Sunday, April 07, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy

This A list singer/celebrity made her assistant sleep on the floor outside our singer's hotel room when the assistant was unable to score some pot after a recent out of the country performance. Our singer screamed. "This is mother f**king ___________. A five year old could score pot here."


Unknown said...

i was gonna say lady gaga, but yeah, rihanna is a way better answer.

B626 said...

Amsterdam!! RiRi

noseygal48 said...

Rhianna for sure

Unknown said...

Rihanna is a real piece of work.

Britney Shears said...

Bieber? He's out of the country. I feel like Rihanna has been on your in US, no?

ethorne said...

Today is pot day!

Unknown said...

There is no job high paying enough to make me put up with that fuckery...

RangersGirl said...

if you want it that bad, go score some yourself you entitled, spoiled brat. She annoys me like no other.

Pip said...

Rhianna should've gotten off her lazy ass to get some. She should stop worrying about pot and start worrying about why she sounds like shit on all of her songs. Take a bunch of downers until you are close to nodding off, add a slight Carribean accent, and you have Rhianna's singing voice.

Unknown said...

Wasn't Rihanna photographed at a Walmart in Vancouver? There's pot everywhere in British Colombia.

SusanB said...

agree with PARangersGirl - go out and get it yourself you lazy dumbass.

ClaritySK said...

I think this is Gaga.

the whole sleeping on the flor beside her in the hotel room scream gaga. isnt that how her last assistant was treated?

Anonymous said...

Do assistants usually share a room with the employer? That seems really odd considering phones are a thing. I would think you'd want some time away from the person that's otherwise stuck to you at all times

ethorne said...

@ClaritySK-I think her last assistant had to cuddle in bed with her all night & could only go sleep with her husband for 2 hours, & Gaga would call & bug her the whole time.

Anonymous said...

Also I assume it wasn't a place where pot is legal and that's why the assistant was sent out to get it. It would be a non-story if the assistant were to get arrested bc no one knows who they are, but the celeb doesn't want to risk it/ have photos taken.

Britney Shears said...

Never mind ... Missed the "her." Def RiRi.

DewieTheBear said...

Speaking of blinds, look like the "Boston based celebrity" who was the target of an extortion attempt is Curt Schilling. Details out of court Friday specified the victim was in the news last fall for [his] financial difficulties. Hello, bloody sock.

All about Eve said...

Easy, Rihanna

Anonymous said...

If the scenario is true, very likely our A list celeb had a large multi romm suite of which the assistant was denied entrance sans goodies. Rihanna in Vancouver BC seems like our easy-easy target.

Anonymous said...

Also GaGa hasn't performed out of the country any time recently. She's been in a wheelchair.

Anna Nonymous said...

Amsterdam and Riri sounds right. Maybe not a five year old, but an eighteen year old. How is one not able to get pot in Amsterdam? I wouldn't react the way she did, but wouldn't it be as hard as going to a liquor store and buying beer?

Anonymous said...

Rihanna played Vancouver BC on April 1st. She does not play Amsterdam untold June 23rd of this year.

Unknown said...

How is this not Miley considering the pot post right below it?

Pip said...

Miley isn't touring.

timebob said...

As I understand you can only buy pot from the red light district and in the cafes you have to smoke it there. You can't just walk out with it. And if you get caught buying drugs illegally in the NL the drugs laws are pretty strict.

And anyone who treat their assistant like a slave. Deserves a special place in hell they are there to help you not be treated like a mongrel dog. Pisses me off to no end.

nevermindthat said...

Depending on how long ago this happen Gaga is not touring due to surgery; is Riri on tour.

sandybrook said...

Madonna was just overseas too. It isn't out of the realm for this to be her.

CharRicho said...

HAHAHAHAHA well, for one time only I have to agree with Rihanna. A 5 year old could score pot in Vancouver!

CharRicho said...

