Friday, September 18, 2020

Four For Friday - Bad Emmy Behavior

These all happened at the same Emmy show/after parties. It was an Emmy show between 2000-2010

#1 - This alliterate actress who has starred in several shows all of you know failed to tell the at the time co-star she was dating that she had hooked up with their other co-star who is A+ list now and the A+ lister had dumped her after sex.

#2 - This celebrity chef wouldn't take no from this then and current A+ list dual threat actress and she literally had to leave early because he was so annoying. Her significant other at the time was there, but hitting on any woman he could.

#3 - Coke mom did lines of coke at an after party with this at the time A list mostly television actor all of you know because of his iconic television role. He is no longer alive.

#4 - This red carpet host who still is around with her own show was groped by this A list actor who at the time was on two network shows and is still on one. He told her he would ruin her career if she told anyone. 

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