Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Is In High School

This actor has always been known as one who cheats. He manages to keep a lot of it undercover, but just like the character he is most famous for, her certainly loves women in his life. He has been married for sometime now and his wife has grown to accept he will cheat. He did so before they were married and has not stopped just because they are married. I guess the actor would still be considered B list because he gets a lot of work. He really has been typecast into two unique television characters. After getting his name thrown out as a cheater, our actor has tried a new approach. He dates young. Very young. He prefers college, but as long as they are 18 (usually) he will date high school. He can intimidate them not to tell and not to sell. That is his favorite phrase. No telling and no selling. He buys them stupid $200 gifts and loves it because they are usually so busy with school or living at home that they have trouble doing anything with him more than once or twice a week. They are so happy to be with him and so flattered that they find nothing wrong with spending their limited time in a hotel room where he might buy them room service, but never lets them drink. He does not want one of them to go home drunk and have them spill the beans. He is scrupulous about safe sex because again, an unplanned pregnancy would expose him for the leech he is. Not only does he wear condoms, but he also passes out morning after pills like they are candy.


SKOR said...

Chris Noth

The Real Dragon said...

Okay Lets Law and order this shit out!

Unknown said...

John Slattery

LottaColada said...

@dragon! Missed you boo! I think @Skor has a good chance of having this one solved.

A RESIDENT said...

Matt LeBlanc

DewieTheBear said...

Sorry, calling bullshit on the morning-after pill business. I'm putting this one in the "fictional" stuff column of this site's disclaimer.

ethorne said...

Great job @Skor-Chris North fits perfectly

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Okay, so let's be clear on this: he has safe, consensual sex with young women who are clearly adults, and gives them gifts that are, by their standards, extremely lavish. As part of the process, he impresses on them the importance he holds to discretion and his privacy.

God, that sick fucking beast, how dare he???

tara17 said...

Of course, no issue here Sheen, since it's legal. Good set of values there, buddy.

skimpymist said...

What about Vinnie from a Bronx story. He's always cast as a Mafia guy.

cdanluva said...

Eddie Cibrian

MontanaMarriott said...

Ted Danson, with Sam from Cheers as the womanizing character maybe?

Sherry said...

^^^ Exactly Andrew. AND his wife accepts it. Nothing to see here..move along.

VIPblonde said...

Mazel to @SKOR!! Totally got this one, as a previously revealed blind will verify

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

I've got only contempt for people who reduce the concept of "consent" to "So it's legal. So what?"

No, idiot. "Consent" from an adult certainly makes sex legal, but the point is, it's adults doing what they want to be doing. Who the fuck are you, I, Enty or Betty White to judge?

Rosie riveter said...

Oh Jonathan A S, you are so right. How dare he, jeesh.

__-__=__ said...

I thought James Gandolcini based solely on type cast and loves women in his life.

Nosey Parker said...

Great job SKOR!

Megan said...

I won't even try to guess at blinds that don't bother me (like most gay blinds or swinger blinds), and this is one of those. Wife is on board, women may be young but are legal, no underage drinking, safe sex. You can maybe tsk tsk at this a bit, but I don't see the harm in it really (other than probably playing with some young women's emotions).

MontanaMarriott said...

Chris Noth like Deniro loves women of color that I know of but never heard anything about him liking young girls, not that it means anything.

Star said...

ok those pills are sometimes dangerous and he's passing them out like candy even when he used a condom? asshole if something happens to one of those girls it would be a lot worse than getting charged with underage sex.

Featherthenest2011 said...

I have never posted before, but I'm thinking David Duchovny.

Glitter said...

I'll guess Ted Danson, too.

Lucas said...

On the issue of consent....I don't think a man outside his mid-twenties has any business dating women that are 18 or 19. The amount of emotional maturing that goes on between those two ages makes it an unfair game. The older man knows how the game works, the younger girl doesn't. She may think she does, but she doesn't. She's still a child (even if she can vote). So he is taking advantage of her naiveté. And the blind says he sometimes goes younger than 18. So there's that.

I also think it is the same scenario if the genders are reversed. It's just icky.

Basil said...

For some reason I was thinking Warren Beatty for this blind, not that the cheating thing would be shocking, but the age thing would be creepy.

Señior Seamhead said...

That's who I thought of too.

The Real Dragon said...

@lotta <3

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Yeah, Star, those pills are so dangerous that a Federal court just ordered that they must be sold without prescription to underage girls.

It seems to me you're making a long reach to find something to be outraged about.

Unknown said...


lyz said...

IMO, it's just sleezy. It may be legal and they may be consenting adults, but he's still a sleeze.

Izzie said...

I like Noth, the two roles being SaTC & Law & Order, plus the undercover hint. Ugh with messing around w/girls 40 younger and giving the morning after pill like candy. :/

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

So, Lucas, adults should not have the choice to choose sexual/romantic partners who are "too much" older than they are?

What's your cut-off point? Five years? Seven? Ten? Should it be a law? If not, why not?

We recognize people as adults. They get to make their own choices. If you don't think they can hold their own to make their own decisions, then tell me when you think someone's an adult, and how you think that law would work.

VIPblonde said...

So is Noth trolling Fashion Square when school gets out to pick up girls? Because that would make me LOL! And it would also make me drop by there on my way home from work to see it in action!!

Flora Goforth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cathy said...

