Saturday, July 04, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #46

March 17, 2020

Everyone knows about the disgraced director of mostly superhero movies by now, but somehow this very close associate and partner in crime of his seems to skate under the radar.

He is a foreign-born director known for doing big-budget movies of a certain genre. He has been present and complicit in many of the events the disgraced director, as well as the disgraced A-list actor, took part in. He and the disgraced director would often hold private “casting sessions” with party guests at his house, which he apparently decorates with highly grotesque and offensive art to make them as uncomfortable as possible.

If you ever wondered why his former composer, who created some iconic scores for his films, suddenly stopped working with him, it’s a good bet he found out some things.

Bryan Singer/Roland Emmerich/Kevin Spacey/David Arnold

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