Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Random Photos Part One

So, the top spot today is not a photo, but it is definitely random and good. This is a video of an 81 year old man who made his own YouTube video in response to a Gordon Ramsay YouTube video. This guy was watched by three times as many viewers and is a cook you will not soon forget.

Brad Garrett and what appears to be his granddaughter. Oh, wait it is his girlfriend. This photo happens to be taken at a hotel but I'm sure they just went back to his place. Or maybe not because her curfew is 11p on a school night.
Christina Applegate on the set of her television show.

The random couple of the day comes from New Zealand. That is a first I think. This was at the premiere of some film and it is Celina Jaitley and Ben Mitchell.

Been some time since I had Chris Tucker in here. See that smile? It is the smile of a man who knows he doesn't ever have to work another day in his life and if he does will get paid a lot of money to do so.

Our daily Daniel Craig photo takes us to Rome this time I think. I have a cardigan pretty similar to his. When I say similar though, I just mean the fact they are both cardigans and both black. Mine I think is about three regular sweaters sewn together to make one big mumu type sweater.

Def Leppard - Sydney

Elliot Minor - Manchester
So, I posted Madonna on Friday in the photos so for equal time here is Guy Ritchie who has not stopped smiling in about a month.

Jessica Alba and Chris Messina on the set of their new film. I'm guessing since they are dressing down Jessica for the role they must be relying on her acting talents for the success of the film. Good luck with that.

Kenny G, just because I think he is the only man left in the world with that hairstyle.
This is Kerry Katona getting her nails done. Honestly with the length of those things, she is going to have to have someone dress her. Can you do anything with nails that long? I doubt she will be taking a typing class anytime soon, but texting someone would seem problematic.

The worst dress of the day candidate #1 from Katy Perry.

Or this little see through number worn by Gwyneth Paltrow. Yes, those are her white panties showing through for the world to see.

Maroon 5 - Mexico City

My ignorant question of the day. Has anyone ever seen a stroller like this before? Oh, and Minnie Driver and her baby. But seriously, the stroller.

You don't recognize her do you? I didn't. It's Natalie Imbruglia.

"I don't want to say that I was solely responsible for Barack winning, but I am Oprah after all."

Paris Hilton cast a vote for Benji Madden because he would be hot as President.

I'm on the fence about seeing Role Models but I will say their billboards are great.

How often do we get Suri smiling? Have to include it. And look red nail polish. From mom or dad?

Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler at the happiest place on earth. They look thrilled don't they. OK, at least the kids do.

Apparently Tony and Eva haven't quite figured out that thing that hangs on your wall with the 30 boxes that marks the days and weeks.


lutefisk said...

Every time I see Kenny G, all I can think of is the The Brown Note episode from South Park.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the photo of Daniel Craig. Love you!!

mooshki said...

Re: Kenny G's hair - you forgot Weird Al!

jax said...

Kenny g- and the dude from Color Me Badd! mine's pretty

Chris Messina- love him.

Minnie looks like she's pushing a jacked up office chair down the road.

Unknown said...

I'm a little concerned about the center of gravity on the stroller, hopefully it doesn't tip over easily.

God I wish Katy Perry would go away, talk about no talent. I tried watching her free concert on Directv last month, blech, couldn't sit through it.

selenakyle said...

I know what those nails are good for, 'cept opening the bag would be a little tough...

That Gwynnie dress would be cute without the sloppy hair and shiteous booties.

And can this woman not find a properly-fitting bodice? She's got weird bulging pecs that make her breasts look detached.
Been working out with Madonner too long, I guess.

selenakyle said...

jax, your's is fuller and not so jheri-curl shiny (at least it wasn't in the only pic I ever saw...)

Anonymous said...

I've actually seen that stroller before, and it's pretty cool. It folds down to a car-seat I believe. It does look a little wobbly when people are pushing it.

This is one of several Adam Levine photos ent's had in the randoms in the last couple of weeks. Are we missing a clue? (Not that I'm complaining, even though he needs a shave - yum).

And Suri's just the damn cutest baby ever.

Unknown said...

those strollers are all over london

Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't stand Garrett.

