Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lifetime Airs Infomercial For Scientology - Calls It Interview With Kelly Preston

I finally watched that Kelly Preston/Amanda de Cadenet interview on Lifetime and I thought it was just one big snowjob of epic proportions. Yes, it was filmed before all the sexual allegations against John Travolta, but it was also filmed about the same time Lisa Marie Presley was starting to make waves and Scientology knew it was going to need a bounce. She said that she could have never made it through the death of her child without Scientology and said auditing is the greatest thing in the world and that without it she would still be a mess. It felt like she went on and on about it forever and even when she talked about giving up drinking I thought she was going to talk about Scientology. I wanted her to talk about Charlie Sheen and things that were interesting but this show is just going to be a younger version of Barbara Walters.


cheesegrater15 said...

Who did Amanda de Cadenet blow to get this job? I thought she was toxic waste after her divorce from John Taylor.

Bit dams said...

is this part of that series that demi more is producing?

Unknown said...

me - yes, produced by Demi.

barefoot on the sofa, how...intimate ~eyeroll~

Amy in MI said...

Bitch left John Taylor..she is dead.to.me

SusanB said...

I'm sorry but between this and that "movie" about Liz Taylor starring Lilo, I'm going to have to stop watching this channel. I can only take so much crap.

Maja With a J said...

Remember when Amanda de Cadenet and Courtney Love were BFF's? Because I do.

cheesegrater15 said...

Ugh. I tried to forget.

Patty said...

She had the privledge of being married to John Taylor? When I was in the 11th grade he was my future husband.

Second the barefoot comment.

annabella said...

lifetime is a big, giant waste of space and time. all of the execs there should be ashamed themselves for producing such dreck.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

What's the story on her and John Taylor? I'm going to google but just thought I'd ask in case anyone cares to share a quick summary. ;)

cheesegrater15 said...

They got married. Had a kid. Got divorced. Didn't sound amicable.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm. Two white MILF freaks at home baring their souls with their shoes off and all comfortable and vulnerable.

I'd have them draining my nuts.....

hunter said...

Came to say -- Seriously?!? Two women barefoot on a couch?

Lame sauce with extra sauce.

seaward said...

I don't know who John Taylor is, so I'm just going to assume you guys mean Johnathon Taylor Thomas because I miss him and want to know wtf he is up to right now.

Frufra said...

Think he's from Duran Duran. And I just read something about JTT - went to college and was a straight up normal - used his real name and everything. Then traveled in Europe. Now doing stage, I think. This is just what I remember - could have the deets wrong.

Jasmine said...

Seaward- marry me

cheesegrater15 said...
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seaward said...

Wow, good for him. Thanks, Frufra :)

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Ugh...got sidetracked on a worthless topix discussion abt her and Keanu and now my lunch break is over.... :p

Anonymous said...

@ hunter

You are either a female (so "whatever" to that ish you talkin') or you are gay.

Either way, the fact that you commented on something you think is lame is "lame".

Snapdragon said...

Yep, John Taylor is the bassist for Duran Duran. He was also my future husband in high school, just after Nick Rhodes. :)

As for the interview, puke. Cult propaganda.

hairydawg said...

@Mike Jones. What's wrong with being female? Or gay?? If someone is both, is that twice as bad???

Cathy said...

don't feed the troll.

Robert said...

I don't think Jonathan Taylor Thomas is "straight up" anything, considering...

Frufra said...

Robert, I thought about that when I typed it :-). He seems like a nice, grounded kid, so good for him! I don't care if he's straight, curvy, or whatever!

Nina Roux said...

is it just me or do all scientologists seem to only be able to REPLICATE real-life situations, not actually exist in them?

msgirl said...

Didn't even read the post. Couldn't get past the image. *throws up a little in my mouth*

It's so insulting - is this what they think women are?

Pink_Palace said...

Didn't she found juicy couture w/a friend, or was that another John Taylor wife?

libby said...

new troll, really nasty....PLEASE ignore.

