Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A+ list singer fired one of her new assistants because they wouldn't go pick up her coke.


MontanaMarriott said...


Guesser said...

Isn't that what they hire them for?

david said...

I wouldn't do that either.
Nor would I take a bullet for any narcissist!


Tee Dee said...

Rihanna for sure.

glue said...

Have no idea who it is, but the celebrity sounds like a selfish asshole.

That personal assistant should consider the firing a blessing. I mean...is the celebrity going to bail them out and then rehire them after a felony and a prison stint? Probably not. So, yea, the firing was a blessing to that personal assistant. They dodged a bullet.

Hothotheat said...

@david So you won't be applying for a Secret Service job while Drumpus is in office?

Fran said...


Seriously, why would any employee put up with that shit? Especially once they're no longer an employee.

JuankJ said...

That's a basic job function of a personal assistant.

Zilla1 said...

Don't want to do what a Secret Service agent is expected to do, expect your unprofessional ass to be deservedly fired.

Breaking the law and risking arrest, on the other hand, is not a legitimate or reasonable employer expectation of their employees. It would be wonderful to see the assistant sue, even if they lost, and make it very, very public.

Tagueule said...

What make you think it's Rihanna ? last time I checked Rihanna still has the same Assitante for 9 years now

Tagueule said...

Rihanna will never do that she loves her assistant

Ay said...

Right did she fire that Latina chick....

Tagueule said...

Her assistant works for her company fentycop now..

LAreject said...

It's Katy Perry... I know the PA :-)


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