There's a difference between illegal and icky. There are plenty of things that are icky, but still legal and I think that's what Lucas was getting at. It doesn't mean that anything icky should be illegal, but it just means that you might not choose someone who does those things to be your best friend.

Flora Goforth said...

Enty you mean letch not leech

though he could be leeching the innocence out of his "conquests."

Jonathan Andrew Sheen,

We get it, you're only typing with one hand now. Give it a rest.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Flora Goforth, I'm sure you thought that was both clever and insulting. It was neither, nor was it accurate, but I know that's where you were going because those who have no argument to make always resort to childish schoolyard insult in place of actually making a point or supporting your position.

That's all you have.

Flora Goforth said...

JAS I meant you are belaboring your point and now you are clearly masturbating because you are getting off on the topic.

Lucas said...

@Jonathan - the girl can choose whomever she'd like. But she is entering into the relationship at a disadvantage due to her lack of experience which makes it inherently more likely she will be taken advantage of. If she was 30 and he was 50 I don't care at all.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Flora Goforth

Right, you have nothing to say nor contribute except base and stupidly inaccurate insult.

Come back if you ever learn to think as well as type.

Star said...

look I happen to have a lot of information on those pills and abortions etc. Dont go off on me I happen to be pro choice, but I dont believe in ignorance which most people choose to be when it comes to any type of abortion or related. My mother works for a pregnancy center and no not the crazy type either but they have to have that information and there is lots the public dont know about. Lots of girls have bled to death or claim they felt they were dying like the worst period cramps ever from taking those pills. So excuse me for having an opinion on something that shouldnt be given out like its tylenol to young girls.

Sherry said...

Yeah he's a sleeze no doubt about that but as far as being safe he's mastered that.

plokzy said...


Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Star: There doesn't seem to be reliable science to support the anecdotal tales your mother has brought home from work.

You might also want to learn the phrase "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc:" "after this, therefore because of this," a logical fallacy that will get an argument booted out of any college classroom in the country.

Flora Goforth said...

JAS I have added to the conversation. You just don't happen to like it.

jaariel said...

The blind says usually of age, not always. Also, say what you will, many young ladies in their late teens are still not mature enough to understand the ramifications to their own emotional future well-being of having what is nothing but sex for the older man. Like it or not, most young females emotionally attach during sex. This man is clearly using these ladies. If not, then why does he not choose mature women, escorts even, so the playing field is level? This way, both players would be on equal footing. I despise these types of men on ego trips who knowingly take irreplaceable treasure from vulnerable young ladies, leaving them just a pocket full of trinkets and hardened hearts.

SugarCoatedBitch said...

David Duchovny.
X-Files and on Californication he's a ho.

Fox Mulder and Hank Moody are unique characters on TV
Having sex with an underage girl who pretended to be older was a storyline on Californication.

Are he and Tea still legally married?

Star said...

JAS what the hell is your point in all of this? and no my mother didnt bring home "anecdotal tales" as you say she cant fake actual side affects listed on the medication or court cases or news articles. My point is and I dont care that the medication is available with out prescription I think that is good, but its the girls choice and she needs to talk to the pharmacist to determine if it is right for her. Not some creep who is taking advantage of the young girl in several ways.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

jaariel said:

The blind says usually of age, not always.

No it doesn't. It says, He prefers college, but as long as they are 18 (usually) he will date high school, which I interpret that usually, a high school girl he's with will only be 18, but could be older.

Everything about the blind is about how careful he is to keep things legal, and leave no room for charges against him. You think that's someone who's going after underage girls?

Respect or don't respect the taste for younger women, but he can't both be a cunning mastermind at keeping it legally clean and a bozo who's hitting jailbait.

lazyday603 said...

Duchovney - Californication and X-Files

Unknown said...


ms snarky said...

I think the best course here is to ignore the JAS troll, and he will leave for easier pastures.

kriss_t said...

+1 for David Duchovny! Good thinking!

Anonymous said...

Feathersthenest2011 beat you all to it. I guess his/her comment got missed in all the arguing...

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Star, my point is that you're talking like someone is poisoning people, when he's sharing a perfectly legal, over-the-counter medicine with adults who can make their own decisions about whether or not they want to take it.

Your attachment to this opportunistic concept of "selective adulthood," where people are grown adults "but not really" is deeply sexist.

Grown women who can decide for themselves are doing so. He's not kidnapping, not raping, and not forcing pills down anybody's throat. (If any of those things were happening, that would be the focus of the blind.) I'm not such a sexist that I'm willing to declare mere adult women incompetent to make their own choices if I happen to disagree with them.

Unknown said...

My ex saw Noth at a bar in NYC once. HUGE cokehead and HUGE A-Hole. High out of his mind.

Beth said...

Jonathan is the biggest creeper on here, and insufferable to boot.

Relax. Why are you tearing people apart on a celebrity gossip site? Geez, you are one angry person.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Flora Goforth, no, you really haven't. All you've brought is argumentum ad hominem, or, for the uneducated -- I assume, based on your postings thus far, that this class includes you -- "an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument."

This is, of course, a logical fallacy. Who I am, and what motivates me, is irrelevant. Is what I'm saying true? Why, yes, it is. One way we can tell that is that you have no counterargument to offer, and are reduced to mere name-calling.

It's pathetic once you hit fourth grade.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Beth: Ah, another winner arrives with an "ad hom." When you ask "Why are you tearing people apart on a celebrity gossip site?" what you really mean is, Other people get to insult you, with no reason or evidence to support it, because I share their prejudices.

