Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Today's Blind Items - Schadenfreude

Except for some light editing, I kept in the tipster's words.

Her fans always seem to notice the difference. Yet, they can’t quite put their finger on it, they really are quite the instasleuths. Ask her for a sign, she’ll send a message almost immediately and say she’s “totally fine”, while wearing color coded “not ok” clothing or color coded emojis.

Suddenly, again you see her dance and speak.  She seems oddly nervous. She seems to speak, fast, almost, nervously, incessantly? She seems awkward ? What is it? She’s clearly not, herself.

That is no secret. But one must ask, "Why would her handlers let her post this bizarre behavior?”

She answers at random, and what seems like, fake fan questions from the equivalent of a TeenBeat interview/question format from the past. She is dressed in a way, a bit of a 90”s or well, just bizarre kind of way. It’s almost as if she’s been trapped in some sort of twisted time warp from decades ago. We all know who this is. That is NOT the purpose of this blind.

The concern, is, “Is it right to take all of a woman’s rights away simply because she has bipolar/mental disorder?"

Many people are able to take lithium, antidepressants, psychotropics and lead a happy, healthy, procreative, and productive life.  SHE has/or should certainly have THE best medical mental health staff/ access any human being could ever afford. Yet all she’s cried and yearned for years -is for another “baby”. Her eggs are aging. She is acutely aware of this.

She has been on a mission and is convinced that her boyfriend has been trying desperately to help her. Though he plays his part so handsomely well, he follows his orders, gets paid handsomely and knows what they know.

News of her brief, celebrity pal from the past being PREGNANT,  who is not 100% responsible, yet, definitely introduced her to the worst of the worst, most manipulative, evil, drug, con artists, paparazzi's, dark Hollywood world, which thrust her into her (and at least one more) into the most tumultuous and hellacious life ever after.

No, she is simply not having it.  The pregnant “frenemy” has sent her into overdrive with the already obsessive baby “fever."  Unbeknownst to her, every three months for almost a full decade, when she’s not getting her bipolar medication which they have yet to balance, they keep her on “the shot”.

She is told  “the shot” is B-12. It is not.

It is THE Shot that keeps her from getting pregnant ever again. Even the father of her children knows about this. (His $upport would be cut significantly if he broke his role, ever again) She doesn’t know.

They complete her “B-12” dose with uppers, and she gets suddenly significantly more energetic/ anxious, feisty, fidgety, and becomes that bizarre star we all can’t help but watch and wonder like a sweet, southern, tea/sippin’, shod den fried train wreck.

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