@timebob - have you been to Amsterdam? Yes you have to buy the pot in the coffee shops, but nobody says you have to smoke it there. We bought ours, got it rolled (we were 3 pathetic non-regular drug users) and walked out. Two separate locations. No issue, most people were doing the same thing.

I actually ended up forgetting about one of the joints and carrying it all the way to France, across the UK BORDER into Dover (!) and then back into France a week later! Whoops! Didn't get busted with it but I was lucky.

Seachica said...

@timebob - I was in Amsterdam last fall, and you could take it out of the coffee shop and to your hotel room, no problem.

I think this is RiRi and Vancouver. If it were in Amsterdam, it wouldn't be a big deal for any assistant to pop next door to buy some pot. However, I think pot is still technically illegal in Vancouver, though it's very easy to get.

Why do I have a feeling that RiRi's next US tour is going to have multiple stops in Seattle and Denver?

Seachica said...

@Char - I'm so jealous. We wanted to take ours to Paris, but were afraid to bring it to another country. They didn't even check on the train -- it would have been ridiculously easy to carry it with us. But we learned that AFTER we had traveled. :(

Taking it to the UK would have been just as easy by EuroStar, but I'd be more nervous about that since you're not going from Schengen to Schengen.

hothotheat said...

Gaga. Is RiRi known for abusing assistants? I know Gaga is.

auntliddy said...

Right!!!!!!???? Jsara. Id be like, sure, ill be right here-and then split, lol

Lisa said...

Rhianna was just in seattle this past Wednesday too.

auntliddy said...

Gossip and all- does anyone else find gaga deeply disturbed?

Lisa said...

Rhianna was just in seattle this past Wednesday too.

Izzie said...

It sure does sound like Queen Gaga - remember how awful she was to the assistant that sued her?

timebob said...

nope haven't been there was just going by what others had told me about it.

Topper Madison said...

It has to be in Canada. Beer is more expensive and harder to get than pot there. (*cough* I've heard.)

Unknown said...

Rihanna for sure

Seachica said...

@Lisa - Seattle isn't an "out of the country appearance".

sylmarillion said...

Both Gaga and RiRi were in Amsterdam fairly recently. Both have been to the coffeeshops themselves in the past, the press here has reported on it. Not sure if they went there on their most recent visit, though.

Aoife said...

What Rihanna's record company isn't taking care of her?

auntliddy said...

I think she too much of control freak to smoke.

Myrlin A. Hermes said...

Whoever it is, she sounds tense. Maybe she should try smoking some pot.

Elle said...

How low must the assistant self esteem be to let themselves be abused this way? These wanker type celebrities only get to behave that way because people let them.

Chrystal said...

Rihanna. Vancouver, Canada. But from all their Instagram accounts Rihanna and her assistants are pretty tight so I'll call bullshit on this one

iknowpeople said...

Gaga is in Chicago getting wheeled around in her Louis Vuitton wheel chair. Yeah, I didn't know they made them either.

iknowpeople said...

@aunt, apparently not Taylor Kinney. She has her assistant dressed up like her walking beside her LV wheelchair which is being pushing by some hulk that's been known to threaten people that get to close...

V said...

NOT Rihanna, YES she's on tour but she didn't visit the Netherlands yet. Maybe Bieber, and it could be GaGa but she was in Amsterdam for the last time in september....

crila16 said...

I would have quit my job on the spot and told the singer to F off.

Alli G. said...

sandybrook said...
Madonna was just overseas too. It isn't out of the realm for this to be her.


I don't give her any credit for her kindness to ppl, but I don't think this is her. In the early 80s she just said no when coke was aplenty on the club scene. She liked to keep in control of herself and her surroundings so she stayed away from street drugs. I recall reading she would smoke a joint back in the day. But today's Madonna is far too concerned with her looks, er...aging gracefully to be smoking the good stuff.

This is Ri-Ri and she has a point about getting herb in Vancouver, it's too easy. But no need to treat anyone that way. She sucks!


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