Well, no. It's a silly blind item, easily dismissed, so I did so in a single response. The rest of this has been responding to ignorant attacks against me.

Unknown said...

It does matter Mr. Sheen. Here is the question, if there is nothing legally wrong here, do you think this actor if he was not married he would be taking his high school dates out in public. Doesn't matter whether or not you think it is sleazy or it isn't the reality is his fans will react like the women here and why he works so hard to keep it secret.

Men who target much younger women are not much in the way of men anyway. A real man does not need to chase girls who they can easily take advantage of and this guy sure seems to be doing that, looking for the dumbest and youngest for the least hassle.

Just divorce the wife then but he probably hasn't got the balls for that.

Anonymous said...


You're in attack mode because the first response made to your initial comment was a personal attack against you, as opposed to the point you were making, and it (the personal attack on you) was definitely uncalled for (as have been many of the other comments), so I sympathize. But relax. There have already been a couple of regulars here who did agree with you, which I certainly wasn't expecting. You won't win this fight, though: you are outnumbered and seen as an outsider. It's a bit of a tar baby: the more you fight, the worse it gets (and looks.) CDAN is predominately female. You have a Simpsons "CBG"-looking avatar (haha no offense: yours is more honest than many of the avatars here.) AND you're arguing in favor of a older guy / younger girl situation, which rankles the clientele. Just give it a rest. No one will give a shit about this thread topic in 48 hours: there will always be a New and Improved outrage to get everyone's attention and make them forget the earlier ones...

FrenchGirl said...

His wife is okay,the girls are adult and willing ,he guy uses safe sex ,he gives some presents so i don't care and goood for them

msgirl said...

No no not Ted Danson! I've never heard a single bad thing about him, hope it's not him - just because of the sleaze factor about going after girls who are really still immature.

Also not David he's no longer married.

I'd go with Chris, we've heard rumors about him before. But at least he's keeping it safe and the wife knows....

Beth said...

The sheer volume and tone of your comments makes it clear you are not well socialized.

A combative and agitated rush of ideas by someone with an inferiority complex. You must be miserable to worry so much about what people on the internet write about you.

Your posts were like a slap to the face in my otherwise mellow day.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Tina Mallette, why should he divorce a wife who clearly still wants to be with him, and with whom he still clearly wants to be?

Beyond that, what evidence do you have that anybody's taking advantage of anybody? Enty uses loaded language, but, stripped of that language nothing he's describing is anything other than an adult having consensual interactions with other adults.

The fact is, nobody actually affected by this situation shows the slightest sign of having any problem with it. Nobody's attempted suicide, gone into therapy, complained of abuse or anything else. Adults are doing things with one another of their own free will. Where's the problem?

Cathy said...

Back to the original blind, I don't think this is Noth, only because he and his wife have only been married for a year. They dated for a long time before that though. And yes, there is a mistake on his IMDB page that says they've been married since April 6, 2002; it should be April 6, 2012. It says "he has been married for sometime now and his wife has grown to accept he will cheat" - to me, that suggests someone who has been married for more than a year.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Anonymous, you're not without wisdom, but you're wrong in one thing. I've already won, because I'm the only one using facts and logic.

Beth, so, you feel personally attacked when someone stands up for the truth and defends himself from direct insult. I hope you realize you're saying a lot more about yourself than about me.

amused bush said...

But he's with his love Gillian Anderson :)

Anonymous said...


hahaha your use of italics just cracked me up...

ps- it's the fight you can't win, not the argument. trust me, i've been there (here.)

Unknown said...

This is the problem with assigning an arbitrary age for consent. There are some people who are emotionally mature enough well before their 18th birthday, and plenty of college girls who are basket-cases; no business fucking anybody. Still, society dictates that there be a cutoff point. Nobody thinks that on your 17th birthday you suddenly become mature, but society has deemed it a good enough compromise. Now we have people here arguing that an 18 year old shouldn't be banging an adult actor. Where does it end?

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Anonymous, the limited HTML being simple enough, I like to use it to reproduce tone. It makes a post more entertaining, and I'm glad it worked for you.

I don't know that anybody wins fights on the Internet, but I'm nowhere near losing this one either. I generally don't, because I'm always willing to, as the story claims Buddy Hackett once pleaded with Milton Berle, "...just take out enough to win!"

Speakeasy Jane said...

Great guess. I want to believe. ;)

dustwitch said...

David Boreanaz. Angel and his character on Bones. He's a well known cheater.

jaariel said...

JAS--here, let me address you in the manner which you can appreciate: eat a bag of dicks, unless you've already consumed them all. I'm sure there's a middle school near you that's wondering where their creeper is, so best for you to quit playing on your mother's computer in the basement and climb in your beater & go jack off to all the kiddies walking home. But don't forget you have your weekly community college class you've attended the past 12 yrs in order to finally(!) master the basic freshman terms used in Logic Class. Rest assured, we are all duly impressed with your cornucopial display and defense of your Heffner-esque emotionally stunted sexual proclivities. Oh, and have a nice day!

Anonymous said...


I got that without having to Google it ;)

I come by my H-wood reference knowledge honest, though: my mom dated one of the Bowery Boys...

nancer said...

actually, i'm with JAS. his wife knows, the girls are legal and it's consensual. i really don't see the big deal. the guy's a creep but his wife knows it and she's cool with it, so i am too.

mygeorgie said...

