Friday, April 29, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 15, 2016

I don’t really like playing the baby bump game, but this former B list mostly television actress who is married to the A+ lister only drank water at that recent government function. Normally she would have been hand over fisting wine.

Blake Lively (and a month later she announced she is pregnant)


Georgia said...

Since when comments need to pass the moderation approval here?
I submitted one and it is awaiting for moderation...!

AtlLady said...

Maybe that explains Blake's "bathrobe" that she wore to the White House dinner:

Ryan - Blake, you need to get dressed for the dinner.
Blake - Ryan, I have been throwing up all day and don't have time to get ready.
Ryan - I am not showing up stag so get your butt in the limo and throw on your make-up on the ride over.
Blake - But I'm in my bathrobe!
Ryan - They'll think you are being trendy. Now, move it!

Kno Won Uno said...

I got that a couple of days ago for some random comment.
Maybe it's random moderation?

Georgia said...

It's odd...well, in that message I was just pointing out this:
" (and a month later she announced she is pregnant)"

...and few months earlier Enty was saying they were about to divorce!

joe said...

Finally, one blind was not made up


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