Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Ties That Bind

It was not that many days ago that I mentioned the odd living arrangements of the pint sized actor and his director best friend. Let us add this into the arrangements too. The director has been best friends with the disgraced director since high school and they lived together for many years. The director knew all about what the disgraced director and his disgraced actor friend were doing and did nothing. In fact, even while all that was going on the director and the disgraced director did the movie with our pint sized actor. Since that movie, the pint sized actor and the director have been inseparable. And lest you think our director doesn't hang out any longer with the disgraced director, you would be wrong. They are not dumb enough to get their photo snapped like they did together a couple of years ago, but they see each other often. Is the pint sized actor there too?

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