JAS, being overly articulate doesn't make you more interesting, or right. It makes you appear desperate & boring as fuck.

amused bush said...

I'm on board with this guess. Not surprising behavior coming from him in the least.

Anonymous said...

@star: I think you may be confusing "the morning after pill" (essentially hormonal birth control on steroids that prevents pregnancy from occurring by preventing the implantation of a fertilized ova) and "the abortion pill" (RU-486 which does cause actual abortion of a fertilized and implanted embryo).
I looked around and didn't find any credible sources citing that a person bled to death from plan-b or any othe rmorning after pill. While these may cause bleeding like a period there's nothing about their MOA that would cause mass hemmhoraging that would lead to death. Potentially there is a very very slim chance that could occur with RU486 depending on how far along the pregnancy is, an unknown per existing condition, etc, but that's why they are given out under the care of a doctor, PA, NP, etc and the patient should be carefully monitored after. Plan b might give you cramps, spotting and a stomach ache, but that's pretty much it.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Dick Largesse: It's worse than that: It's a state-by-state decision, and in some states, gender-by-gender! In most the United States, these 18-year-old girls have been of legal age for two years. (16 is the age of consent in 30 states. 18 in 12 states, and 17 in just 9.)

So a girl who's been an adult, eligible to hook up with Abe Vigoda, for almost a year in Alabama, will magically become old enough in a few weeks in Lousiana, but not for another whole year beyond that in California!

Speakeasy Jane said...

JAS, you come across as one very angry dude who tries to use his intelligence to intimidate others. That's the opposite of winning. Even if you're correct, you're still the loser.

Phillygrrl said...

Yup. First name that came to my mind.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

jaariel: Oooh, good comeback there, Pottsie! Wow, that was so intelligent, and so directly addressed the issues we're discussing, I'm undone by your logic. Oh, wait....

mygeorgie: "overly articulate"??? Did you really just say that? Like it's possible to be too able communicate facts and logic? Wow.

That said, no, my erudition does not make me right. It's logic and facts that make me right. My ability to make that clear through correct English usage just makes it crushingly, overwhelmingly indisputable that I'm right.

Erin B said...

Ooh, I like @dustwitch guess of Boreanaz just to shake things up. Noth & he both have cheating rumors in the past so I could see either one being plausible.

Speakeasy Jane said...

OMG, old-ass Abe will have to make due with questionably mature but still perfectly legal teens in other states! How ever will he survive?!? The HUMANITY!

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Speakeasy Jane, if plain facts strike you as angry, that's your problem, not mine. However, even if I were "one very angry dude who tries to use his intelligence to intimidate others," (instead of what I am, a calm, intelligent guy who doesn't fold up and go away when challenged,) I'm up against a crowd of angry, ignorant, silly people who try to intimidate others through schoolyard namecalling and confrontation, so I'm still way ahead of the game.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Actually, is Abe Vigoda married?

I may have just solved this blind!

Diane Marie said...

I'm thinking Duchovny too. Is he still married to Tea?

amused bush said...

Still can't buy Duchovny for this. Didn't he and Tea divorce/separate? Plus he and Gillian Anderson are supposedly together...right?

Erin B said...

Not that I want to get into this, but...

JAS you typed "The fact is, nobody actually affected by this situation shows the slightest sign of having any problem with it. Nobody's attempted suicide, gone into therapy, complained of abuse or anything else." How do you know this? I'm not saying I think this is a particularly scandalous blind or that I think anyone is in the wrong here, but I also do not think we know what has happened to each of these women he has bedded. I do not see your statement as a fact but rather your opinion on what Enty has revealed.

Sarah said...

I may love you

Speakeasy Jane said...

Uh, yeah. Like I said...

Anonymous said...

@jaariel I heart u

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Erin B If there was the slightest support for the nation that any of these young women had suffered, given Enty's attitude in the blind, there isn't a chance in a thousand he wouldn't say so.

Beyond that, though, you're moving the goalposts onto an extremely slippery slope, if you'll pardon the mangle metaphors. How do you know Enty hasn't killed babies in sixteen states, and expressed the fat from their bodies to make candles? How do we know you haven't had crazy monkey-sex in a threesome with Jonah Hill and Barbara Bush?

We don't assume any worst-case scenario someone can imagine is real unless we can disprove it. We assume that they aren't absent evidence to support them.

Anonymous said...

OMG this is making me want to kill a kitten and that JAS is a fact!

Erin B said...

JAS, these are the assumptions you made by not wanting to assume the worst-case scenario. They are not facts as you have repeatedly stated they are. Maybe we agree to disagree on facts & assumptions.

And I paid Jonah Hill & Barbara Bush handsomely to keep their traps shut. Who talked or sold the pics?

lizness said...

this is who I thought!

Unknown said...

Erin: JAS you typed "The fact is, nobody actually affected by this situation shows the slightest sign of having any problem with it. Nobody's attempted suicide, gone into therapy, complained of abuse or anything else." How do you know this? I'm not saying I think this is a particularly scandalous blind or that I think anyone is in the wrong here, but I also do not think we know what has happened to each of these women he has bedded. I do not see your statement as a fact but rather your opinion on what Enty has revealed.

