Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Studio

This studio has a great library. They have made some of my favorite movies of all time. They have an extremely underrated/unknown public studio tour. They are also a festering sea of corruption that is breaking the company and will see the company bankrupt very shortly. With the onset of the war with Ukraine, the Russian mafia money that was being laundered through the company under the guise of financing is gone. The Russians did not care how over budget things got because it all was being washed through their companies. Why do you think so many of the shooting locations for the past decade have been in eastern Europe and other European countries. They had a massively huge film last year, but the deal was structured to screw them but they didn't care/worry about it when it was signed. The movie this year they were counting on to save them busted. The properties they can unload for big bucks are being lowballed because everyone knows they are in trouble. They have the least popular streaming service. Now, the one good thing that might come from all of this is without the sweetheart deals their number one actor gets, and with the loss the new movie is taking, the celebrity cult is going to take a massive hit to their bottom line. Is it the knockout blow?

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