Daniel Craig Yummmy

Bet Guy Richie can sleep soundly now lol.

Can't stand that worthless so call actress Alba.

Kenny G. needs help with that hair style.

Katy P. is she wearing her jammies.

Can't stand fishstick. Dress is horrible and those shoesssssss.

Minni'e baby looks cute.

Another person I can't stand Opa.

Ooops forgot another one Parasite.

Suri looks so cute hehehe.

Molly said...

geeze, that girl look like she could be brad garrett's daughter.

alba looks

suri is adorable. i want a toddler again!

ItsJustMe said...

Those are plastic tips on her nails - they usually apply them with glue and then cut them down before applying acrylic on top.

WriterMommy said...

I love that every picture lately of Guy Ritchie makes him look like a kid who has been freed from a lifetime of detention.

jax said...


Anonymous said...

Joe Elliott looks like a haggard 55 year old woman still trying to party it up. Time to cut the hair!

selenakyle said...

That NZ couple is just way too good-looking!

Ms Cool said...

Good lord is Daniel Craig scrumptious.

bionic bunny! said...

i had a stroller like that when they first came out almost 30 years ago. forgot who made it-- the concept was cool, the whole top comes off and is a full on car seat, so only the bottom has to go in the trunk.
and yes, the center of gravity sucked. it went ass over teakettle with my son in it. luckily he was strapped in and i was more upset than he was.

still a great concept, though.

Unknown said...

That's a Stokke stroller. Costs about $1000. Does the same thing as one from Wal-Mart that costs 1/20th.

califblondy said...

FYI, Ent... that's the method for applying a new set of acryllic nails. Invaluable info, no?

ITA about Joe Elliot. Not a good picture.

Did anybody see Oprah hanging on the big white guy last night during Obama's speech? I bet she was thinking. "Crap, I gave all this money to elect my homey and I have to stand behind a huge white guy?" You would have thought she'd be in the front row of a VIP section.

Ms. said...

Really long nails = tacky

I'm moving to New Zealand. Ben Mitchell is breathtaking.

If Kenny G cut his hair he'd look like the Grim Reaper.

I like Brad Garrett, but this girl is so young he's become a parody of himself. If he likes them young, he should be smarter about it like Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy). He's dating a 21 year old (he's 35) and hasn't really been photographed with her. When he's in public with her, they together but he makes a point of not touching her etc. Difference is his reputation is intact and everyone is laughing at Garrett.

Katy said...

Seth McFarlane's reputation is intact? Really? As in, people actually respect him? Huh.

Sorry, but I think Seth McFarlane wanted to be the next Joe Francis, but didn't have the personality for it and decided instead to draw cartoons. He's a huge ass.

palealebrew10 said...

Suri is adorable! And I've pretty much come to the conclusion that she is Chris Klein's child.

Also the Gordon Ramsay comment with the top photo probably is hinting at today's BI.

Molly said...

califblondy, i just watched the speech again on youtube and thought wth is she doing that she has to lean on someone? girl, we know you've got a spine...use it.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

That stroller looks really, really cumbersome. It looks like a baby toppler to me. No thanks.

Gwyneth's dress is HORRID! She's honestly so hit or miss for me. I loathed that pink monstrosity she won to the Oscars the year she won, but there are times when she looks very elegant and edgy, too. This, though? No. Not so much. ATROCIOUS!

David from Roseanne kinda had hair like Kenny G, but it was shorter and fashioned into a buttcut, if I remember correctly. I think D.J. had the same 'do for a while.

Oprah gets people to read good books and helps get good people elected President, so I'm not gonna talk too much shit. Also, Wesley Willis wrote a song about her and it's awesome.

slappywhyte said...

1. as long as brad garrett's date is over 21, i saw good for him ... he looks happy

2. chris tucker looks like he has the # of 50's HGH dealer

3. i think gwynnie is sexy

4. poor natalie imbruglia .. i'm torn

5. funny one about the 30 boxes for tony and eva!

Ms. said...

Katy, do spill. The only thing I've heard about Seth MacFarlane is that he's a nice, normal guy.

Mind you, my insight is just from passing comments on blogs (Enty said he is nice) and posts about fan encounters with him.