Not sure how this really matters, though. Wouldn't it be their own fault? Or would it be the actor's fault because he's: a man, older, wealthy? An 18 year old woman gets into a relationship that doesn't work out, I have to consider her at least partly to blame. Also hard not to consider that maybe she was involved because he's a famous actor, in which case, even moreso.

jaariel said...

@wahoowifey: JAS is so painfully transparent as a Jr College lecturer wannabe who has never been laid by a willing participant that it is absurd! Ergo, s/he uses collegiate-type, pseudo-logical terms in an attempt to intellectually intimidate those who merely disagee with his/her premise in a vain attempt to prove superiority in SOME area of life. Textbook case of psycho-sexual sociopathic attachment disorder, combined with a healthy dose of Mommy issues. Sad, really.

Speakeasy Jane said...

TBH, I do understand why you feel like you were ganged up on. I don't happen to agree with your opinion on this issue, but I have noticed that kind of piling on sometimes happens on this site, particularly against people who haven't been posting here since they had their milk teeth. It's a shame because 90% of the time this is fantastically witty and entertaining as hell...

It's okay, you can come sit at my lunch table if you want.

discoflux said...

I think you're right, Empress. That what occurred to me when Star mentioned excessive bleeding and severe cramps - that she's got it confused with RU-486 or misoprostol.
As long as everyone is involved is a consenting adult, there nothing inherently appalling about this. Everyone is fine with the situation, and not every 18 or 19 year old girl is a naive waif of a thing, either. It doesn't say he punches them in the face until they take them. If they agree to the arrangement beforehand, what's there to be outraged about?

It's skeezy and I wouldn't hang out with the dude, but I'm not going to proclaim the innocence of every 19 year old girl out there, either.

Erin B said...

@Dick Largesse - I am not saying she would not at least partly to blame. I just do not agree with the presumption of fact since we do not know all of the information. To me saying nobody has a problem with it is an assumption or a theory, not a proven fact. That was my only point.

discoflux said...

Pardon my extraneous words and missed letters. I'm not on my game today.

Speakeasy Jane said...

Just to be different, what about Hugh Laurie...? He has a reputation as a cheater, his wife resides on another continent, and he's known for playing House. Before that, it was Jeeves and Wooster.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

wahoowifey: Sure, but, look at your icon: you're a mouse, so the ethnic tensions were there long before you started reading this thread!

Erin B: It's not an assumption, it's a conclusion based on strong circumstantial evidence, the strongest of which is that Enty made no mention of any such issues, which he surely would.

And, to answer your question, nobody remembers to pay off the camel driver!

Count Jerkula said...

Sometimes on, the site that Miss Teen Delaware was on, if they don't use a rubber, they will roll the camera as they take the whore to a pharmacy to get the Morning After Pill. I think that is nice. It saves the whore from having to shake down a couple hometown tools for abortion money.

I knew a dude years ago who got the $300 abortion shake down once. Broad was all over his shit for a couple days, until he asked her for a receipt or some paper work, and he never heard from her again.

P.S Ted Danson needs to get another show where he plays a pot head. That was funny as hell.

sparklynan said...

Seriously, don't feed the negativity y'all!

Erin B said...

@Count Jerkula - thank you for bringing us back to reality.

Beth said...

FACT = His keyboard is covered in spittle and bitten toes nails

Unknown said...

ok, as a former women's studies major it actually is OFFENSIVE to me to always put women/girls in the victim position. As if 19 year old men can think for themselves and make their own decisions but we cannot bc out poor wittle brains are so easily fooled. It does us no good. Yes, sometimes we are naive, but also, just as often, a 19 year old is in NO WAY innocent.

kelgela2 said...

At least he's being safe about it. Who cares. They're both consenting adults. And I can assure you, these days, no 18/19 year old is 'innocent'.

amused bush said...

When I was 18, I dated a 47 y.o. - not the smartest thing I've ever done, but I was wined and dined and the sex was good (at that time). Ultimately it ended because I was 18 and he was 47, but I did have fun. Good thing my mother never found out!

Unknown said...


You came to a celebrity gossip site expecting well-reasoned arguments and critical thinking?

Dude, this is the internet, and celebrity gossip sites are the distillation of the internet mentality. You think you're gonna get a Socratic dialogue up in here? Foo' you be bugging.

mooshki said...

Just because the wife puts up with it, doesn't mean she's okay with it. He's still a hound dog.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Spike Gomes, nah, I knew where I was. I've been a commenter here for months, and it doesn't take that long to take the temperature.

But I'm going to stick with facts and logic, and, if attacked, point out where others have neither to stand on.

Topper Madison said...

What the hell?? I leave for one stinkin' afternoon and chaos breaks out?? sigh. I'll be back tomorrow. Try to play nice until then, K?

jaariel said...

Intellectual maturity does not always equal emotional maturity.

Count Jerkula said...

@ErinB: Your welcome. All I can do is try.

J said...

Mr. Sheen your argument is futile as this board posseses a lynch mob mentality and anyone with a differing opinion is written off as a troll. Add in the rampant male bashing and inability to question anything Enty says and you'll find a bunch of bitter, judgemental biddies masking under the guise of "snarky". The law is the law except when they disagree with it. Amazing how they are fitting their arguments to prove their agenda. It's like they live in "Entyworld". The butt kissing causes them to throw logic out of the window. I come here for shits & giggles and to laugh at how obviously limited and sheltered some of America is. It's no wonder we're in an economic crisis. There's no reasoning here Mr. Sheen. I acknowledge your viewpoints as they're unbiased.

