Thursday, February 04, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 3, 2015

Why yes, that was the barely celebrity wife of this A+ list mostly movie actor eating alone in the downstairs eating hall at The Plaza. She then got a text and quickly made her way upstairs to a suite where she stayed for two hours. The suite is permanently booked by the company that her former boyfriend owns.

Amal Clooney/George Clooney


TopperMadison said...

Whoa...a story is about to break, I assume?

French girl said...

BS! Amal doesn't eat !!!

Sandy said...

She was lonely, George was busy "making Tequila" with Randy Gerber!

Jake said...

Only a few months ago but still would never have guessed Amal. Wow. Maybe cuz it said she was eating. Weird marriage.

Kno Won Uno said...

In Coincidental News, Julian Assange says he'll surrender to UK authorities if the UN rules against him. UK says they'll arrest him either way.
Life must be getting rough at the Ecuadorean embassy - maybe they aren't planning to have fasnachts next Tuesday.

Kno Won Uno said...

Nonsense - once a week, she eats bowls of shaved ice.

Kno Won Uno said...

Suites at The Plaza

jack said...

George and Amal locked themselves in a secure somewhat open relationship that appears to be thought through. They are both smart interesting people with higher iqs than 99% of those judging them.

nameless said...

you think a contract beard would be more discreet

ettacettera said...

Maybe they left out the long bathroom stop in the who's the former beau? I've only heard of her linked to one old married guy.

Hank said...

If this stuff is made up, its pretty destructive shit to put out into the world. Just saying.

Snarknado said...

Snookiemonster got it right off the bat! I'm with you, the eating clue doesn't lead us to Amal.

Cupcakes4all said...

awwww, the life of a paid out the butt BEARD, boo hoo

wearing 10,000 worth of expensive duds too, I presume..

Aeol said...

This is total BS. The Plaza Food Hall is completely exposed. It would be beyond weird to see her down there by herself, especially since she is now trailed by George's security everywhere she goes.

Moptop said...

I don't believe this for a minute. There was no way she was eating anything.

Malibuborebee said...


HH314 said...

This so-called blind is made up. I am starting to think Amal's people put out blinds like this to make her more interesting, otherwise no one will even remember her.
OT, I checked that link with the Plaza suites, and if I had access to one, I would never get out.

Patrick said...

This is as discreet as anyone famous can ever get. The Plaza has no hallway cameras. Anyone can see, and say, anything. If they can't prove it? Then it is just baseless gossip.

Laura Palmer said...

Woah, no way...god I love the Plaza...maybe she couldn't help herself...she can't resist the PLAZA!

wow said...

jack if they were so smart as you say.. they would have been single. just saying. Amal eating? If this is true, than she made up this story

Hot Cola said...

Ha! This! +1,000

Hot Cola said...

Mee Too, +10K

anna from savannah said...

Good for you, Jack! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Penelope 2 said...

She was just throwing up meal up. No one wants to have sex with her.

NoseyNeighbor said...

So sad and yet just. For both of them. This is what happens to people who have no pride. You should love yourself enough, have pride and be strong enough to do better.

marlo said...


He's so clever that his career is over, with rumours of him being broke, and she's so clever, that she's never won a case in her life, stayed unmarried until her late 30's, and has become the laughing stock of every beard around.

Your standards for intellect are amusingly low.


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