Monday, August 11, 2008

I Want Some Hush Money

Apparently if you have sex with a politician or if you have sex with the person who is having sex with the politician you get hush money. Now, I'm not sure if you would get more than couple of Dairy Queen coupons if you are having sex with a local County Recorder, but if you have sex with a presidential candidate, then, well you are set.

In one of the most ridiculous things I have read in a long time, Fred Baron, who was the former finance chairman for Edwards gave several million dollars to Rielle Hunter and bought her a mansion in California just to keep her quiet. Baron said that Edwards never knew about the hush money. Uh huh. So, apparently Edwards was convinced she had won the lottery or something because she never really had any money and lived on the east coast. So, soon after the affair ended, she turns up in California flush with cash and a new place to live.

But wait, it gets better. Andrew Young who is the guy who decided to admit he was the father of Hunter's baby also got relocated to California and got cash to keep quiet. Now, why was he keeping quiet? Because he had a baby with Hunter? Or maybe it was a payoff for saying the baby was his, because the first story doesn't make any sense. If they were paying him to keep quiet about the affair, then there would have had to have been a whole bunch more people to be paid off. You think only Hunter and Edwards and Young knew about it? Maybe there is a whole subdivision out here somewhere that has everyone who knew about the affair. They have little get togethers with the next subdivision who is filled with people who had sex with members of Congress.

How does Edwards not see that his former mistress is living in California and then all of a sudden another former member of his campaign is also living in California and they are both stinking rich.

No one wants to involve themselves in hush money because that is how you go to jail. Did both of the recipients report the income? How did Baron document the expense? Where did the money come from? What was Baron going to get out of it and from whom? Did he get something?

I don't understand why everyone continues to lie when a story breaks. It is all going to come out, so just tell the truth. It's like they enjoy the bandage being slowly ripped off as it pulls hair and the scab right along with it. Oh, it also allows Elizabeth Edwards to add to her misery on a daily basis instead of just for a few days.

Oh, and did you hear this lovely rumor? When the diagnosis was made of Elizabeth Edwards, allegedly John Edwards wouldn't let her discuss her alternatives with her doctor. Instead he made the treatment decisions for her, and chose to just let it eat away at her instead of aggressively fighting it when there was a chance. Rumor? Sure? Thinking of himself? Seems more likely now huh?


Beth said...

He seemed like a fine man at first, during his first run for prez, but all I will say now is JERK!

CarolMR said...

Why is Edwards giving her hush money? Everyone knows the baby is his.

Anonymous said...

I guess deep down inside Edwards thinks he still has a chance at the Presidency some day.

Ice Angel said...

Well, I hate to sound mean, but if Elizabeth allowed him to make her health decisions rather than herself, she wouldn't have been very bright. I can't imagine her doing such a thing, as she seems pretty with it.

The thing that bothers me about the rumor, however, is that I have never really heard of any "untreatable" form of cancer. I have heard of some of the most hopeless cases finding a cure. My own aunt was told to get her affairs in order, as there were no treatment options. She went for another opinion and that was 12 years ago. By the way-just saw her 2 weeks ago and she was looking great!

If he somehow convinced her to forego treatment for the good of his campaign, I hope the rotten bastard gets everything that is coming to him. Scum!

Mondo said...

This is spectacular observation at its finest!

There's so many good ones packed in here, it's hard to pick one to quote!

Great job!


MISCH said...


selenakyle said...

Please--about the last paragraph--NO WAY on God's green earth did Elizabeth "let" him make her medical decisions for her.

Come on! Anyone seen how strong and intelligent she is?

Bet she's got the upper hand, NOW, Cap'n!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I would honestly like to think that Elizabeth is a Big Girl and made her own health decisions -- you know, with the loving support from the spouse she assumed wasn't out porking some doggish whore who only screws married men. Still, though, I think that rumor is total bullshit.

Edwards' career is totally over. And given the fact that his career was his One True Love, he's gotten everything bad that could possibly arrive on his doorstep. I don't pity John Edwards, but I sure as shit don't ever want to see his smarmy face ever again.

And, once again, thank GOD he didn't get the nomination. As of a couple of weeks ago, though, I was still kinda hoping that he still might get the VP nom. Oh, well.

Slink away and fuck off, now. John. If you honestly feel so bad about this, you never would have done it in the first place.

irishstayc2 said...

Enty - my thoughts exactly - do they think we are really this stupid? And he DID admit that it was him in that hotel 2 weeks ago and he did admit that his wife didn't know about the meeting.

I think he was firming up the details of his "when this gets out" strategy. He probably promised her more money, his undying love and whatever else he could find if she would wait a day or two after the interview and publicly state that she would not submit her child to a DNA test. That's the only reason he even offered to take one.

amh.producer said...

I don't think he was ever going for the VP. He and Obama had a deal that JE would be Attorney General (way more powerful than VP) but that is gone now.

mooshki said...

I watched a bit of his interview. Brenda, he DOES still think he has a chance at the presidency. He was very adamant that his political career is not close to over. He was so slimy. He kept saying "I'm not lying." Why would anyone believe you now when you've said that before, and just admitted you lied then? Ugh.

Ashlae said...

Anybody with a brain yes even those dumb ones knows that this jackass jerk is the father! They can hide it all they want to but the truth will come out. I've even heard rumors they both are waiting for Elizabeth to die so they can finally be together. #1- If he was going to screw around he could have at least banged a gorgeous woman. IMO Hunter has nothing going for herself personality or looks wise and I can't see why a man would want her. #2 If he wants to be with the whore so bad, I say go on with her. Elizabeth deserves so much better than that jackass anyways. I hope sleazy ass and his whore burn in hell.

lutefisk said...