Gayeld said...

@Steen. Betty White IS Betty White. Santa checks with her before making his list.

bangbang said...

Its true just skating the age of consent is super cool! don't hate the playa hate the game!

Except he is cheating on his wife, who may know but doesn't sound happy about it. And purposely finding girls who he can emotionally pressure. He's seeking out a power differential so he can control them, see the word intimidate.

Mind y ou maybe my Internet sarcasm meter is off and you meant this as a joke?

J said...

You couldn't possibly be serious? Why do all of you so-called "feminists" here love to portray women as helpless victims? The irony. God forbid a woman could make a decision to choose an alternative lifestyle.. no, the man forced her to do it. Good grief.

AndyCane said...


bangbang said...

At cdanluva plus one to cibrian, he's a good guess, name recognition and a super cheater rep, what roles does he play a womanizer in? Tbh I've never seen him act

J said...

A million thanks. Just said the exact thing.

bangbang said...

Damnit Lucas you should give talks to highschool boys on this stuff, you are consistently and awesomely well spoken on the subject.

J said...

Did you just accuse him of rape? Wow. He is merely debating and hadn't insulted anyone. Low Blow.

goddess. said...

this is david duchovny for sure.

J said...

Mines too. Mom made PB&J.

J said...

Right. There aren't ANY immature 30 year olds.

bangbang said...

Mr Sheen I think you are getting caught up on morality and law. Just because its law doesn't make it right, and just because its against the law doesn't make it intrinsically wrong.

Maybe most people are grossed out by the power issue here, not just the age. If these girls were similar in social stature and even vaguely
similar life experience i think people would care less.

Gayeld said...

@J. Obviously, he hasn't met my 42-year old sister.

Elissa said...

I have to admit that for the first time, I stopped reading the comments midway through (and if this is any indication of the way it's going to be from now on, I may stop reading them altogether).

I'll just say this: the fact that something is legal does not always make it RIGHT. History is replete with examples of this.

ino said...

All I see here is too many people arguing, mostly with one other person. But I'd just like to contribute that age of consent really is an odd thing. In Europe, many countries place it at 15 or 16. In Spain, I believe it's 13. My Spanish isn't that great but I can't find any additional laws to protect a "legal" 13 year old from having sex with a 53 year old, so I guess it really is just that way over there.

Flo said...

If this site didn't always push the rumor that David Duchovny is madly in love with Gillian Anderson and already divorced from Tea Leoni, I'd say this was him, fits perfectly. Otherwise, no clue.

KS said...

OMG Is B. Profane back?

goddess. said...

@flo thanks for bringing the convo back to gossip. as a huge x files fan, i dont believe anything about DD & GA being in a relationship. Sex? for sure. Relationship? no way. And enty may be fudging the timeline a bit.

HannahBanana said...

Lol!!! Where has B Profane gone away to? Maybe he got stuck on one his many many links!!!!

However, when I was 18 I would've totally been into some Mr Big. I crushed on him hard when he was on L & O. I doubt these girls have any clue who he is now, & I'd be willing to bet they have NO idea he is married.

Flo said...

@goddess I don't really believe the rumors, just pointing out the contradictions. Its amusing to me.

I thought of another possibility, Don Johnson. He's most famous for Miami Vice, and as I recall, his character loved women. Also famous for Nash Bridges.

libby said...

Anybody wanna talk about my armpit?

The blind's gotta be Noth, imo. Both characters would be WELL-known by the demo he's perusing. They would have grown up w/ Logan & Big would have hit them at puberty. =Fish in a barrel.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

bangbang, law and morality are not the same thing, but neither is universal, especially in areas like this. Personally, I find it immoral to give women "second-class adulthood," where, if they make choices as adults that others don't like, they are reduced to puling child-victims.

ino, whenever law tries to tackle the issue of sufficiency of emotional maturity to consent to sex, things get weird. In one southern state at one time, the age of consent was 16 for girls, but 14 with parental permission! You want to talk weird, I don't know how you beat that!

Korry said...

Harrison Ford

HannahBanana said...

Yes! Hi Libby! Let's talk pits! Lol!!! Shit is gettin hot in here!

Girl Using Brain said...

dude, you've been obsessing on this since 10:00am.

MrWolf said...

Not that he isn't an asshole too, but Sheen's pretty much right about this blind.

Total non issue.

ethorne said...

Not one person has mentioned the line,"He can intimidate them not to tell."

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

ethorne, that's what I was referring to when I mentioned Enty's loaded language and mind-reading about intentions. Enty made that part up, because he has a personal prejudice based on the situation. If he had any basis other than his own prejudices, he'd have said, "he's told his friends he can intimidate them not to tell."

Of course, that would be fatuous. He's told his friends nothing, and the girls have told nothing -- again, it would be in the blind if they had -- so Enty's really got no possible sources except his imagination, and maybe someone who's seen the Blind with one or more of the girls at a hotel.

Or do you think he's smart enough to cover all these bases, and stupid enough to tell some 18-year-old high school student, "I'll crush you like a bug if you breathe a word of it" in front of a room service waiter?

Audrey said...

I agree with JAS's reasoning. All legally consenting adults, everyone knows what's going on (or at least is willing to deal with it). Yes, different people have different levels of maturity AT ALL AGES. But, you gotta draw the legal line somewhere. If the girls get emotionally hurt, let that be a lesson to them!

ethorne said...

