Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Blind Item #7

The foreign born former A+ list tweener and his celebrity offspring girlfriend are basically just doing a version of cuckolding. The only thing is the former tweener gets to sleep with as many women as he wants while his girlfriend has to watch and read reports about it until she gets desensitized to the fact he can be with whoever she wants while she has to remain chaste.


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

/Hailey Baldwin

Jon said...

So...like...I'm confused. Does he have an assistant watching and then they write a report and the gf is made to read it? Does she have to take a quiz after?

Ophelia said...

"To Ms. Baldwin:
August 6th 3:00pm. Justin engaged in sexual relations with LatinX woman while Ms. Baldwin was waiting for him with paparazzi. Before proceeding to Ms. Baldwin he stopped along the way to meet another woman and engaged in further sexual relations. Please see attached photographs. -The Beibs Team"

Guesser said...

It is confusing, especially sense she is supposed to be a yachter. Before,wasn't he offering her to friends while he watched?

Sara, Making It Work said...

"Hailey Baldwin" and "chaste" don't even belong in the same paragraph. 😂

Unknown said...

If she's been a yachter, maybe he's trying to add notches to his bedpost until they're even. It's good for couples to share a hobby.

ancoranonhocapito said...

It seems people don't know how life works. By reports, Enty means that Biebs will either tell her, or write her Whatsapp messages inclusive of raw pictures of what is going or went on. The scenario isn't surprising at all if anyone is familiar with René Girard. Who would have thought Biebs had it in him though.

Ophelia said...

I actually feel like "read reports" could refer to all of the cheating blinds on here about him recently too.

Hi Hailey!!

Thonker said...

What reports are there of Biebs sleeping with other chicks rn? lol as much as i believe this relationship is BS so is this BI

Boozie said...

wouldn't she be called his fiance and not girlfriend?


Cuckoo for Cuckold Puffs!

Do Tell said...

Well, maybe she hates sex but likes his money. Win/win.

J said...

Go Bieber Go!

Danilo said...

Justin Bieber is not religious?

Dahling said...

Really @ancoranonhocapito? You bring Girard to a blind about the Biebs? Kinda like bringing a gun to a knife fight don't ya think? Gee - you smart. Da Fuk you doin' here wit us simpeltins? -- JK & all in fun, but come ahhhn!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Is it like an essay? Is there a required minimum word count? Does it have to be in 10pt Ariel font, double spaced?

ancoranonhocapito said...

@Dahling: I love Girard. Don't you? There is nothing wrong with mixing guns and knives, maybe you're the one who thinks culture should be compartmentalized. Girard just fits perfectly here, as in a ton of other blinds. I'm sure he would agree, since he referred to celebrity worship on several occasions. And who do you think Shakespeare was writing about, after all, if not the self-aggrandizing mortal Biebers and Baldwins of his time?

sandybrook said...

So Entern what happened to suddenly allow Biebs to be able to get up to screw? He's doing Viagra? Testosterone treatments? Remember he couldn't perform but he sure liked to watch?

Ophelia said...

@sandybrook I imagine their drug cocktails change by the day. Who knows what's going on in that carousel of side effects

Unknown said...

This is fucking outrageous!!!

I could see a simple multiple choice quiz... but a report? That seems a lil over the top

UniversalEnergy said...

I know Justin has done sexual things with men because he did with one of my friends. He's not straight. He's bi.

yepthatsme said...

So he can be with whomever she wants? Does she get to pick who he screws?

SteveD said...

I think "chaste" left the train station (or yacht harbor) years ago.

orangesoda said...

Apparently all of Universal's friends have done something gay with every male celeb. Who will be our next secret gay? Trump? Billy C? Or do these mystery friends only fuck good looking young guys?

Unknown said...

Unknown, wrong again...

If you touch another dude you're only gay.

If you touch a naked dude then you're gay, gay

Only if you let him touch you back are you actually "gay, gay, gay"

Now, the other guy that was in the 3some and raw dawged your mom and dad when you were conceived is considered "bi"


You were really close and could have been a superstar if you had named "Jeb Bush"

Dahling said...

@ancoranonhocapito...... ouch. Just popped one of my remaining brain cells on a BEIBER blind!! Too precious few to lose. (I came of age in the 70's). You make me laugh though

Amy said...

Well she's an idiot isn't she? But wait "lose all my dignity and self worth being with this guy or get lots of fame and attention?" I doubt she has an.intelligent conversation with herself but I guess she chose the latter.

CJ said...

Never gonna be a Beibs fan but he does seem to know how to handle these bimbos.

GiaaGostino said...

Hailey/And tranny Justin what a horrible life Was it worth it Hailey? Are the drugs that good that you stick around is he giving you a good amount of money? Is the publicity worth it?

DooDooBrown said...

And, by "women" do you mean men?

I'm pretty sure that little Fruit Loop has a predilection for peen.

Thot Crimes said...

Lot's of jelly here about young love.

Bubbles said...

He can be with whoever she wants? WTF


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