Sunday, January 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6

January 18, 2017

This former movie actress turned fired television actress loves to pretend she has a service dog. At a restaurant this week she brought the dog and when she couldn’t provide paperwork was asked to remove the dog. She then left the dog locked up in her car for hours while she partied away.

Nikki Reed


Guesser said...

I hope she has to answer to this. Still, if someone knows this why didn't they do something? If they don't want to call police, they can contact the place she is at for a warning.

Alice said...

She seems a little cray

Long Island Girl said...

IF this happened, whoever reported it to this site should be ashamed that they didn't call the police.
So, if the person who supposedly did see this happen is reading this, fuck you and Nikki too.

Barbara RiceHand said...

I wish someone would of broke her car window to get the dog out.

Arrrgh! said...

Barbara, it's "would've", short for "would have".

People are always bring their shitty dogs into restaurants and grocery stores. Just because you love your dog doesn't mean you can grope the produce while carrying your shit eating dog.
Every person with a fake service dog that I have asked to leave first insist it is a service dog (sometimes producing IDs and displaying the overcoats bought onine), and get SO DEFENSIVE!

BookGirl said...

While I loathe her and anyone else who hurts the legitimacy of service animals by passing off their pets as such, it is illegal under Federal law to require documentation or bar someone for not producing documentation of a service animal. You may not demand proof that an animal is certified, licensed or trained. Vests/identifying gear are not required or mandated. You have the right to ask the owner to remove the dog if they are disruptive of business and/or destructive and/or aggressive and/or not behaving in a "service dog manner". Under law you are allowed only to ask if the animal is required because of a disability and what work the animal has been trained to perform. You may not ask what the disability is.

Arrrgh! said...

Bookgirl, I never stated anything in your wall of text. But if it is a fucking poodle I can request it's removal based on the health code violation. The ID stuff I mentioned because it's what those bitches (never men) ALWAYS do.
If I am a bus driver I can't ask, but for myself I want the portable germ factory outside, and the owner can try to use the ADA on me afterward.
Protip- they never do.

texasrose said...

The whole 'service dog' trend is getting way out of hand.

Zilla1 said...

I like when idiots bring their non-service dogs on the subway, without the required carriers, with no regard for other passengers. They have no idea what their pets are ingesting when they lick the subway floors.

Zilla1 said...

And yes, public transit employees are indeed allowed to ask, "What service does this animsl provide?" and if is determinrd that the animal is just a companion/therapy animal, and there is no available pet carrier, the pet and owner can be removed from the bus or train.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

I've, as in I have never....

Sterling said...

You can ask what service an animal provides but you cannot ask for proof that an animal is a service animal. there is no paperwork and you can't ask to see it.

Suz said...

What timing, one of my kids asked for a dog tonight (doesn't happen much). This led to the topic of dogs in stores and more people with service dogs. Saw one in Trader Joe's recently, ewww

BookGirl said...

First, I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the reveal. Second, you certainly can do those things, I'm just stating what it is legal and not legal to do. They had no right to kick out her or her dog for not providing paper work, as there is no such paperwork mandated. Third, I don't think swearing at me for stating facts is necessary. Fourth, irregardless of health codes, she could sue for discrimination under the Disabilities Act because of it. Most importantly, as I stated, I loathe her and her pseudo-animal rights posturing/attention-getting tactics. My family is deeply involved with legitimate service animal organizations and every time a poser like her flounces around saying "it's a service animal" I want to scream. Does that satisfy you?

Opinions said...

It's interesting to me how this Nikki Reed passes off her dog as a service dog whenever her entitled heart desires, yet then can attend galas, functions, parties, red carpets, etc and doesn't need her service dog. She is the complete definition of fake hypocrite - I feel bad for her douped husband.


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