@JAS-I think you're reading too much into what Enty is not saying. He really never identifies his sources by saying "He told his friends' or "She told her sister."

And mind reading about intentions? A lot of people made the leap from "the wife has grown to accept the cheating" to Oh it's an open marriage & she loves it.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

ethorne, no, what I'm doing is not reading into it. I'm looking at what the actual events being described are, disregarding the emotional coloring, and examining the result.

We know the guy isn't talking to friends, A, because Enty didn't say so, and despite your claim otherwise, he does so often enough that I daresay it's "usually," and B, the whole point of the blind is that this guy is covering all his bases, and keeping it all neat as a pin. That's why I pointed out above that saying something like "he told his friends..." would be fatuous, as he's obviously not telling anybody. Do you seriously think the blind would read the way it does if one or more of the women were talking?

Likewise, we know the wife knows her husband has sex outside their marriage. She stays with him. She hasn't left him, isn't leaving him, their marriage is continuing. (If it wasn't, that would be in the blind.) Therefore, by any practical definition, they have an open marriage. She, like his youthful partners, is an adult, who can make her own choices.

ethorne said...

So because Enty didn't say he was talking to friends, you are assuming that he wasn't and stating it as fact?

Jenn said...

I think it's David Borea..wtfever his last name is, too. He may be pretty to look at, but he's no angel.

Count Jerkula said...

Personally, I have a problem with the wife growing into accepting it. If she at one time cared, and he told her to piss off, she should have split. Sounds more like she is growing dead inside.

Unless she is there just for the money, and don't care who he is shtupping. That would just make her an older version of the bim gold diggers he's tappin, and mean she was dead inside to begin with.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

ethorne: If you hold out a hammer, and let it go, you don't have to watch it fall to know it does so.

Because Enty's whole point is that this guy is maniacally careful to avoid leaks, then Enty would absolutely mention if the guy had told anyone anything about it.

We all know the guy isn't blabbing to his friends. If he were, this would be a completely different kind of blind.

ethorne said...

So your point is that Enty pretty much told us he made this up? And this is all because you know exactly how he would write something? That's a fact?

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

ethorne You keep ignoring the actual point in order to make something up.

The point is, Enty's can only possibly have a very limited amount of information to base this on, from a very limited pool of witnesses, any of whom is likely to have his or her own biases.

And that, my repetitive-but-logic-challenged friend, is a fact.

ethorne said...

@JAS-I'm not making anything up, just pointing out your assumptions based on who you think told this to Enty. You can say it 1000 ways, still doesn't make it a fact

The Real Dragon said...

Damn 159 well 60 with me Comments. Are mY CdAn Detectives working Overtime?

I gotta start paying you guys more

Elle said...

David Duchovny. 2 big TV roles- X Files and Californication. In Californication he is a sex addict right? He's married, has been accused of cheating.

misspoppypants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CamColty said...

B profane ! Man where have you been ? Welcome back

misspoppypants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


OneGirlRevolution said...


Thw morning after pill is nothing more than a high dose birth control pill that causes the lining of the uterus to slough off so that the fertilized egg can't implant. The bleeding is not bleeding as though you cut yourself, it is the same bleeding that occurs with a heavy period. As with a period, you can get cramping, dizziness etc.. The morning after pill is an eminently safe medication that has been on the market for decades. It SHOULD absolutely be sold over the counter as it is safe, effective and a much better option (safety wise and psychologically) than an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy and/or an abortion.

OneGirlRevolution said...

@star (again)...

Perhaps you are confusing the morning after pill with RU486.

Unknown said...

Jaariel I am embarrassed that I frequent the same site that someone like you does. Is it hard being this hateful? Or does it come naturally? Disagreeing is one thing, but your comment was simply unnecessary and immature.

Pip said...

Duchovny is divorced I think.

Anonymous said...

It's the same old modus operandi as usual around here: attack the shit out of someone who isn't considered "a member of the in-crowd, and THEN criticize them for defending the themselves (or their arguments) and thereby ruining everyone's good time here. Throw in a few of the usual cheap internet shots when possible (lives at home, community college, sexless virgin, and some half-assed amateur psychobabble/psychoanalysis thrown in for good measure): I've had it done to me, here, and by the Usual Suspects, before (hence my Anonymity now.) Whatever. Yep, JAS was/is being an asshole, but he was definitely responding in kind. And I'm glad a few of the more reasonable people here have a) stood up for him and his point despite his assholishness, and b) pointed out just how cliquish and Peyton Place this joint is. There are Alpha Females as well as Alpha Males in this world, and CDAN comment threads seem to be run certain Alpha Females, for sure, who decide for everyone else who gets to stay (and play) in the schoolyard without being hounded away.

Unknown said...

Anon My name may be new but the person behind it is not. What used to be a welcoming group has turned into an exclusive club and the snark that is thrown around here makes me sick to my stomach. Specifically some of the comments today. The camaraderie on this site was what brought me back all day every day, and I know it was the same for a lot of others on here. Mob mentality has always been an issue, albeit a small one, but today really takes the cake with the rape and pedo accusing, among others.

Hegg said...

James VanDerbeek

sbalb said...

Whatever. My 18-year0old self would have banged Big, married or not, happily taken his $200 gifts and his morning-after pill, and gone about my emotionally well-adjusted way.

