Friday, December 04, 2015

Blind Item #10

I bet the cameras are turned off each day when this Teen Mom gets her methadone.


Tricia13 said...

Leah messer? Dunno

sandybrook said...

Leah or Janelle

Kno Won Uno said...

Heroin is really getting on my damned nerves.

P said...

Leah... such a mess

Whats? said...

Yep. I've basically disowned my mom because of my brother. She offered to pay for rehab and he said no. Yet she doesn't understand why I won't let my kids be around a junkie. So now my kids have no uncle and no grandmother.

Unemployable said...

@ Kno Won Uno. Yeah, Me too. Sober as a nun these days but not before I buried two friends and a stripper that I was getting rather fond of, lost all my money, my job, and my apartment. I also lost thirty pounds, so it wasn't all in the con column. All the folks down at the homeless shelter tell me I look fabulous!
Try to avoid H, Kids. Its not nearly as much fun as the movies make it look.

Briana said...

It's Leah. Jenelle is on cocaine. I'm not sure why that isn't coming up in blind items. She did it with Courtney Love and got caught with it in NYC last weekend

Why said...

Why is this even a blind item? Methadone is a prescription medication that actually prevents you from abusing drugs -- so it's not bad to be on it! It means she's sober, not the opposite. Good for her.

Tabby said...

Always thought it was strange when she climbed into the crib. Leah. The other one ,Jenelle I thought would go down in flames. I do think she is crafty and possibly the most intelligent teen mom despite her past drug abuse. She picks bad boys that are attractive, not unusual.

Hope said...

I would love to see the proof of Jenelle being caught with cocaine, or any controlled substance now! She is due in court soon for the assault of her Ex's new GF. And, Jaced has been "Jaced" again for her new flavor of the month!

Gossip said...

Amber, Jenelle or Leah. If I had to guess which one, I'd say Leah.


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