Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 11, 2015

I’m not sure how stable this person is. She is an A list celebrity with A+ list name recognition worldwide. We are kind of tired of her here, but in the rest of the world where her long running syndicated show still airs, she is really well known. Apparently if you pay her enough she has a package that includes her giving you a tug during dinner because that is what she did earlier this week. This is third guy she has hooked up with in the past ten days.

Pamela Anderson


Gossip Expert said...

I would hate to be reduced to giving guys tugs at dinner tables to earn money.

BigBlue said...

The sad (even sadder?) thing is that there will probably be a lot more on her "menu" in 20 years, when she'll be almost 70...

sandybrook said...

She just got millions from her benefactor and her divorce and she needs to give handjobs by the hour? :(

BigBlue said...

A lot of these mega-sex-symbols seem to go somewhat batty once they start to age. Not to get too sentimental, but it's got to be tough going from being perceived as God's gift to men (and women) to an aging starlet. Brigitte Bardot is another good example of someone who's gone kooky with age. Maybe it's less about the money now and more about feeling like she's still desirable? I don't know...

OKay said...

What's the going rate? I can give a tug, eat a steak and go home for, say, $1000.

Seriously, though, it makes me a little bit sad that Pammy's just another hooker now.

~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~ said...

pam has been h0rring herself out for decades...


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