Friday, May 28, 2021

Four For Friday - Bad Author Behavior

All of these are authors that everyone knows and are all A list or A+ list.

 #1 - This foreign born author who was actually married to a celebrity as famous as he, has sexually assaulted a string of bookstore workers over the years during signings.

#2 - This now deceased author and Nobel winner was married way way back in the day for a brief period of time. When she started making serious money, she would find a new woman each year to be her sugarbaby. She would treat them really well and then randomly dump them right around their anniversary date and bring home someone new.

#3 - This author has had television shows and movies made about her works. She also used to steal coke from women's purses back in the day at Studio 54 and was known for making house calls to men in town at The Plaza.

#4 - This now deceased author once had a cameo in a hit movie. His filming lasted a day, but he spent a week on set sexually harassing the women on the set until he was kicked off the set. He was ruining what was going on for the star of the movie who was about the same age as the author.

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