Friday, May 05, 2023

Four For Friday - Stand Up Stand Up

These are all standup comics and I don't think any have been in the blinds before.

#1 - This now deceased A list comic/A- list actor was gay, but could only have sex with men if he used meth. He was scared of getting addicted to meth and it made him violent when he took it, so the sexual encounters were awful and he ended up being beaten and robbed many times by the men he wanted to have sex with.

#2 - This A- list comic/host is clean now, but when he used, he used hard, and if you were a woman at his house during a party, there was a good chance he was going to drug you and rape you. When he was really messed up, he would tell the women in advance what he was going to do. 

#3 - In what would probably be a devastating blow to his base, this TikTok famous comic, is closeted. 

#4 - This female A- list standup comic says she spent years getting groped and harassed and then she started hooking up with a UFC guy. He had words with every single male comic who ever touched or harassed the comic. She has been left alone ever since.

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