Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blind Item #3

It only took a couple of days apart from each other to see this A list singer/part-time reality star cheating on his singer girlfriend. He told a woman that the relationship was all for show while he was hitting on her this week.


Snookiemonster said...


Tricia13 said...

Yes Snookie! Shelton that ladykiller

youknowho said...

Lol. Obv Shelyon. but its so... :) :) riculously idiot this guy.

Courtney said...

Shelton, of course. But I truly think their "relationship" is all for show. If so, it's not cheating lol I can't figure out what either of them have to gain by being together though...

Derek Harvey said...

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.



Malibuborebee said...

Fake Derek is such a moron. Someone should find something better to do with herself.

Shelton and Stefani get post-split 'relationship' PR out of this and it's good for the show's ratings.

Rory said...

If it's not Shelton it is nobody. If true , he is a bigger tool than imagined.

And-so-on.. said...

Three for the ex ... and more for the rotten boyfriend.. you cheat, you liar, you cry and wail, gotohell no good bye.. I am moving on.. somebody pick up this dumb dog sleeping under my porch; lyric writing and songs for Gwen to sale .. She's hot.. cha-ching

Amused said...

This was a blind weeks before they came out as a couple on the BLIND GOSSIP site. Was predicted as a PR relationship before they even started, "flirting."

fritanga said...

I guess they figured everyone loves a "rebound-from-icky-spouses" love story between two "wounded" souls. However, cynical souls such as Enty and the rest of us can see through the sham. The whole thing is just too convenient, well-timed and random. It reminds me a bit of Reese Witherspoon leaving Phillippe and almost immediately glomming onto Gyllenhaal. At the time it was a good career move for both of them - she didn't seem sad and he seemed straight. While I think both Shelton and Stefani are straight, I think they're doing this for their careers - and for ratings.

Shaddup mimsey said...

Malibuborebee is totally Derek


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