Can you imagine what this poor kid is going to go through when he is old enough to understand what is lineage may be??!

PunkiMeowMeow said...

Have you see a picture of the admitted so-called baby daddy? He's doesn't look like he was the sperm donor. The Editor of the National Enquirer said they have more dirt to on this affair.

Reese said...

Don't be so sure Edwards will stay out of the limelight; Teddy Kennedy killed a young woman and lied about the details and then ran for president after it happened. He's still in the Senate. The majority of the public isn't dumb enough to vote for these bums, but their egos won't let them just slink away and live privately.

Ashlae said...

''The Editor of the National Enquirer said they have more dirt to on this affair.''

That's good, I hope they publish all the dirty details they have.

RagDoll said...

Reese, but every time old Teddy tries to run, the press do bring up the Mary Jo Kopechne/Chappaquidick story. I think it's why he finally stopped trying to run.

Oh, Ent. thank you for the laugh:

"They have little get togethers with the next subdivision who is filled with people who had sex with members of Congress"

Is that why keanu Reeves is peeping in the neighborhood windows, then?

Rhianna said...

I think this is one more step in JE waiting for his wife to die, then claim "I did have sexual relations with that woman ... I am the father". Sorry, couldn't resist other than Slick Willy was bright enough not to get her pregnant.

I think Elizabeth deserves what she's getting in this fiasco. She keeps releasing interviews defending the skuzball, to the point of claiming to Daily Kos (that'll make your stomach churn) that he wasn't spending time with the kid.

Personally, I don't care who my parents are. As a person you deserve to know who you are, where you came from, what your medical history is. In effect the slimy bastard and his hobag are continuing to punish a child for the fact their fuckheads. Considering she's giving interviews blaming Elizabeth for getting her fired from her beloved's job. She's a nut, and a shitty person. Not nearly as shitty as JE, but they're peas in a pod.

Dianne P said...

As much as I would love to just move on from this, I'm appalled that he hasn't come totally clean and instead wants to play us for suckers. I take it somewhat personally because he was my first choice in the Dem primaries and I admire Elizabeth. I hope karma is saving up something really heinous for him.

what is eight past six? said...

A friend of mine and I were discussing this on her blog, and I made the comment that in some ways a steady affair with one woman is more hurtful than a man banging several different woman. My theory was that the guy banging a whole bunch of women is clearly just a sex addict or trying to compensate for some shortcoming. He has issues, but it's clear that HE is his own worst problem.

But when you have that one steady affair, it just makes the wife (and other people) wonder what she wasn't doing, that the husband had to go out and seek another woman to take care of it. The husband is the cheating dirtbag but now the wife actually ends up with a lot of blame for not "doing her job" of keeping him happy, or for choosing to stay by his side (oh, and now she looks stupid, weak, and 'blind'), and hell even if she leaves she can't really win for being compared to and measured against the 'other woman. Jennifer Aniston can tell you all about that.

Then I come here and what do I see, but a couple of people saying that Elizabeth has gotten what she deserves if she chooses to stay with him or defend him. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be obnoxiously right. I'm too sad about the predictability of it to even try to argue against it. I'll just say that a divorce is added stress on the average person's life even when it's inevitable, so for a woman battling cancer I refuse to judge her for any decision she makes.

blankprincess said...

"Maybe there is a whole subdivision out here somewhere that has everyone who knew about the affair."

Hmmm...why do I suddenly want to watch "My Blue Heaven"?

Dianne P said...

Gayla, you expressed that very nicely. As a mom myself, I have a feeling that EE's overriding concern is most likely the wellbeing of her kids and that she wants to keep her family intact because she won't always be around. I suspect that's how I'd be thinking in her shoes.

Unknown said...

"Gayla said...

A friend of mine and I were discussing this on her blog, and I made the comment that in some ways a steady affair with one woman is more hurtful than a man banging several different woman. My theory was that the guy banging a whole bunch of women is clearly just a sex addict or trying to compensate for some shortcoming. He has issues, but it's clear that HE is his own worst problem."

Have to agree. A steady affair involves the heart, or at the very least a prolonged, sole-purpose deception, rather than smaller, more opportunistic episodes. The length and purposefulness of a more involved affair seems to me to be more of a betrayal within a supposedly loving, trusting relationship than Clinton-esque "flashes". You have to cover up all the time with a longer affair, and the other person is always on your mind. That really, really sucks for the spouse who is trying to move past the betrayer's affair.

Nonetheless both still suck.

ms snarky said...

My first impression of John Edwards, when I first became aware of him as a national political figure, with his plastic face and hair Ken doll looks, was - completely creepy. And this just makes it certain.

Completel creepy. So glad he killed all his chances of ever having national political office.

And of course that poor baby is his. And that poor deluded woman who slept with him and who made a little cash - god love her, she's going to need it when she realizes that all this disavowing all knowledge of her and the baby isn't just for now - it's forever.

He's just so creepy.

kelliknows said...

Can't believe a smart cookie like Elizabeth Edwards would hand over her care to anyone..she's the only one with guts enough to say Obama's health care plan sucks. If she ever decides to run for office, I'll stand in the pouring rain to vote for her. And to think John E made those nasty remarks about how Clinton had dishonored the party, his family, etc...oh brother..


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