I'm a big Family Guy fan, but I can take it. Hit me with your info.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Never mind being able to text with those nails--how the hell does she wipe her own ass?

As for Gwynnie's VPL...hey, at least she's wearing panties...

Unknown said...

The more I look at Gwyn's dress, the more I like it. The only critical mistake was the panty choice I think. If she had gone with something black and lacy, that would have mixed in just fine. I mean, some people would still hate the dress, and as a guy in Ent's demographics, it'd look terrible on me, but I think it's kinda funky, in a good way.

Julie said...

yeah, i was gonna say "thats the stokke.
WHY does Shanna have a double stroller? Isn't her son like 5 now? Is she really that lazy. I'm shocked that she doesn't have delahoya kid steer it.

(oh and i kinda like her. even though shes not all that classy)

Miss X said...

Here's a link to the ridiculously expensive stroller:

bortstorch said...

Thumbs up for Seann Scott.

Beth said...

If you wanna see nails like Katona's in action, check out this video:

Cute Little Redhead said...

Kerry Katona is a nitwit. How in the hell is she going to hold or care for her baby and children with those damn stupid nails?

How self involved can one woman be?
I just want to smack her.

I know that Adam Levine is dirty and sort of a man whore...but dammit I want him. I can't help it.

and P.S. Jessica Alba could be in a thousand movies and her acting will never get any better.

Bad Ass Momma said...

Brendalove you read my mind. he actually looks like my aunt there

Maja With a J said...

I watched Oprah's post-election special yesterday and she was talking about that guy...people asked her who he was and she says she has no idea, she just leaned on whatever shoulder was there.

The show was good, she had put together her dream political panel, and they had some really good comments about the outcome of the election. And then it ended with the worst song I have ever heard, it was a Judd, two Wynanses and one Gill, and the song was like something straight out of South Park. I realise that November 4, 2008 is a historical date for many reasons, which is exactly why you shouldn't belittle it by writing cheesy songs called "we need each other now more than ever" and sing them on OPRAH!!! It was SO STUPID. And Oprah welled up, and there was a montage of people of different colours, and Matrin Luther King Jr., and some random white folks.

Horrendous. I expected more from her.

By the way, we have this new thing (and by "we", I mean myself and my equally nerdy husband), whenever someone mentions Oprah, like if you call someone and they say they're watching Oprah, you say "Winfrey?".

We find it hilarious. But we also think "Orgazmo" was a good movie.

Molly said...

omg, harriet, you're such a riot. the "winfrey?" bit is too funny! lmao!!

classalpha said...

... Kenny G aka Ken "Gorelick" (Google it up) plays Cheese Whiz 80s "jazz" alright, but he still a great musician and has a pretty kewl backup band. - I see he still has his '80s hair too. My hair was permed like that @ late '80s... but mine was black and I played Hard Rock/Hair Metal.

... C.Applegate looks old and thin... no muy "sexy"... no mas.

... who is Katy Perry and why does *she* look so freaking HOT? Phoebe Katz aka Phoebe Cates revisited. Yes "Katz"... Google *that* up too. And who cares about the dress... I'd have her "remove" it anyway.

Unknown said...

Speaking of Natalie Imbruglia, this video from Amnesty International is still one of the best things ever!

Ms. said...

Yes, Harriet, very funny. Is it just me or has Oprah always been about cheese and schmaltz?

Molly said...

nope, ms., not just you. cheese, schmaltz and tears.

mooshki said...

Harriet, "Orgazmo" was an awesome movie!!!

Anonymous said...

Guy Ritchie is totally adorable. He's my new celebrity crush now that he is single.

Jessica Alba looks like Phoebe Cates in that picture. Freaky! Then again, last time I saw a picture of Phoebe Cates, maybe a year ago? She looked like she figured out how to stop time. She looked AMAZING.

AprilinParis said...

Ok wait, that video was!!!!!!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! Damn, can I relate on so many levels.

@ Julie: That's de la Hoya's daughter? As in Oscar?

Suri is such a gorgeous little one.

Me loves the Chris Tucker of yesteryear.


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