Sunday, January 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 3, 2017

Apparently this barely relevant celebrity who had a big day last week has an elderly bedridden woman living in his home that no one knows about. The guy is creepy.

Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt


Sunspirit said...

Called it. He is fucking scary!

texasrose said...

Really? When and on what site?

GoTrollUrSelf said...

Maybe he's a collector. Wasn't there a blind about that?

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Adult Protective Services should be notified. Possible financial and physical abuse. Happens all the time. That guy is is real piece of work

david said...

Does he think he is operating a hospice?
Is he licensed to do so?

Lynne said...

What you folks don't understand is that at the end of your life it is only your friends, whom are also elderly, are the ones you depend on most, and they depend on you. Sometimes there is no one else. Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt had been married to Zsa Zsa Gabor since 1986, and the marriage lasted (from what I gather). She had been married 8 times before him. So, he is probably a good guy. If he is now looking after other elderly friends then give him a chance, he probably has a 'Carer's' personality.

sandybrook said...

No he's a parasite. He was another Claus Von Bulow.

Johcnnj said...

Wait... didn't he sell Zsa Zsa's house to one of his "adoptees" and was supposed to vacate upon her death? Or is this another home?

btw - any truth to the rumours of him shopping for veal in West Hollywood?


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