FSP said...

I like Dr. Pepper.

Lucas said...

@FSP - you're in Texas, right? Dr. Pepper love is a requirement. Right up there with Blue Bell ice cream and Whataburger.

FSP said...

@Lucas - and natural women.

Henriette said...

SKOR got it! Sounds like Chris Noth. He had two "big" roles from television. He is a bit a douche from what Page Six says.

I agree with Lucas. I teach kids who are young and just because someone can do it, doesn't mean they should.

Henriette said...

It can't be David D because he's with Gillian Anderson.

Henriette said...

By the way, this soap box about consent has happened before. Whenever there is a teacher having an affair with a student. As I've stated in the past, it happens A LOT in academia.

pickwickianmom said...

Well, this guy Jonathan really enjoyed this topic!

Anonymous said...

This was the most joyless comment reading I've ever experienced on this site.

Commenters don't gang up on new people on this site as a general rule. Commenters gang up on douchebag killjoys who take this shit way too seriously, who also setrs happen to be new commenters

We needed some Dia Pappaya sunshine in this thread!

Anonymous said...

@Cara Dee-


Meg Silver said...

Jesus. Can we go back to Googling things that make me want to bleach my optic nerves? lighten the hell up already

AndyCane said...

Um I've had crazy monkey-sex in a threesome with Jonah Hill and Barbara Bush.

Sherry said...

It may be late and this may be an unpopular opinion but I seriously don't see where JAS went out of his way to "troll" anyone. It seems like he had to defend himself from what (IMHO) were personal attacks

He was polite and logical in his rebuttals. Sure not everyone agrees with what he said but he certainly wasn't nasty in his replies.
We certainly don't like people who are nasty name calling jerks but now we don't like people who calmly state their case? Jeebus ya'll! The poor guy cannot win.

Just because we may feel it's wrong/skeevy for a 45 yr old (as an example) to date an 18 yr old this guy hasn't done any harm IMHO. I did this very thing when I was 18 and when I was ready to leave I did. I was young, yes, but I certainly wasn't intimidated and neither was I held against my will.(The 45 yr. old gentleman was not married.)

I surely never felt like a victim nor do I feel as though the entire experience "scarred" me for life. To the contrary. This older gentleman treated me with amazing respect I surely wasn't receiving from BOYS my own age. Not because boys my age were rude, they were just inexperienced. It was a lovely lesson on dealing with the world from a mature vantage point. I had the best time and being with someone who knew the world was a great experience, I was not in love with him but no doubt I learned a lot and have amazing stories to tell from that time. It's hard to explain.

I don't know JAS and he probably doesn't give a green goddamn about my defense of his statements but I really feel like some of you came down pretty hard on someone who was doing their best to logically and reasonably state their point of view without vitriol.

AND remember, everyone has a right here to state how they feel without people calling them names (masturbators, etc.). I didn't go through his comments with a fine tooth comb but I certainly don't recall him returning the favor of name calling.

Just remember to keep it civil. And when things get too heated..We talk about Libby's armpit..Amiright?

Love and kisses everyone. It's just unsubstantiated gossip. Let's try to keep the entertainment value of it all.. Selah.

Pip said...

Meg, google lemon party! Not if you're at work though!

Pip said...

Ooh, look up tub girl first.

Beth said...

eel girl is a winner

Agent**It said...

Ruled out Abe Vigoda , he's single and a hot 92 yr old:)

Lucas said...

@FSP - Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

and Braums! God I miss Braums!

The Raving Badger said...

Boreanaz FTW. He's known for 2 roles, married and known as a cheater. Also has been rumored to been abusive before.

Pookie said...

good lord, this thread.

i just want to reach out and hug the nerds and teach them that social graces and interaction have nothing to do w/ logic and everything to do w/ loosening up. come on now, leave high school in high school.

Smiletime said...

Can't be David B as the article says the character he is most famous for loves the ladies and both his characters have been almost celibate at times. So nope not him.

mrjack said...

Almost no-one who is old enough to imagine it would be happy with their daughter (or son for that matter) shagging a guy in his 40s or 50s but an adult is an adult and can make up their own minds.

I made loads of mistakes when I was that age but sleeping with older guys doesn't really rate as one of them. The guys weren't predators, just horny old bastards and its not like I wasn't getting something in return. Young women and gay guys are well aware of how to use their sexuality to get what they want (even if they deny it). This has been happening since time immemorial. This exchange may sound like prostitution but its not. It's the way things have always been.

Re: the age of consent. In England it's 16 which sounds fine to me although yes it's arbitrary and there's also a young man's clause which means if the pair are close in age it is 14 (I think). My opinion is this: If society thinks you are old enough to drive a car and take your life (and that of other road users) into your hands then society better let you decide what to do with your body.

Having said all that, JAS - yes you are articulate and seemingly well read but you are an intellectual and arrogant snob. Your dreadful personality shines through your words and I think what bothers most people is that even if they agree with you, they just don't like you.

I agree with you. I don't like you. Please stop being so outraged and unlikeable and maybe people will listen to you. Or maybe not...

Sherry said...

Well for what it's worth I don't dislike JAS. I don't see the whole brouhaha but to each his own and he should be able to express himself and rebut those who disagree. So long as we all behave civilly. And again that and $7 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

AuntJess said...

$300 that was cheap...

Unknown said...

Ugly betty and third watch he was a cheater


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