Thursday, August 27, 2020

Today's Blind Items - The First Time

Last year I wrote a blind about an A list mostly movie actress who had taken a very hands on approach to the sex life of her oldest child. She found the person who was the child's first sex partner and was in the room immediately before and after and just outside the door during. Considering the way she was brought up and her own indoctrination into sex with a family member, I thought it was a unique situation.

I was wrong. This A list singer had someone monitor the first time the singer's eldest child had sex to make sure nothing crazy happened and then listened to the recording after. When the singer tried to do the same thing with another child, the child rebelled. That child has been financially cut off.

This former A- list actress also made sure her oldest had sex for the first time in the home of the actress so the actress could be there for support. The actress even made the child have sex in the bed of the actress and bought some sex toys as a gift.

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