Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blind Item #5

This A- list comic actress is trying to convince people she is not racist. So, she went to lunch with an African American guy. To make sure people saw her going to lunch with the guy she called up multiple paps and even had one of her PR people take photos.


Ay said...


Kno Won Uno said...

It's on MTO, Enty.

david said...

My guess, too.
Unless your post wasn't a guess!

Cat said...

This is stupid if its supposed to be Schumer she has been friends with naszim for a good year, she isnt racist. She likes paps and often posts cute pap pics on social media..nothing wrong with that

Ay said...

Just curious, why do you read MTO?

Derek Harvey said...

These stories ANNOY ME. Why and how is she racist? Do white people need to pull a full Rachel Dolezal to be considered not racist?

Kno Won Uno said...

For this kind of stuff.

krisr said...

Mindy Kaling and Common

Ay said...

The fact that whoever this is would pull this stunt shows they're protesting too much. I can't name any comic actress that black folk are checking for like that.

Zilla1 said...

People think Schumer is racist because she had a lot of racially insensitive material in her standup act. Her boyfriend also caused a stir by putting on blackface for an instagram photo and playing "gangsta."

“Nothing works 100 percent of the time, except Mexicans.”

“I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual.”

Zilla1 said...

Derek Harvey said...

Her boyfriends behavior is inexcusable--and he seems like an opportunist---WAKE-UP AMY!

But comedy is comedy and her jokes are NOT racist. Black comedians poke-fun at white people ALL the time and NO ONE bats an eye...

Lurky McLurkster said...

Boy, Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor must sure be/was some big time racist after Blazing Saddles

Ew Derek said...

Derek pulling a full Rachel dolezal IS racist, very racist

Zilla1 said...

I guess it's subjective. I can see why people find her "humor" offensive, because she is perpetuating stereotypes that a lot of people across the country still buy into, and nobody is doing this kind of material anymore. And I've seen black comedians take flack for making racist cracks and remarks. Jamie Foxx, for one.

I find Amy's neurotic outrage at thinking a magazine was calling her "plus size" a hell of a lot funnier than her jokes, though. Especially when the magazine featuring the story never called her plus sized, but in her outrage, Amy inadvertently called the other women mentioned on the cover with her "plus sized."

"As long as it isn't ME you're calling plus sized."

Malibuborebee said...

I give a lot of leeway to comedians but she doesn't seem to need it. Her material seems pretty tame. Schumer's boyfriend is obviously a jerk. She's not plus sized but she isn't Hollywood sized either and she knows it.

Derek's Thong said...


Frufra said...

Eh. George Costanza did this first like 20 years ago.

TopperMadison said...

So what's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?

Zilla1 said...

Schumer's material isn't tame, it's lame. And if you find blackface offensive, (as you should), you should also find someone calling an entire race rapists offensive as well. Since in Amy's case and her boyfriend's case, they were both "just trying to be funny."

"As long as it isn't about my race, it's funny (as in, why aren't these comedians getting called out for cracks against white people?)" is just as offensive.

So Amy, are you trying to tell us that "some of your best friends are black?" Classic.

And actually Archie Bunker did this before George Costanza, but there were other characters deliberately put in place on the show to ridicule him and his views

Meg said...

What is MTO?

marlo said...


'....wait what......(rubbing eyes)...more cries of waycism?....(rolling over)....'


NYCStudent said...

You certainly cared enough to post. Just admit and embrace your hatred. That sounds awful but it is better than your endless racist potshots while pretending to be fact-based and objective.

capcha said...

So very clearly Lena Dunham. How are ppl guessing Schumer?


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