Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 12, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been spending more and more time with his not public girlfriend. She traveled with him recently to a family vacation even though they only got to spend one evening together. She also was with him on set while he worked. I love the tabloid stories that have him deciding between his ex and his public girlfriend when the third option is the one he seems most in to.

Ben Affleck


Brayson87 said...

How could she watch the kids when she was babysitting his d!ck?

sandybrook said...

Was Tom Brady there too Enty? In any case why the hell is Jen still using her as a nanny and why the hell did she get to go on a "family vacation"?

LooLooEasy said...


Beckett said...

The Jennifer Garner fans on The Mail are psycho

IanPhlegming said...

Not A+. Not anymore.

MsDrtMover said...

No one said it was a nanny...only that she went with him on a family vacation, but got to spend just one night with him. Could've been a secret girlfriend, and she could've stayed at a completely different location away from him, and he could only get away from Jen and kids that one night.

Boots said...

it isn't the old nanny that he cheated with, FFS!!!! i'm sure it is someone that didn't fit the bill for the new girlfriend post divorce for whatever reason - not established enough, too you, too...whatever! or maybe Jen knows her and this was a deal they reached. time will tell.

Anonymous said...

the entire Affleck/Garner 'entourage' is, ~~~similar to the Rimes/Cibrian/Brandy group~~~, a manufactured soap opera they all take part in, a PR stunt, which serves to keep their pathetic little names in the media. None of them are producing any work worth talking about.

LooLooEasy said...

Beckett is 100% correct. There are like a dozen Garner freaks/stans on the DM that crawl through social media and the rest of the internet, every minute of every day, to try to monitor Ben Affleck and his gf. They analyze every detail and fight over them. It is STRANGE and creepy.

Brayson87 said...

Somewhere along the line "fan" got really dark.

Sd Auntie said...

Well Ms Garner is 100x prettier than gal pal. And I am not a fan...

Southern Man said...

Ol' shufflin' sad-sack Ben.

Remember the old saw?

"Be nice to everyone you meet on your way up.... because you'll meet the same people on your way down."

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I used to be a nanny, you don't necessarily have to hire an older Grandma type but the very first rule is you never hire a nanny that looks anything like the wife but younger. And as the prospective hiree, you wouldn't take a job where this was the case. For example, the last family I worked for the mother was tall, blonde, with an ample chest. I am the direct opposite of all of that plus add some shitty tattoos. My nanny friends (both midwest and west coast) would co-sign this as it is Nannying 101: Never ever hire a nanny that resembles the wife in any way. Ever. (Disclaimer: Obvs, there are instances where that doesn't matter at all)

notthisagain said...

The Nanny Returns (just kidding, she never left)

notthisagain said...

@Sd Auntie

she's younger. sometimes thats just better - fucking a 40something isnt like the delight that a tight body w/a tight p*ssy attached. garner is beautiful (imo, very symmetrical) but she's older. theres a reason dicks want younger and hotter.

its biology, and it doesnt care if it hurts feelings.

LooLooEasy said...

Garner might be conventionally (generically) prettier but she seems like a nag and a drag. Total overgrown Girl Scout with all of her arts and crafts. WTF was Ben Affleck ever doing with someone like her? Paltrow was right, his ideal woman is serving cold beer in a bikini, and that's the opposite of church lady Garner. The entire marriage and divorce is a PR move.

Sd Auntie said...

I get it but that lady is average.

Sd Auntie said...

@notthisagain. Micropenis type of statement about needing tight privates. Dont mean to hurt your feelings!🤣

Lynda kiss said...

He may be using the nanny only. You can’t tell your soon to be ex who should or shouldn’t be around your kids out of jealousy. Legally the courts allow ex nannies- now girlfriends to remain in life unless they are harmful or druggies. My ex tried to have men banned from me and my child out of jealousy and the courts don’t care if it was someone who broke a marriage up. Ben is allowed to use whatever nanny he wants when he has kids.

luckythewondercat said...

@sd auntie Why do guys say things like this when most would f*ck any female that is breathing. Standards my a**

Sd Auntie said...

@luckythewondecat. Small guys are just one pissed off group trying to justify being a creeper with Teens and Asian babes. Boom

Kno Won said...

He’s so frickin boring. “I drink, i screw, i go to church with the baby mama, looking contrite”
A suburban caricature


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