Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What Would You Do?

I was all set to blast Kate Moss for taking her five year old daughter clubbing on NYE, but then I thought about it for a minute, and decided it wasn't as bad as exposing her to Pete Doherty for almost her entire life or probably using drugs in front of her or screwing a bunch of different guys all called Uncle.

Kate and her boyfriend Jamie Hince were in Phuket with Kate's daughter for the holidays. On NYE, Kate couldn't find anyone to babysit her daughter so she decided to take her daughter with her to the resort's party. "Kate was dancing around with Lila, and they were sipping champagne until well past midnight. "But Kate was definitely being a mom. She was with her daughter the whole time."

Is this really any different than you having people over to your home and having champagne with them? Yes, normally your five year old would be asleep well before midnight, but is one night going to harm the child for life? What would you do if you were in a resort in Thailand on one of the busiest nights of the year for babysitters and you couldn't get one?

Would you just stay in your hotel room all night with your boyfriend and daughter, or would you take your daughter to the club with you. I actually think that with what little time Kate spends with her daughter, spending the evening with her daughter on NYE like that was probably the most maternal thing she did in the last 12 months. That, and probably kicking Pete to the curb. You just have to know that if Pete was giving crack to cats and other animals, that the thought crossed his mind about Kate's daughter and giving her some crack. It had to.


Anonymous said...

"Would you just stay in your hotel room all night with your boyfriend and daughter, or would you take your daughter to the club with you"

i hope most people would stay home

Anonymous said...

I would stay home, without a doubt. But then I'm not a used up old hag clinging onto my last scraps of celebrity...

Jesse D said...

I *did* stay home on New Years, with both of my babies. Not as much fun as my New Orleans NYE or some other parties I've been to, but that's what you do when you're a PARENT. Hell-o!!!!

jax said...

well at least she didn't leave her alone in her hotel room in Portugal..hmm?

Those kind of resorts normally have a pretty tame 'club' anyway, you'd be surprised how many famillies celbrate with their kids on holiday for NYE.

katespades said...

"You just have to know that if Pete was giving crack to cats and other animals, that the thought crossed his mind about Kate's daughter and giving her some crack. It had to."

i think that's really dangerous/irresponsible to speculate something of that magnitude on a public forum like this..one in which these people (myself included) trust and value your opinion because of your 'insider' status.

i'm surprised ent..that's one hefty allegation based on nothing but speculation

Maja With a J said...

I don't see anything wrong with it. It was new years eve. They were on vacation. The kid was probably delighted to get to hang out with the grown ups for the night.

If news surfaced that kate Moss took her kid to raves every weekend, I'd probably get upset. Over this, not so much.

jax said...

hey at least its not like Jude law letting his kid crawl all over a London club eatin X. yes it was during the day but hello i woulndt walk barefoot in a club let alone let my toddler wonder around eating shit off the floor.

Anonymous said...

kate - that's why we love him

YahMoBThere said...

I HAVE stayed home with my kids, so this is a no-brainer.

jax said...

this isn't people.com its a blog based on opinion of the author and it's users' comments.

blog= web log= online diary= personal opinions.

cross the dark side Kate...it's much more fun.

jax said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jax said...

...and i hate you for it Twist!!!!

califblondy said...

I've had my kids in beach bars in Mexico, so I don't think this is the worse thing Kate's ever done.

sara said...

Yeah, I thought about Madeline McCann, as well. As long as the child's with the parent and there's a minimum of debauchery (champagne on NYE! SHOCKER!) I won't judge her. I was at home with my kids, but my 3 year old was up 'til midnight. If we'd been at a resort, and there was a party that wasn't too raucous, we might have been out.

Unknown said...

Hey Kate--

You can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You fucked up - you trusted Ent! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help.

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, it's Tuesday. I hate me, too!!!!

mandythegreat said...

It's not a terrible thing to drink in front of your kids, as long as A: you're not driving, and B: you're not getting rip-roaring tore up drunk. As long as the child was taken care of and not exposed to live sex shows or lines being snorted, I say let her hang with Mom on a late night out, no big deal.

Unknown said...

whose the father of kates baby? i've never heard pete referred to also being the father of kates daughter

jax said...

her ex Jefferson Hack i beleive..nice name.

Unknown said...

I think that what Ent is saying is that he doesn't consider Kate's parenting to be beyond reproach and therefore does not give her the benefit of the doubt in this particular situation.

jax said...

resort clubs in thailand aren't big Clubs like we have here..its mostly the restaurants that have booze and music at night...not to mention in other parts of the world NYE is a family celebration and not an all night boozefest of debauchery. sure its out there but i dont think this was the case.

ok i need lunch.

Anonymous said...

If its more like a tame restaurant type setting, not like a club, thats a wee bit different...tho I'm the type of person not to take a child to, say, a company Christmas party, either, which can be 100% child friendly...still wouldnt do it. I dont suppose her kid was in too much danger, here, and Kate loves to party so I suppose it could have been a lot worse, holing up getting wasted in a hotel room, for instance. When druggies get bored...the public should be scared!

bionic bunny! said...

we always took our kids everywhere... they were safer with us than with a baby sitter we didn't know, right?
then again, we don't leave the house on big drinking holidays, just because of the other idiots who DO drink and drive. and if it was a "no kids allowed" affair, we stayed home.
sure, i wished for more adult time, but i have to say, i was often complimented on my kid's behavior (uh, until they grew up).
i don't think kate did anything wrong here, for a change.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, bbunny, my son went everywhere with me, too. We had a lot of family-friendly parties, and there was usually some beer and wine on hand. I never had more than two glasses of wine over the course of a party, but I guess my son could notice that I was more relaxed and giggly at parties. When he was about 10, we were having lunch with my sister at a restaurant in Disney's Epcot, and when I ordered a glass of wine with my meal, he piped up 'I love drunk mommy'. EMBARASSING!

jax said...

that's ok Peek..i once got my poor dad searched at the border for trying to 'forget' the mickey of rum he bought and stashed. we live super close to the US and went down for gas etc. and when we went through Dad declared the gas and i piped up form the back
"what about the bottle back here Dad?"
lol..it was only a 3 hour delay.

Unknown said...

Also, if you're Latino or have spent much time among Latin families, kids are often up late when there are parties or other special happenings, and it's actually really nice. The kids eventually get tired and you take care of them, but it's nice for them to spend time with their extended family under undeniably "fun" circumstances. It's great, so I have less than zero problem with what Kate did. Like some others who've left comments, I think it's quite healthy.

brendalove@gmail.com said...

I don't really have a big problem with it, but gee, maybe there were other activities that were more family-oriented? Then they could put the little girl to bed and enjoy a bottle of wine on the terrace?

I guess not. Like the natives say, "Phuket"

Unknown said...

I stay home on NYE and my child is safe in bed because thats what parents do!

but...if I were lucky enough to be in Thailand? At a resort? You'd better believe I would have my child on my hip, a drink in hand, and I would be dancing like no one was watching.

Donna said...

I have been in Europe two times for NYE, and each time the Europeans were ALWAYS out at midnight with their little ones. No one seems to think that it is a big deal at all, and when I was there, I certainly didn't see it as a problem.

Majik said...

Geez, I hope this isn't a trend. First it was little dogs in purses....


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