Monday, January 26, 2015

Blind Item #6- SAG Awards

Besides talking about her awful performance, people were also talking about the nose job this B list television host had recently. She thinks it will help her get work. Actually being a better host would probably be a better plan.


tricia13 said...

Maria. Menounos

Ay said...

Well at least she looked healthy.

tricia13 said...

Yep but soooo mundane and uncharasmatic. It was brutal . I thought Steve cartel was gonna laugh (he should have since she didn't know his wife's name-just wife-and then went and shook her hand a 2nd time when she was fed it. Awful

Ay said...

Yes i'll admit Guiliana is a decent host. But she needed a wake up call so i'm not mad at them giving someone else a try.

Malibuborebee said...

Ghouliana's frightening but Maria Menounos would sell her entire family to Russian sex traffickers for one of Ghouliana's jobs. Ms. M. wore out some kneepads to get that gig.


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