Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Cape Is Barely Flying

Let me tell you my experience with the NBC show, The Cape. I have not watched it. I have seen about a million ads for it, including some that were like a minute or two long. It looked confusing. I could not decide if they were trying to be a comedy or drama or a thriller. Apparently the premise confused a lot of other people too because viewership is not there and NBC has decided to cut back on its order for the show. Has anyone watched it? Is it any good? I have not read the comic book either. If you were planning on a full season if it, you will be lucky to see 10 episodes.


MnGddess said...

Do you remember during on of the Olympics they promoted the hell out of an NBC show starring Christian Slater? I mean, every 5 minutes they showed an ad! They had a great show called Life, with Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi, that they did nothing for. Well, guess what? The Christian Slater show lasted about 4 episodes. No one watched it. NBC stinks.

timebob said...

I watched the first 3 episodes and gave up. It trys to pander to adults and kids and fails at both ends. Why they hyped it so much was such a waste of money. You can't polish turds into diamonds.

NBC should just put the production out of its misery and kill it.

childeroland said...

You're lucky you haven't soiled your memory by watching it. I have. Think Batman Begins without Nolan's talented direction...or good acting...or good costumes...or good anything, really. But the same plot.

Jenn719 said...

I really wanted to watch this show, but I already have too many things to watch on Monday nights. Glad I didn't waste my time on it.

Ellebee said...

I saw the first episode of The Cape. I should have watched my husband install Fallout mods-it would have been more entertaining.

Whoever mentioned the show Life-awesome show. Hey NBC, c'mon man.*

*MNF, Cris Carter reference-check it out on You Tube if you get the chance.

wenx said...

I've watched it, and although there were mildly amusing moments here and there (mostly with the circus criminals), the rest of it ends up being pretty 'meh'. Not even sure how to articulate it--I do agree with Timebob in that they're trying to pander to adults AND kids. The family scenes end up coming off more schmaltzy rather than having true emotional depth (although the lead character looks as if he's working really hard to come across as sincere, and he succeeds fairly well.) There's some actors I like on the show (like Keith David, Summer Glau, and James Frain) and they're doing a good job with what they have (like the lead guy I mentioned--can't remember his name); but it seems more like it's the writing and the execution that's failing rather than the talent of the actors. It's all campy comic-y, then funny, then all super-serious and/or emotional in a single hour--but the shifting between those doesn't flow well for me, and it just doesn't gel enough to hold my interest. Somehow the storyline doesn't feel like it's advancing at the right pace, either--Mena Suvari's character was interesting this week, but I feel like the larger picture of the Cape's quest for revenge and his relationship with Frain's bad guy is a bit stalled. I'm still TiVo'ing for now, but I find myself fast-forwarding more and more every week to get through it b/c parts of the storyline have already lost my interest. I think the only part I'm still interested in and enjoying is that group of circus criminals...but they're not enough to sustain a show on their own. Sorry, Cape...I tried!

sunnyside1213 said...

@ wenx, My mind went straight to xxx rated when you mentioned circus animals.

Ellebee said...

OT- Does anyone know if Craig Ferguson's wife had their baby? My daughter saw it on some website. Just curious. Thanks.

Stephen said...

I watched part of one episode...didn't grab me. Summer Glau looks totally different (older?) than her Firefly days. Life was the best thing on TV. I think it was a casualty of the Jay Leno fiasco.

kris said...

hmmm...I must be the only one watching it. I enjoy it - mindless amusement. I'll keep watching until it's cancelled.

Maja With a J said...

I watched a couple of episodes but it's not really my cup of tea...

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I watched it the other night. I didn't understand it. And I have a graduate degree. Just sayin'.

mooshki said...

mngddess, don't even talk to me about 'Life.' I'm still bitter.

I watched the premiere of 'The Cape.' It sucked. I stopped watching.

janele said...

This is the kind of show I would normally like.

HOWEVER, I read the spoilers ahead of time, watched the pilot, and still did not understand what was going on.

And I watch a lot of TV.

Merlin D. Bear said...

I have to say I tried to watch the first episode (thank you HULU.COM) - but I couldn't even get through an hour.
And given I happen to loooooove me some campy TV or movies, that's saying something.
The only thing that might save it would be for them to resurrect the old 60's Batman model... make it so campy it's good - complete with *THWACK*, *ZAP*, and of course *KAPOWIE*

JoElla said...

Kris I like it also. The family likes it. Hopefully it will find its place and stay for a bit.

Anonymous said...

I judged it based on the commercial. It looks awful.

ardleighstreet said...

Keith David is a pleasure to watch. The show is kind of blah and DRAGS but I like the circus people. I have a problem with the writing. They need to move the plot along quicker.

Ms. said...

Life, gawd I loved that show. Maybe we should begin a campaign to bring it back...


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