Thursday, July 10, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B list actor who divides his time between movies and television is A+ list when it comes to looks. His actress significant other has given up trying to stop him from cheating but doesn't want him to say they are in an open relationship because she just does want him for herself. She never cheats.


sandybrook said...


OneEyeCharlie said...


WareCat said...


Kristin Wigs said...

+1 sandy

WareCat said...

N/m that guess.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Nevermind. Totally off my game this morning

snookiemonster said...


auntliddy said...

A bit sad for her.

figgy said...

Rob Lowe

Unknown said...

free range Hammaconda

Steampunk Jazz said...

Warecat , Gosling hasn't done tv in 15 years, besides Enty is saving him for the Mendes reveal!

Jessi said...

Probably the Hambone. I do like the Justin Theroux guess though. Let me tell you watching the Leftovers that man is Fiiiinnnne.

Haywood Jablomee said...

The Emmy nominated Steve Buscemi!

Tricia13 said...

Just watched my crush Theroux on live with Kelly and Michael and ithe is so lovely and soft spoken, he was my guess when I just read the blind, but I really do not believe Anniston would put up with that again...he may cheat, but inm sure she is, in the dark

Henriette said...

Got to be the Hambone.

Haywood Jablomee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steampunk Jazz said...

Sandy, while I don't find his looks as all that, I must reluctantly cosign your answer.
BTW, Had a great time with you last night. You made it fun. : D

WareCat said...

yeah, steamy.
i need to lay off the blinds today cuz i feel like this.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Luckily, you don't need to be coherent to cosign ( the secret to my success). I find that I type way to slow to ever be first with a guess, so of improving my skills...I wait like a trap spider (NSFStomach)

mzmarymac said...

How is Jon Hamm B list??? Sorry, but A-list all the way!!!

Stephie said...

Is Ashton Kutcher B list? If so, I say him and Mila.

Rivenisahasbeen said...

alexander skarsgard is the best I got. Weak, admittedly.

malcam66 said...

A+ for looks is Henry Cavill IMHO

crila16 said...

John Hamm would be my guess, except Enty has him on his ratings list as A list mostly TV.

Joe Manganiello & Sofia Vergara

Unknown said...

It's not a open relationship if its one sided

ethorne said...

Michael Sheen / Sarah Silverman

Jessi said...

Ethorne, but A+ for looks when it comes to Sheen? No, just no.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I don't know much about him, but wonder if Michael Sheen is A list for his looks?
(If so, I prob need my eyes checked.)

Ashton was my first thought, IDK why. I don't think he's a cheater YET with Mila. And if he is I prefer to stay in the dark there. But I get the feeling I'm gonna be alone.

Anonymous said...

@ jessi {sigh} I couldn't agree more!!!!!! I watched that too the other night and daaaayuum he just oozes sex appeal from every pore and he's not even "my type". I bet he bangs like a screen door in a tornado with that bod :)

ethorne said...

Ha, guess I skimmed over the A+ looks part. He's maybe a B if I squint real hard.

AListDiva said...

She's really pretty, it's a shame it seems like she and so many other beautiful woman in Hollyweird put up with cheating and disrespect just to keep a cheating man! I'm sure if they broke up she could get a decent guy, better hurry up before all her eggs dry up though if she wants a baby she's 44!

Anonymous said...

i agree with HAMMOCONDA

Unknown said...

I agree with Hammy the Hamster and his Hambone

msgirl said...

Could be either Ham or Justin, I agree justin is a sexy beast altho points taken away for being close with Terry Richardson and stuck in black hip look.

Unknown said...

I vote Theroux. He's way better looking than Hamm (IMO) and he and Jennifer are hardly ever seen together these days. Then again I'm not really super convinced that's a real relationship.

I dunno I don't see Hamm as A+ looks but he fits the rest of the blind better.

Mark Kaepplein said...

Hamm only looks good from certain angles and when he has his mouth closed or hiding his upper teeth with lip. Otherwise he looks and acts goofy. The goofyness is really pronounced in his old Dating Game clip. He had to learn how to not look so goofy, but it still comes out when on talk shows.

Anonymous said...


hamm was quite charming on ferguson's show last week. that dating clip was awkward, but who wasn't during their twenties. it was his first time on tv, i think whats not to be nervous about?

um, mark, are you aware that most hamm "stans" arent fans because of his looks per se? he's no adonis but no troll either.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber?

auntliddy said...

Fancy, mark, pin- Hes goofy? Perhaps not alist?! Oh no my friends. He is a GOD!!!!!!!

Mark Kaepplein said...

Hamm is at his best on Mad Men with lighting, hair, makeup, clothes, lines, and in character. Otherwise, he is a bit goofy. Not nearly Carmen Diaz goofy, by a comfortable margin.

Unknown said...

auntiddy - I never said he looked goofy but now that you mention it I've only ever watched him on 30 Rock or SNL. Mad Men makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Can't handle the screaming misogyny (I watched it just long enough to hate it).

Yep it's me said...


SugarTitz said...

No so.

auntliddy said...

Minpin- i was just joking. As for mad men, i cldnt take all the smoking!!

Unknown said...

Who's Nathan Fillion's significant other? I never see him anywhere except Comicon.

MadLyb said...

It's got to be Hamm.

Yep it's me said...

Fillion's been dating Christina Ochoa from Matador.


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