They really MUST get these people together and find out what exactly the psychology of the troll really is. I think they're hopelessly unfuckable and lonely, so they have to make everyone else's life shitty, if even through a half-literate 'shocking' sex reference.
They're like the 'flashers' of the internet---pathetic. Not shocking.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Do you think the guys in Duran Duran in the 80's got mad at groupies for smearing their makeup?

Sherry said...

Yeah Libby..I would be interested in finding out what drives people to do that too. And they probably think they're really getting over on the people they're pestering. Sad pathetic little creatures..Seriously.

I wasn't aware of who John Taylor was either and I lived through the 80's. Doh!

hothotheat said...
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Lulu G said...

@Snowstorms- Juicy Couture was not founded by this woman

It was founded by two friends Pamela soemthing and Gela Nash-Taylor . NOW Gela Nash-Taylor is currently married to John Taylor. Amanda de Cadenet is the wife before that.

AnonPLS said...

I watched this show and while it was happening I was thinking "lets see how long before kelly mentions scientology" and lo and behold she mentions it! Dunno why i watched because Amanda De Cadenet is a terrible interviewer. She cuts the people off and tries to make it about herself either answering for them or telling stories about herself nstead of just letting the people talk. Plus I can't stand her.

libby said...

ITA, Sherry. They have no idea that with their ridiculous comments, they're actually telling us so much more about themselves.They invest so much to get negative attention from silent strangers. It's NEEDY more than anything, I'm thinking.

mooshki said...

Stupid woman, if it weren't for Scientology, there's a good chance your son would still be alive!

supapimp said...

I love the '80s

Pink_Palace said...

Thanks lulu g! I knew one of the founders had SOMEthing to do w/that hopefully still handsome man...lol

Brenda L said...

I wonder why you never meet random Scientologists on the internet? Like everybody's talking junk and they pipe in with "Hey, I'm a Scientologist!" Maybe internet access is forbidden.

Not A Ninny said...

Internet access for Scienos is highly controlled. At one point COS distributed a special filtering/phishing/tracking tool that every Scieno was supposed to have installed on any computer they used in order to "protect them from suppressives" or whatever.

Back, oh, 10-15 years ago you could still run into individual Scienos who would debate COS somewhat rationally and didn't seem to be controlled Sea Org shills. But as OTIII became fully blown and widely distributed, and a bunch of high-level Scieno leaders defected, all that ended.

WUWT? said...

I have a Duran Duran question.

When I was 14, my friends LOVED Duran Duran, for instance having serious friendship-threatening arguments to the point of tears over who would "get" which one if they all met. (I never understood.) Anyway, one of them said that one member of Duran Duran (who I recall as John Taylor, but since I never cared I could be wrong), speaking for the group, said in an interview that one of their favorite things was "14 year old girls before breakfast." Of course my 14 year old friends melted, but every time I have thought of that for the last 27 years, I have thought EWWW. Did one of them really say that?

McSpanky said...

Wasn't John Taylor a cokehead who went on a decades-long bender with Diane Lane? I seem to remember a story of them chasing each other through Studio 54 calling "Jo-ohn!" "Di-a-ane!" until they found each other in the bathroom and started doing lines.

WUWT? said...

That link takes me to a newspaper page I can't read, but the headlines seem to be about other people. Did you find something on it? Interestingly, the date (June 5, 1985, is just about right. It was June and July 1985 that my friends were discussing their "chances" with various members of Duran Duran so endlessly. I remember thinking that it "ruined" my birthday that that was all they could talk about, as usual.
Anyway, if you did find something, please let me know what it said. If not, thanks for looking...and thanks for the entertainment value I got looking at old 1985 ads!

WUWT? said...

I finally figured out how to enlarge those pages, and I found the quote. Thank you!

So in 1985, 24-year-old John Taylor was quoted in a magazine/fanzine called Rock Rap, saying, "I love 14-year-old girls, especially after breakfast!" So EWWW. I mean, how can that mean ANYTHING that is not skeevy?

And THIS is how different I was from my friends: Not only could I not fall madly in love with the members of Duran Duran, but the end of the year 1985 I was listening to Rush all the time and finally felt "found" by music. So, yeah, I was a misfit, huh?


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