Thursday, November 05, 2009

Josh Duhamel Stripper Speaks

Fergie probably having one hell of a 34th birthday. I guess she is 34 because she has been in the public eye since she was a kid, but I would have guessed, just a touch higher. Of course when Lindsay hits 34, she will look 84 and have her own show in a Vegas lounge where she also calls Bingo.

Anyway, the stripper who had sex with Josh was on a radio show and someone filmed the appearance. Take a look and see if you think she is telling the truth. Actually with the exception of Kneepads and Gossip Cop (collective orgasm from publicists) everyone knows they had sex. Actually even those two organizations know they had sex, but they just like to pretend that publicists always speak the truth.

Now it is just a matter of whether they will stick it out and whether Josh will be allowed out of the house alone or will be given the Antonio Banderas treatment. The problem with that is Melanie Griffith doesn't have a career and Fergie does. This won't end well.


CDAN Mod said...

i'm not getting this. isn't josh in FFF here and his weiner is really tiny. he must be one hell of a 'grower'. geez...

MISCH said...


CDAN Mod said...

...and why hasn't she been 'paid' off yet? hmm.

BigMama said...


Brew Belle said...

He must really like women who look like dudes...

BigMama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GladysKravitz said...

I believe her. But I have to wonder, too--why is she insisting that everyone believe her? If I'd had a one night stand, I am not so sure I'd go on the radio to beg people to believe that I'd done it. She calls being called a liar defamation of character--not sure which is considered more honorable--being a liar, or having sex without love.

Maja With a J said...

Full Frontal Friday - a popular feature at CDAN!

This girl is just awful. I mean, he cheated so he's automatically a piece of shit, but why would you want to be known as "the stripper who had sex with Josh Duhamel when he was married to Fergie"? Is there really that much money in sleeping with married celebrities? Enough money where you can stand being known as "that slut" for the rest of your time in the public eye (which, thankfully, will likely be short)?

melanie said...

So dumb....I mean, fine, he screwed up, but why does she need to hit the radio stations about it. Its very disturbing how quickly people will sell people out. I don't believe anyone anymore

sunnyside1213 said...

Enty...bring back FFF please. With Josh and his teeny weeny on top. I missed it the first time.

CDAN Mod said...

per enty's post yesterday, maybe chicky dee is forlorn about all of that 'skipper' money she'll miss out on. since her kids now know, and she'll have to quit. or rather she says she'll quit. we'll see. i don't know, maybe she's full of shit like josh.

i know there is a ton of money in stripping if you are in the right city and have the right clientele. having sex with celebs has it's perks for awhile. but celebs get bored and move on quickly.

Anonymous said...

OT - I live in Atlanta and LOVE The Bert Show. More excited they are getting ntl press than this stripper girl. :)

FWIW, I believe her. I feel for Fergie though -- they've been married for less than a year and she has to deal with this crap publicly.

CDAN Mod said...

type in full frontal friday in the search, look to the right and click his name. BTW, NOT AT WORK.

califblondy said...

Sunny, I used to have that picture back when Josh was still Leo on AMC. I think I finally deleted it though. From the waist up it was hot, below the waist? Not so much.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

You know what? I like her. JD is an asshat. Poor Fergie and all that. But they did malign her in that statement. She comes off very credibly and if bagging a celeb makes her more popular and more $$ as a stripper, more power to her. She's entitled to make a buck when and how she can.

I'm struck by how stupid JD is in all of this. Has he not heard of Ben Affleck? If I could get all Freudian here, JD wanted to get caught. Why else brag?

Cheryl said...

A friend's sister was raising her son alone and sending him to private school on her stripper cash in Albuquerque. She kept it very quiet and he was very well taken care of.

Who didn't know that Josh and Fergie wouldn't last?

slider1964 said...

You'd think he'd be a lot more careful/picky about who he plowed!!!
She probably screwed him knowing she was going to embark on a little money making tell all career!!! Maybe he was really dunk and really horny!!! ROFL!!!

Jillian S. said...

Josh is hot (minus the teenyween), but he seems to really have a type- butterfaces. What gives?

How sad is it that it has been so long since FFF was a mainstay here that some commenters don't even know what it is. Bring it back!!!!!!!!

Cheryl said...

I used to wait til my kids were in bed and sit down to enjoy my FFF. My husband even joked about my mommy time.

Maybe Ent will bring back FFF Classic.

lutefisk said...

Everyone is condemning him, rightfully so, but what about the stripper who had sex with a married man? She went wiilingly. She could have said no thanks.

B626 said...

Josh oughter not been braggin down in them there parts of the U.S.
of A.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Lutefisk, I see your point. But he's the one who broke his vows. She didn't break any vows. She's culpable too, but he is more so.

Sinjin said...

Lutefisk Your BACK! I'd noticed that you were gone for awhile :-(

LOL @ "the Antonio Banderas treatment" :-)

Sinjin said...

Lutefisk Your BACK! I'd noticed that you were gone for awhile :-(

LOL @ "the Antonio Banderas treatment" :-)

strawberrygirl said...

I can't believe Fergie is sticking by him when multiple women have come forward.

lutefisk said...

Thanks Lisa (original).
I was reading, just not posting.
But now I am back to doing both!!

feraltart said...

What about the National Enquirer's behaviour? Going after her and threatening her that the story would come out anyway? This woman wasn't a celebrity, they have no precedent for writing about her, and she hadn't spoken to anybody about it until she was blackmailed.

RJ said...

Josh sure does like the rode hard, put up wet look, doesn't he? (For those of you who aren't Southern, that means he likes rough looking women that might have once been pretty before hard living caught up with them.)

Maggie said...

Poor Jen Hobby (blonde to the stripper's right) looks thrilled

RocketQueen said...

What's the Antonio Banderas reference about? What am I missing??

HannahPalindrome said...

Stripper: "...and than I had sex with him, and I knew he was married, and I didn't want them to throw me under the bus, and I didn't want my kids to know I was a stripper, and blah blah blah..."

Why are you blaming JD?
She knew who he was AND still slept with him.
Why is he the bad guy? She KNEW he was married, but she didn't want her reputation to be destroyed?

PLEASE...rolling my eyes.
Who cares.

Unknown said...

RJ, the correcr quote is "ridden hard and put away wet", like me after sex with my Paulista lover.

shakey said...

Could she not have taken the money from the Enquirer then stfu?

Dr Spaceman said...

NYC2008 - JD is the bad guy because he is a married man and married men are not supposed to sleep with other women!

Say what you want about women who sleep with men they know are married, but at least they arent committing the ultimate betrayal in trust.

Donna said...

I believe her. The stripper at least looks like a woman, unlike Fergie. I am not saying that it is right, but what the heck was Josh thinking marrying that?


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