Nero is starting to see this now. That shit is futile.
*I called it that Abel was gunna start acting out. Kids are little sponges and violence be a vicious cycle, yo.
*Holy shit that was the bloodiest episode of Pawn Stars yet! Good thing Chumlee was off napping!
*Racial profiling claims yet another life. Stop being such a racist, Juice!
*Unser saved the day but will die now
*Ahh the fake cops trick! Jax must have watched Dirty Work again recently...
*Oh Gemma!!! Why?!?! I was so worried last week that you would do that :( he knew it was coming too. Poor old yeller. I don't think Juice will actually follow through though and kill her. Gemma, you are fucked though, girl. She has zero honor.
*To end on a less devastating note: the Age of Aquarrrrrius!

LottaColada said...

@disco- I don't have Oxygen :-( I'll see if I can find it online somewhere.

OKay said...

I will never give up my DVR. Commercials are a thing of the past!

SugarTitz said...

i cant wait for the look on jaxs face when he realizes mommy dearest killed his boo..
juice is gonna bring them all down and have all samcro dead or run out of town and then take over samcro rainbow chapter

Unknown said...

Gayeld, you live in a world where commercials are optional? (In best Liz Lemon voice) I want to go there.


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